EAS 360 Finals

When was the Pleistocene Epoch?

2.6 Ma to 10,000 years ago

When was the Holocene Epoch?

10,000 years ago to present

When was the last major glaciation?

Wisconsin ice age

When was the Wisconsin ice age?

100,000 to 10,000 years ago

What is the Wisconsin ice age preceded by?

Sangamon interglacial

When was the Sangamon interglacial?

125,000 to 100,000 years ago

What is the Sangamon interglacial preceded by?

Illinoian ice age

When was the Illinoian ice age?

191,000 to 125,000 years ago

When was the maximum extent of ice?

21,000 years ago

How was the the sea level during Wisonsin ice age?

120 m lower than present day

How much atmospheric CO2 was there in the Wisconsin ice age?

190 pm

How was the summer insolation during the Wisconsin ice age?

Comparable to today

What is the lag time for insolation?

Reflects a lag time of 4,000 years

When did minimum insolation occur?

25,000 years ago

What does maximum extent of ice reflect?

Low atmospheric CO2 and higher albedo from ice sheets

What is the Laurentide Ice Sheet?

Primary continental glacier of North America

How thick is the Laurentide Ice Sheet?

2-3 km maximum thickness

What is the Cordilleran Ice Sheet?

Ice sheet primarily over the Canadian Rocky Mountains and western North America

What does glacial comminution produce?

Sediment ranging from boulders to clay (till)

What are moraines?

Unsorted sediment deposited along the edges of moving glaciers

What is glacial outwash?

Glacial material transported by running water

What is loess?

Fine-grained sediment transported by wind

What does loess reflect?

Arid and vegetationless landscape

What is loess termed in Nebraska?

Peoria Loess

When was Peoria Loess deposited?

14,000 to 25,000 years ago

Which direction did the wind deposit the Peoria Loess?

Wind form the west-northwest

What source of rocks is Peoria Loess?

Rock from South Dakota, western Nebraska, and northeastern Colorado

How was the Peoria Loess initially?

In outwash from Laurentide Ice Sheet

How was the rocks from the Laurentide Ice Sheet transported to Nebraska?

Missouri River

What is pollen widely dispersed by?


What does spruce pollen reflect?

Cold and wet climate

What is an example of spruce pollen?


What did Picea become?

Dominant pollen shortly after last glacial maximum in midwestern United States

When was the last glacial maximum?

21,000 years ago

When was the Holocene?

10,000 years ago

What is the Pleistocene-Holocene transisiton?

Last glacial maximum to Holocene

What happened to atmospheric CO2 in the Pleistocene-Holocene transition?

Atmospheric CO2 rises from 190 ppm to 280 ppm between 17,000 years ago and 10,000 years ago

What happened in regards to summer insolation during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition?

Summer insolation was increasing until 10,000 years ago

What happened by 10,000 years?

Tilt of Earth's axis reached a maximum and precession resulted in Earth closest to the Sun on June 21st

What happened to albedo during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition?

Reduction in albedo as ice sheets retreated

What happened to temperatures and precipitation during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition?

Large and rapid fluctuations in temperature and precipitation

Where are environmental changes during the Pleistocene-Holocene recorded?

Sediments in lakes and bogs that formed after retreat of Laurentide Ice Sheet

When did the majority of glacial melting occur?

17,000 years ago and 13,000 years ago

Where is there evidence of the majority of glacial melting during 17,000 and 13,000 years ago?

Gulf of Mexico

When was the Younger Dryas Stadial?

13,000 years ago to 11,500 years ago

What was the Younger Dryas Stadial?

Abrupt temperature cooling to near glacial conditions in Northern Hemisphere

What happened to glaciers during the Younger Dryas Stadial?

Some glaciers readvanced

What happened temperature wise to the Southern Hemisphere during the Younger Dryas Stadial?

Warming in Southern Hemisphere

What happens to cold, more dense and more saline water at the Poles?

It sinks

What happens to warm, less dense and less saline water at the equator?

Move to Poles to replace sinking water

What does the warm, less dense and less saline water at the equator that moves to the Poles to replace sinking water result in?

Ocean circulation patterns that constantly transfer heat from equator to poles

What is the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation?

System of currents that transports warm equatorial water to the North Atlantic via the Gulf Stream

What does AMOC stand for?

