6th grade Bailey Middle - Plate Tectonics Vocabulary

Inner core

A ball of hot, solid metals at Earth's center

Outer core

A layer of liquid metals that surrounds Earth's inner core


Earth's thickest layer, found between outer core and crust


The thin layer of rock that surrounds Earth


Earth's crust and very top of the mantle combined


The layer of hotter, softer rock in the upper mantle, under the lithosphere

Tectonic Plate

One of the slabs of rock that Earth's lithosphere is broken up into

Continental Drift

The hypothesis that Earth's continents were once joined together but have gradually moved apart


The huge supercontinent that once included all of the landmasses on Earth; proposed by Alfred Wegener

Mid-ocean ridge

A long line of sea-floor mountains where new crust forms


The transfer of heat within a material

Convection Current

A motion where material is heated and rises in one area, then cools and sinks in another

Theory of Plate Tectonics

The theory that Earth's lithosphere is broken into huge, moving slabs of rock and is driven by motions in the mantle

Divergent Boundary

A boundary where 2 tectonic plates move apart

Convergent Boundary

A boundary where 2 tectonic plates push together

Transform Boundary

A boundary where 2 tectonic plates scrape past each other

Rift valley

The gap that forms where tectonic plates move apart

Magnetic Reversal

A switch in the direction of Earth's magnetic field where the magnetic north pole becomes the magnetic south pole

Hot spot

An area of volcanic activity because hot material rises from deep in the mantle


The process where an oceanic tectonic plate sinks under another plate

Continental-continental collision

Where 2 continental plates collide, forms mountains

Oceanic-oceanic collision

Where the older oceanic crust sinks under the younger oceanic crust

Oceanic-continental collision

Where oceanic crust sinks under a plate with continental crust