Earth Science Exam 2

What is an earthquake

Vibrations (waves) produced by sudden energy releases within the earth

Elastic rebound theory

Stress - applied on either side of a fault
Strain (bending) - begins to build up
Rupture (breakage) - Strain is greater than the rock's internal strength (break)


The underground location where breaking rocks generate an earthquake


The earth's surface directly above the focus


the rock snap back, which generates wave energy called an earthquake


large cracks in the earth that have measurable movement

Normal fault

One side moves down as it pulled by gravity. Prevail tension

Reverse Fault

one side of the fault moves over the other side. Prevail compression

Thrust Fault

low angle reverse fault (less than 45 degrees)

Strike slip faults

lateral slip faults

Right lateral slip fault

objects on the other side of the fault move to the right

Left lateral slip fault

objects on the other side of the fault move to the left

Active Fault

a fault that has broken the earth's surface within the last 11,000 years

measuring waves using a seismograph

recording drum to record.drum attached to the earth drum shakes. pen attached to hanging weight inertia

Body waves

they move through the body of the earth

P waves (primary waves) body waves

push-pull or compression waves
travel through solid, liquids, and gases
they bounce back when released
Fastest waves

S Waves (secondary waves) body waves

transverse or side to side waves
move at the right angles to the direction of travel
transmit only though solids
Second fastest waves

Surface waves

S waves that move side to side (Love waves) and up and down (Raleigh waves) Most destructive waves.
least fastest waves have the strongest shaking.

Ritchter scale magnitude

measure the wave amplitude (maximum pen movement on seismogram on log 10 graph

One Richter magnitude height of wave

is a 10 times increase in wave height/amplitude of s waves

One Richter magnitude in shaking energy

is a 32 times increase in shaking energy

Seismic hazards: destruction form earthquakes

Shaking hazards
Landslide hazards
liquefaction hazards
surface faulting hazards
Tsunami hazards

Shaking hazards

shaking intensity
duration of shaking
site geology
design of structure

Landslide hazards

Upland Hazards: seismic energy (shaking) applies to weak natural slopes or over-weighed slopes (by poor construction design)

Liquefaction hazards

Flatland hazards especially near-coastal regions and rivers

Surface faulting hazards (ground rupture)

Active fault
no building for human occupancy within 50 feet of identified active faults

Tsunami Hazards

Seismic sea waves (no tidal waves)

how tsunami hazard form

Large movement along a fault on the ocean floor
large landslides on ocean floor

What are the first warnings of a Tsunami

Rapid withdrawal of water form beaches
five to thirty minutes later large surge of water washes onto the beach and inland
water retreats back out to sea (most destructive phase)
ten to sixty minutes later, next pulse of water comes ashore

Layered earth theory * based on seismic model

Crust - solid
Upper Mantle - solid
Asthenosphere - plastic
Lower Mantle - solid
D layer - plastic
Outer Core - liquid
inner core - solid

Seismic waves move fastest

in cold rocks

Seismic waves move slower

in hot rocks

Which is the lightest density


Which is the heaviest density

Inner Core

Layered earth theory * based on heat flow

Crust - insulator
Upper mantle - convection currents
Asthenosphere - partial melting (plastic)
Lower mantle - convection currents
"D" Layer - Partialy melting (plastic)
Outer core - convection currents
Inner core - radioactive decay releases heat (special

How does the plates of the earth's crust move

Plates of the earth's crust move as coherent, solid units with respect to each other

Plate boundaries/plate margins

are where plates of crust meet

how does Rigid plates move

move on soft asthenosphere

Divergent plate margins

where plates move apart, resulting in upwelling of magma from the mantel, cools to form new seafloor rock

What is the process of forming new seafloor rock called

sea floor spreading

Mid ocean ridge

continuous ridge formed by rising molten mantle, cools on the ocean floor and moves away form the spreading center

Rift Valleys

When spreading center develop below continents hot rising "Mantle plume" weakens continental rocks and pulls continents apart by extensional forces

Rift Valleys

Red sea
Gulf of Baja California
Atlantic ocean

Convergent Plate Margins

zones of plate convergence, where oceanic lithosphere is subducted and absorbed into the mantle

Subduction zone

region where oceanic plate descends into the mantel

Deep ocean trench

the ocean floor feature produced over a subduction zone

Types of convergent boundaries

Oceanic-continental convergence
Oceanic Oceanic convergence
Continental continental convergence

Oceanic continental convergence

The thicker, less dense continental crust "floats" over the descending thinner and denser oceanic crust
melts at 100 km to 150 depth
Newly formed magma rises to form either lines of volcanoes or lines of plutonic mountains

Oceanic continental convergence

Andean ranges
Cascade ranges
Japanese archipelago

Oceanic Oceanic convergence

when two oceanic plates converge, the colder, older, denser plate descends under the younger, warmer, lighter plate

Oceanic Oceanic convergence

Aleutian islands

continental continental convergence

Neither plate will subduct beneath the other because of the low density, buoyant nature of continental rocks

