Physical Science Unit 2


the basic building blocks of all matter

atomic mass

the number of protons plus the number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom

atomic number

the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom

Boiling point

the temperature at which a liquid vaporizes and changes into a gas

Chemical change

occurs when a substance is changed into a new substance with different properties

chemical fomula

code that uses chemical symbols and subscripts to identify the number and type of atom of each element to make a compound

Chemical properties

characteristic that describes how a substance will interact with other substances during a chemical reaction

Chemical reaction

process where one or more substances undergo change to produce a new substance

chemical symbol

a one or two-letter code that represents an element


a number written before a chemical formula to show how many molecules of a compound are present


the ability to used as fuel to burn


a pure substance that forms when two or more elements join chemically


the changing of a substance from a gas to a liquid


the transfer of heat by direct contact of particles


the transfer of heat in fluids by the movement of currents that form in the fluids


physical property that compares the mass of a substance per unit volume


to reduce the concentration or intensity


when a solid becomes incorporated into a liquid to form a solution


part of an atom with a negative charge that spins around the nucleus


pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by any ordinary chemical means

Gas state

a substance that has neither a definite shape nor a definite volume


the vertical (up & down) column in the periodic table


the transfer of thermal energy between two objects at different temperatures

Kinetic energy

energy resulting from the motion of an object

Law of Conservation of Energy

energy is neither created nor destroyed, but may be changed from one form to another

Law of Conservation of Matter

during a chemical reaction, matter cannot be created or destroyed; it will only change from one form to another

Liquid state

substance that has a definite volume but no definite shape


measure of the amount of matter making up an object


anything that has volume and mass

Melting point

temperature at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid


elements found on the left side of the periodic table that tend to be shiny and good conductors of heat and electricity


elements with properties of both metals and nonmetals (found along the zig zag on periodic table)


type of matter that forms when two or more substances combine without joining together chemically


two or more atoms that are bonded together chemically; smallest unit of a compound that has all the properties of the compound


part of an atom with no charge found in the nucleus


elements found on the right side of the periodic table that are poor conductors of heat and electricity


center of an atom; made of protons and neutrons


horizontal row in the periodic table

periodic table

chart that organizes information about all of the known elements according to their properties

Physical change

a change that affects one or more physical properties of a sustance

Physical properties

characteristic that can be observed or measured without changing the identity of a substance

Plasma state

state of matter that forms when temperatures are high enough to completely remove electrons from the atoms to which they were bound (ex: sun)

Potential energy

stored energy


a solid that forms from a chemical reaction that takes place in a solution


the subtance that remains after a chemical reaction takes place


part of an atom that carries a positive charge; found in the nucleus

pure substance

substance that is the same throughout that cannot be broken down or separated using physical means


the transfer of heat without matter; heat than can travel through empty space


substances before a reaction occurs


describes how likely an element is to form bonds with other elements

Solid state

substance with a definite shape and volume


the ability to dissolve in another substance


the substance that is dissolved to form a solution


the substance in which a solute is dissolved to form a solution

state of matter

physical form in which matter exists; phase


phase change directly from a solid to a gas without turning into a liquid


small number written in a chemical formula to tell the number of atoms of that element

valence electrons

electrons located in the outermost energy level of an atom


process in which a liquid changes to a gas


the amount of space matter occupies