Components of the Universe

Main Sequence

A series of star types in which most stars belong, represented on the HR (Hertzsprung-Russell) diagram


A baby star, an area of material that hasn't yet formed into a fully-fledged star

White Dwarf

A small, white very dense star that is formed when a low-mass star has exhausted all its central nuclear fuel and lost its outer layers as a planetary nebula


The star around which the earth orbits


The brightness of an object

HR Diagram

A scatter graph of stars showing the relationship between the stars' absolute magnitudes or luminosities versus their spectral classifications or temperatures

Red Giant

A very large star of high luminosity and low surface temperature.


A star that suddenly increases greatly in brightness after a catastrophic explosion that ejects most of its mass

Neutron Star

An extremely dense, compact star composed primarily of neutrons, especially the collapsed core of a supernova

Black Hole

A massive singularity formed at the beginning of the universe or by the gravitational collapse of a star exploding as a supernova whose gravitational field is so intense that nothing can escape


A cloud of gas and dust in outer space; place where all stars are born

Red Supergiant

An aging giant star that has consumed its core's supply of hydrogen fuel

Planetary Nebula

a ring-shaped nebula formed by an expanding shell of gas around an aging star

Red Dwarf

A small, old, red, relatively cold star

Light years

A unit of measurement equivalent to the distance that light travels in a year


A large grouping of stars in space

Spiral Galaxy

A galaxy with a bulge in the center and very distinct long arms winding around the center

Elliptical Galaxy

A galaxy with a long oval shape, a bright center, no apparent internal structure or spiral arms, and very little dust or gas

Irregular Galaxy

A galaxy with very little symmetry the does not fit into any category

Lenticular Galaxy

Galaxy with a central bulge or bar with short arms, if any are present