Continental continental convergence

Himalaya mountains

Transform plate boundaries

plates grind past each other without production or destruction of lithosphere

Transform fault

in the same level of the fracture zone

Driving mechanism theories

Convection current hypothesis
Slab pull and slab push hypothesis
Mantle plume hypothesis

Convection current hypothesis

Large convection currents in mantle carry lithosphere in a conveyor belt

Slab pull and slab push hypothesis

as oceanic slabs cool, they become denser and heavier. dense heavy slabs pull down into subduction zones

Mantle plume hypothesis

All upward convection is confined to a few mantle plumes. dense cool slab is drawn down into subduction zone by gravity

Proofs of plate tectonic theory

Polar Wandering
Magnetic reversals
Earthquake patterns
Ocean drilling
Hot spots

Polar wandering

Iron-rich grains in older rocks do not align with present magnetic poles on earth, continent must have moved

Magnetic reversals

seafloor spreading: magnetic field periodically reverses its polarity. observed in reversal strips on side of mid ocean ridges

Earthquake patterns

close association between plate boundaries and distribution of earthquakes

Ocean drilling

Age of ocean sediment increased with increasing distance from mid ocean ridges

Hot spots

mantle plumes age of chains of submerged volcanoes (seamounts) increase away form presently active volcanoes

Hot Spots

Hawaiian islands

Dissolved Gases

important in volcanic erruption

Gas bubbles form

pressure is released as magma moves upward toward the surface

Magma composition

Especially silica

silicate chains

make the magma more viscous (thicker texture)

Low viscosity

fluids flow readily

high viscosity

fluids are highly resistant to flow

Magma viscosity

affects ability of gas bubbles to reach the surface


Very fluid lavas, quit volcanic eruptions


very viscous lavas, very violent eruptions

Magma temperature

Higher magma temperature results in less viscous lava


Hotter lavas 1200 degrees makes smooth lavas


Hawaiian basalts

Volcanic eruptions

dissolved gasses
magma composition
magma temperature

what is extruded during volcanic eruptions

Lava flows
Rhyolite flows

Basalt flows

pahoehoe flows
aa flows

Pahoehoe flows

Hawaiian smaller bubbles very fluid

aa flows

rough jagged blocks form as gas escapes form lava

Rhyolite flows

Very viscous, bubbly flows


magmas are 1 to 5 percent gases - especially water

Pyroclastic materials

Ash: fine, sand-size
cinders: pea-size
lapilli: walnut-size
blocks: larger than lapilli

is rhyolite lighter or heavier than basalt


is basalt ligher or heavier than rhyolite


Shield volcanoes

Basalt only

Typically basaltic composition

very fluid flows

Basalt is silica

poor hot

cinder cones

rhyolite mostly (some basalt)

composite volcanoes

lava flows - cinders Andesite

Mt Shasta & Mt Lassen

Steep majestic mountains; typically andesite composition

Nuee Ardent

ash flows-fast moving, glowing HOT avalanches-often air-rafted


water-saturated volcanic ash and vocalic debris COLD


volcanic collapse structures

size of caldera

a volcanic crater greater than 1 kilometer in diameter

Caldera form

when a partially emptied magma chamber collapses

Larger calderas form

when granitic magma chambers are close to ground surface and the roof collapses

Examples of calderas

Long Valley, CA

Lava Plateaus

Extensive fluid basalt flows form fissures eruptions

Examples of Lava Plateaus

Snake River plain
Columbia river Plateau
Earth's Moon

Volcanic necks

erosional remnants of cinder cones

Cinder covering

eroded away form cinder cones

Example of cinder covering

East Mojave Desert

Intrusive igneous structures



Underground igneous rocks classified according to shape and size


Dikes and Sills
Laccolths and Batholiths



when are vertical dikes produced

when magma is injected into fractures that cut across rocks layers


Horizontal tabular flat pluton

When are horizontal sills formed

when magma is injected along sedimentary bedding surfaces


Larger, lens-shaped pluton which arches overlying strata upward

When do Laccolith form

when the magma was forcibly injected


the largest intrusive igneous bodies

What is the size of Batholith

greater than 64 square kilometers

How do rocks melt

pressure (sudden release of pressure)
role of volatiles


Geothermal Gradient
Rising heat form mantle
Crust is an insulator

Geothermal Gradient

It gets hotter as you go deeper 20 to 30 degrees / kilometer about 1 degree F/100 feet, per book


increases with depth


result in increase in volume, volume is held constant at depth, requires higher temperature at depth

Sudden release of pressure

lower a rock's melting temperature

Role of volatiles

very difficult to melt dry rock

in order for rocks to melt you need


what does volatiles cause

rock to melt at lower temperatures

Sloder Flux example

Flux removes impurities
Flux absorbs and concentrates heat
Volatiles add vapor pressure

partial melting

The spark plug

Rocks typically melt

over a range of 200 degrees C

Minerals with the lowest melting points

Melt first (example quartz)

