Solar System

Solar System

consists of the sun, planets, their moon, and a variety of smaller objects

Astronomical Unit

scientists use these units to measure distance in solar system


is an object that orbits the sun, is large enough in have become rounded by its own

Dwaft Planet

object that orbits the sun and has enough gravity to be spherical, but has not cleared the area of its orbits.


these are formed by gravity pulling rock, ice and gas together. Eventually they collide and stick together.


earth is at the center of the revolving planets and stars (Ancient).


earth and other planets revolve around the sun (modern).

Terrestrial Planet

small, dense planets with rocky surfaces.

Greenhouse Effect

trapping of heat by the atmosphere

Inner Planets

Mercury, Venus, earth, and Mars.

Gas Giant

the largest four planets


thin disk of small particles of ice and rock that surrounded the gas giants.

Outer Planets

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Asteroid Belt

region of the solar system between Mars and Jupiter.

Kuiper Belt

beyond Neptune's orbit is this region which extends to about 100 time earth's distance from the sun.

Oort Cloud

this region stretches out more than 1000 time the distance between the sun and Neptune.


loose collections of ice, dust and small rocky particles.


clouds of gas and dust form a fuzzy outer layer


the solid inner core of a comet


rocky objects, most of which are too small and too numerous to be considered planets and dwaft planets


chunks of rock or dust smaller than asteroids


when a meteoroid enters earth's atmosphere, friction with the all creates heat and produces a streak of light


central region of the sun where nuclear fusion takes place

Nuclear Fusion

a process where two atomic nuclei form another element which released huge amount of energy.

Radiation Zone

region of very tightly packed gas where energy moves mainly in the form of electromagnetic

Convection Zone

outer most layer of the sun's interior


inner layer of the sun's atmosphere that gives off it visible light


middle layer of the sun's atmosphere that creates a glow around the edges of the total eclipse


the outer layer which looks like a white halo around the sun. This occurs during a total solar eclipse.

Solar Wind

streams of electrically charged particles that ematate from the sun's surface