Atlantic meridional overturning circulation

Where did Lake Agassiz form?

Along the margin of retreating Laurentide sheet

Where was drainage where Lake Agassiz formed of retreating Laurentide sheet initially?

Down the Mississippi River

When the ice retreated what happened with Lake Agassiz?

It could drain to the Mackenzie River (not St. Lawrence River)

What did the draining of Lake Agassiz into the Mackenzie River do?

Added fresh water to North Atlantic and slowed AMOC

What did the addition of fresh water to the North Atlantic and slowing of the AMOC do?

Reduced heat being transferred from equator

How is the present-day Gulf stream?

Slowest it has been in the last 1,600 years

How much slower is the Gulf Stream?

15% slower than in mid 20th century

Why is the Gulf Stream slower?

Result of melting Arctic and Greenland ice

How does the slowing of the Gulf Stream modify Global climate?

Colder winters in Northern Europe and warmer U.S. east coast

What does a warmer U.S. east coast result in?

Higher sea levels for U.S. east coast

What do colder winters in northern Europe do?

Possibly reduce hurricane activity

What happened after the Younger Dryas Stadial?

Steady warming

When was onset of Holocene?

10,000 years ago

What was the onset of the Holocene characterized by?

Relative warm temperatures and stable climate

What is El Nino?

southern oscillation (ENSO) cycles

What is southern oscillation?

High barometric pressure over Australia and low barometric pressure in south-central Pacific from August to December to produce El Nino events

How many years do the alternating changes in pressure between Australia and south-central Pacific occur?

Every 2 to 7 years

How does El Nino blow wind?

Winds blow warm equatorial water westward towards Indonesia

What does the winds blowing warm equatorial water westward towards Indonesia cause?

Cooler, deeper water to rise to surface near South America

During ENSO, what do weaker winds cause?

Warm surface water at the equator to move east towards Central and South America

What do the weaker winds that cause warm surface water at the equator to move east towards Central and South America force?

Warm surface water against Central and South America that then moves northward towards California and southward

What do the weaker winds that cause warm surface water at the equator to move east towards Central and South America increase?

Rain in South and Central America and United states, but other parts of the world may experience drought

What is El Nina?

Strong reversal of El Nino

Presently how should Earth be?


Presently how is Earth?

Very rapidly warming

What is the likely response of Earth rapidly warming?

Very likely in response to anthropogenic increases in atmospheric CO2

When did warming of the Earth start?


When was the warmest years in the past 1,000?

2016 and 2019

How much temperature increase has there been since 1880?

2 Celsius degrees increase globally

How have global temperatures varied?

Global temperatures have not varied more than 2 Celsius degrees in the past 10,000 years

How has atmospheric CO2 levels changes since the industrial revolution?

They are steadily increasing

What has cause the steady increase in atmospheric CO2 levels since the industrial revolution?

Petroleum, coal, natural gas combustion, and cement production

Since when have we measured atmospheric CO2 levels?

Measured directly since 1958

Where do we get atmospheric CO2 measurements prior to 1958?

Bubbles in ice cores

How much atmospheric CO2 is there now?

415 ppm since November 2020 which is the highest in the last 800,000

In Nebraska, what part of the state is warming the fastest?

Over the past 100 years, the panhandle is warming faster than the rest of the state

How do computer models predict global warming?

They do not predict uniform global warming

Where is the greatest warming predicted to be?


What do models predict in regards to precipitation?

The amount of precipitation across North America will be different in 100 years.

How will summers be in 100 years?

Summers will be dryer

How will winters be in 100 year?

Winters will be wetter

If current rates of warming continue how will summer temperatures in Lincoln be by 2100?

By 2100 summer temperatures in Lincoln, Nebraska will be comparable to those of current Pharr, Texas

What is global warming predicted to cause?

Cause a rise in sea level due to water added form melting glaciers, ice shelves, an ice caps

What do tide gauges document?

A steady rise in sea level over the last 140 years

Between 2002 and 2014 how has the rate of CO2 changed?

The rate at which CO2 increased in the atmosphere was relatively constant

Why was the rate of CO2 between 2002-2014 relatively constant?

Result of vegetation consuming more carbon from the air than in previous decades

What happens as CO2 levels rise in the atmosphere?

Photosynthetic activity increases, plants take in more carbon, and stimulating more plant growth