As temperature rises Silica

sweats out of crystal structures

Partial melting tends to produce a magma that

has a higher silica content than the original rock

Distribution of igneous Activity

spreading centers
subduction zones
Intraplate Igneous Activity

Subduction Zone

Basalt becomes contaminated with silica rich continental rocks

intraplate igneous activity

Mantle plumes


Less dense crust Floats

Oceanic crust is

denser than continental crust

Isostatic adjustment

The crust process at funding a new level of equilibrium

Isostatic adjustment

added weight
removal weight
erosion slowly reduce mountains

Rock deformation

forces greater than rock strength

Types of deformation

Elastic deformation
Plastic deformation

Elastic deformation

reversible rocks first stretch up to elastic limit like rubber band

Plastic deformation

past elastic limit flowing and folding permanent changes occur


force per unit area


change in shape or size in response to stress

Compressive stress

results in rock being flattened

tensional stress

result in rock bending stretched

shear stress

stress parallel to a plane in opposite direction


compass direction of a line formed by intersection at horizontal and dipping planes


horizontal plan and incline plane


result of compressional forces

Anticlines and synclines

two most common folds

Anticlines formed

by up-folding or arching


oldest sediments are inside at the core of the fold youngest sediments outside

Syncline formed

by down warping into troughs


youngest sediments are inside at the core of the fold oldest sediments outside

Example of syncline

Irvine valley


produced by up-warping old rocks are in the center

Domes shape

like a circular anticline or a double ended doubly planing anticline


produced by down-warping youngest rocks are in the center

Basins shape

like a circular syncline or a double ended doubly plunging syncline


fractures where appreciable movement has occurred

Dip slip faults movement

is mostly vertical

Hanging wall

Rock above the fault surface

Foot wall

rock below the fault surface

Normal Fault

hanging wall moves downward

reverse fault

hanging wall moves upward against gravity

thrust fault

reverse faults with dips less than 45 degrees

Strike slip faults or lateral slip faults

dominant slip is to the right or left along the fault

right lateral slip fault

the other side moves to the right

left lateral slip fault

the other side moves to the left

tensional forces pull apart forces

normal faults prevail found at the divergent plate boundaries

horst and graben structures

normal faults prevail


uplifted block


down dropped block normal faults

Compressional forces

found at the convergent plate margins


fractures with no appreciable displacement

shrinkage cracks

from igneous rocks cooling


unloading cracks

Fault block mountains

bounded on at least one side by high to moderate angle normal faults

Basin and ranges province

upwelling of hot mantle stretches crust 200 to 300 kilometers

Example of fault block mountains

Sierra Nevada
Teton Range

Folded mountains

most major mountain belts

Example of folded mountains

Appalachian mountains
Himalaya mountains

Up-warped mountains

Caused by broad arching of crust

Examples of Up-warped mountains

Black Hills
Andirondack mountains

Mountain building

at convergent boundaries

Oceanic-continental convergent boundaries

Where oceanic crust is being subducted below continental crust

Passive continental margins

Continent is depositing sediment onto oceanic crust

Subduction zone forms

Between oceanic plate and continental plate

Parallel mountain belts form

accretionary wedge oceanic sediments are scraped form sub-ducting oceanic plate

Example of parallel mountain belts

California coast ranges

Volcanic arc

melted oceanic crust rises thorugh continental crust to form volcanic and plutonic mountain ranges

Example of Volcanic arc

Sierra Nevada
Andes Mountains

Example Ocean-Ocean convergent boundaries

Aleatian Islands Alaska

Example Continental-Continental boundaries

Himalaya mountains

Collision result in

folding continents buoyant to subduct

Mountain building and continental accretion

smaller crust fragments
pealed off sub-ducting plate
pushed onto edge of continent
distinct individual blocks are called terraces


do not belong where they are

ridges plates move

on the soft asthenosphere

at which plate boundary is oceanic plates destroy


what structure is found between spreading ridges

transform faults

the Himalaya mountain are an example of

continental continental convergence

Hawaiian island are an example of

shield volcanoes

Southern California example of a left lateral slip fault is


Which seismic wave travel fastest

P Waves

Tectronic plate boundaries where new seafloor is created are called

divergent boundaries

79% Nitrogen
20% Oxygen
1% Argon
Trace Gases

Ari is compose of

The crust process of finding a new level of equilibrim

Isostatic Adjustment

Which fault prevail when rocks are under tension forces

Normal Fault

Which faults prevail when rocks are under compression

Reverse Fault

A circular fold which have older rocks in the core is a


The compass direction of the intersection of a horizontal plane and a dipping plane is called the


Which has viscous thick lava


Mount Lassen and Mt Shasta are which types of volcano


What is a volcanic crater greater than 1 Kilometer wide called


An intrusive igneous rock body greater than 64 kilometer is a


A circular fold produced by up warping so that the older rocks are in the center is called a


The present is the key to the past describes which theory


An erosional surface with parallel strata on either side is called


Fossil preservation where pores and cavities of plants or animals are filled with minerals is called


The first step in the carbon 14 cycle is

Nitrogen 14 absorbs a neutron

Interbeded algal mats and silt are preserved as fossil



5730 years