Earth Science ch. 6


The process in which minerals precipitate into pore spaces between sediment grains and bind sediments together to form rock. User-contributed


converts sediment into rock. Compaction caused by pressure generated from weight of overlying sediment. Cementation is binding of sediment by mineral agents. Common cementing agents hematite, limonite, calcite and silica User-contributed


Consists of solid material that has been depositied on Earth's surface by wind, water, ice, gravity, or chemical precipitation

chemical weathering

When the chemicals is a rock are dissolved or otherwise chemically charged

physical weathering

When minerals remian chemically unchanged, and rock fragments simply break off of the solid rock along fractures or grain boundries

unsorted deposits

a mess of rock with no organization, no clear lines or layering (ex landslide, Glaciers) User-contributed

clastic sediments

When sediments become cemented together

sedimentary rock

A type of rock that forms when particles from other rocks or the remains of plants and animals are pressed and cemented together User-contributed


the natural process of laying down a deposit of something

sorted deposits

Characteristic of sediments transported by water and wind. User-contributed


formation created by wind that changes direction User-contributed

ripple marks

small parallel ridges and toughs formed in sediment by wind or water currents and waves, They may then be preserved when the sediment is lithified User-contributed

graded bedding

A bed that formed horizontal or nearly horizontal layers at the time of deposition, in which the coarsest particles are concentrated at the bottom and grade gradually upward into fine silt. User-contributed


the perserved trace, imprint, or remains of a plant or animal User-contributed

sand dunes

Wind-blown deposits of sand sized particles laid down in ridges or mounds, typically asymmetrical. User-contributed


send from one person or place to another verb


sedimentary rocks' primary feature of horizontal layering User-contributed

clastic sedimentary

rock made of fragments often of other rocks and minerals User-contributed


The amount of open space between the particles that make up the rock User-contributed


sedimentary rocks formed from minerals left after water evaporates User-contributed

regional metamorphism

a change in the texture, structure, or chemical composition of a rock due to the changes in temperature and pressure over a large area, generally as a result of tectonic forces. User-contributed

contact metamorphism

a change in the texture, structure, or chemical composition of a rock due to contact with magma. User-contributed

hydrothermal metamorphism

Occurs when hot water and ions dissolved in the hot water react with a rock to change it's chemical composition and minerals. User-contributed


Term used to describe metamorphic rocks whose grains are arranged in parallel layers or bands. User-contributed


the metamorphic rock texture in which mineral grains are not arranged in planes or bands. User-contributed


when new metamorphic minerals grow while surrounding minerals do not User-contributed

rock cycle

sequence of events in which rocks are formed, destroyed, altered, and reformed by geological processes User-contributed