Ch. 23 - Final

Describe definitive host

mature forms of the parasite are present and usually reproducing

Describe intermediate host

immature parasites undergo various stages of maturation

what are the major routes by which humans acquire parasitic infections

ingestion, vector-borne transmission, direct contact and penetration of skin

what are the two morphological forms of protozoa that enter the body

trophozoite and cyst stage

describe the trophozoite morphologal form

feeding and reproducing stage which lives in host

describe the cyst stage morphological form

dormant and can survive in environment and is ineffective to new hosts

describe the transmission of Entamoeba

through drinking of water contaminated with feces

Describe the reservoir of Entamoeba

carried asymptomatically in the digestive tract of humans

what are the different disease types of Entamoeba

luminal amebiasis, amebic dysentery, invasive extra intestinal amebiasis

how is Entamoeba diagnosed

identification of microscopic cysts or trophozoites recovered from fresh stool or intestinal biopsies

How is Acanthamoeba and Naegleria transmitted

through cuts and scrapes, inhalation of contaminated water

Explain the severity of acanthamoeba and naegleria

both can be extensive and extremely harmful

What disease is caused by T. cruzi

Chagas disease

How is Chagas disease transmitted?

kissing bug

Where is Chagas disease usually found

Central and south america, california, Texas

what are the primary reservoirs of T. cruzi

opossums and armadillos

Contrast the life cycles of T. brucei and T. cruzi

in T. cruzi the bacteria is introduced into the bloodstream via scratching after a bite whereas in T. brucei the fly injects it into the bloodstream during a blood meal

What organ is affected by T. cruzi


What diseases is caused by T. brucei

african sleeping sickness

how is T. brucei transmitted

tsetse fly

What is effected by T. brucei

central nervous system

How are members of the genus Leishmania transmitted

via a sandfly

What are the three clinical manifestations of leishmania

cutaneous, mucocutaneous, visceral

describe cutaneous leishmania

large, painless skin ulcers form around bite wound

describe mucocutaneous leishmania

skin lesions enlarge to encompass mucous membranes of mouth, nose, or soft palate

describe visceral leishmania

fatal, macrophages spread parasite to liver, spleen, bone marrow, and lymph nodes

What are the reservoirs of Giardia intestinalis

person, animal, water

how is Giardia intestinalis transmitted

ingestion of affected water

what diseases is caused by Giardia intestinalis

Giardiasis: a waterborne GI disease

What are the three main stages in the life cycle of Plasmodium

liver phase, erythrocytic cycle, sporogonic phase

What diseases does Plasmodium cause


how do the symptoms of malaria relate to what is happening during the life cycle

in the erythrocytic cycle there is lysis of erythrocytes which causes anemia, weakness, and fatigue

What is the most common way to diagnose malaria

through identification of trophozoites and other stages in blood smears

What are some common methods of malaria control

limiting contact with mosquitos

What are the main reservoirs of toxoplasma gondii

wild and domestic mammals and birds

What is the definitive host of toxoplasma gondii


How are humans infected with T. gondii

by ingesting undercooked meat containing the parasite. Also ingestion or inhalation of intoxicated soil

Which two populations are at greater risk for severe toxoplasmosis

people with aids and fetuses

What are the three main groups of parasitic helminths

cestodes, trematodes, nematodes

Regarding the presence of sex organs, what two groups are parasitic helminths classified

dioecious and monoecious

Describe dioecious

male and female sex organs are in separate worms

describe monoecious

each worm has both sex organs

What are the components of the generalized anatomy of a tapeworm

scolex, reproductive parts, strobila, proglottids

what are the 3 different proglottids and where are they located on the tapeworm

immature - near neck, mature - middle, gravid - end

Describe the common features of the life cycles of tapeworms that infect humans

Humans ingest in raw undercooked meat, it then attaches to mucosa of small intestines as a scolex

What are the definitive hosts of T. saginata and T. solium


what is the intermediate host of T. saginata


What is the intermediate host of T. solium


Regarding human infection, what is one key difference between these two species

humans can become accidental intermediate hosts of T. solium but not T. saginata

how is ascaris lumbricoides transmitted

ingested in water or on vegetables

What is the same about the life cycle of ascaris lumbricoides, hookworm, ad pinworm

it is swallowed

How are hookworms transmitted

larvae penetrate skin

How are pinworms transmitted?

Fecal-oral route
Eggs deposited on perianal skin

Describe the diseases caused by hookworms

anemia, iron deficiency, protein deficiency

Discuss the life cycle of intestinal nematodes

shed eggs into the lumen of the intestine. The eggs are consumed by the definitive host in contaminated food or water

Discuss the life cycle of filarial nematodes

mosquitos ingest microfilariae while feeding on humans. The microfilariae develop as larvae in the mosquito, and eventually migrate to salivary glands. When mosquito next feeds, parasites are injected into a new person