Spelling Bee (New World Languages)


a : a very large American vulture (Vultur gryphus) of the high Andes having the head and neck bare and the plumage dull black with a downy white neck ruff and white patches on the wings � called also Andean condor
b : california condor
2 plural condors or


: kernels of corn that have been soaked in a caustic solution (as of lye) and then washed to remove the hulls


1 : an American Indian medicine man
2 a : an American Indian ceremony (as for victory in war)
b : an American Indian social gathering or fair usually including competitive dancing
3 a : a social get-together
b : a meeting for discussion


1 a : an object (such as an animal or plant) serving as the emblem of a family or clan and often as a reminder of its ancestry; also : a usually carved or painted representation of such an object
b : a family or clan identified by a common totemic object


1 : either of two arums (Peltandra virginica and Orontium aquaticum) of the U.S. with rootstocks used as food by American Indians
2 : the large edible sclerotium of a subterranean fungus (Poria cocos)


: cougar 1; also : the fur or pelt of a cougar


: lima or shell beans and kernels of green corn cooked together


any of various large chiefly herbivorous usually green or brownish tropical American lizards (family Iguanidae, the iguana family) that have a serrated dorsal crest and large dewlap; broadly : any of various large lizards


a hut of the American Indians of the Great Lakes region and eastward having typically an arched framework of poles overlaid with bark, mats, or hides; also : a rough hut


1 : a creek, secondary watercourse, or minor river that is tributary to another body of water
2 : any of various usually marshy or sluggish bodies of water


the flesh of a dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) used for food; also : the fish


1 : a large hickory (Carya illinoinensis synonym C. illinoensis) that has roughish bark and hard but brittle wood and is widely grown in the warmer parts of the U.S. and in Mexico for its edible nut
2 : the wood of the pecan tree The hardwood floor was ma


1 : the usually large, rounded, edible, pulpy berry of an herb (genus Solanum) of the nightshade family native to South America that is typically red but may be yellow, orange, green, or purplish in color and is eaten raw or cooked as a vegetable
2 : a pl


a closed meeting of a group of persons belonging to the same political party or faction usually to select candidates or to decide on policy a presidential caucus; also : a group of people united to promote an agreed-upon cause


1 : a tropical cyclone with winds of 74 miles (119 kilometers) per hour or greater that occurs especially in the western Atlantic, that is usually accompanied by rain, thunder, and lightning, and that sometimes moves into temperate latitudes � see beaufor


extensive lowland plains of South America extending across east-central Argentina from the Atlantic Ocean and often regarded as including Uruguay and the southern tip of Brazil


1 : a buff-gray to reddish-gray swift carnivorous mammal (Canis latrans) of North America that is closely related to but smaller than the wolf, has a narrow pointed muzzle and triangular ears, hunts singly or in small groups, and is known for its various


1 a : any of a genus (Carya) of North American hardwood trees of the walnut family that often have sweet edible nuts
b : the usually tough wood of a hickory
2 : a switch or cane (as of hickory wood) used especially for punishing a child


a smoked and usually dried jalape�o pepper


a rattle usually made from a gourd that is used as a percussion instrument


1 : beads of polished shells strung in strands, belts, or sashes and used by North American Indians as money, ceremonial pledges, and ornaments
2 : money


1 : a preeminent person or thing : big gun
the industry's big kahuna, with ... 57 percent of the market �A. E. Serwer
2 : a Hawaiian shaman


a large gregarious deer (Rangifer tarandus) of Holarctic taiga and tundra that usually has palmate antlers in both sexes �used especially for one of the New World � called also reindeer


cornmeal dough rolled with ground meat or beans seasoned usually with chili, wrapped usually in corn husks, and steamed


1 : the dried partly fermented fatty seeds of a South American evergreen tree (Theobroma cacao of the family Sterculiaceae) that are used in making cocoa, chocolate, and cocoa butter � called also cacao bean, cocoa bean
2 : a tree having small yellowish f


1 a : any of various common omnivorous black-and-white New World mammals (especially genus Mephitis) of the weasel family that have a pair of perineal glands from which a secretion of pungent and offensive odor is ejected
b : the fur of a skunk
2 : an obn


any of a genus (Petunia) of tropical South American herbs of the nightshade family that are commonly grown as annuals for their fragrant, colorful, trumpet-shaped flowers


a pigmented spot, mark, or small permanent protuberance on the human body; especially : nevus


a Navajo Indian dwelling usually made of logs and mud with a door traditionally facing east


1 : a long flat-bottomed light sled made usually of thin boards curved up at one end with usually low handrails at the sides
2 : a downward course or a sharp decline
3 chiefly Southern US and Midland US : stocking cap


a Hawaiian food prepared from the cooked corms of taro that are mashed with water to the consistency of a paste or thick liquid and often allowed to ferment


coastal region of Hawaii in the western part of the island of Hawaii


a grizzled thickset marmot (Marmota monax) chiefly of Alaska, Canada, and the northeastern U.S. � called also groundhog


a large cat (Panthera onca) chiefly of Central and South America that is larger and stockier than the leopard and is brownish yellow or buff with black spots


any of a family (Ramphastidae) of chiefly fruit-eating birds of tropical America with brilliant coloring and a very large but light and thin-walled bill


1 a : moving along with or marked by fits and starts
b : characterized by abrupt transitions
2 : inane, foolish


1 : any of a genus (Diospyros) of trees of the ebony family with hard fine wood, oblong leaves, and small bell-shaped flowers; especially : an eastern U.S. tree (D. virginiana) or a Japanese tree (D. kaki)
2 : the usually orange several-seeded globular be


a tropical American tree (Anacardium occidentale of the family Anacardiaceae, the cashew family) grown for a phenolic oil and the edible kernel of its nut and for a gum from its stem; also : cashew nut


a newcomer or stranger among the people of Hawaii


1 : a beverage made by mixing chocolate with water or milk The boy stirred the chocolate before drinking it.
2 : a food prepared from ground roasted cacao beans The cake recipe calls for four squares of chocolate.
3 : a small candy with a center (such as


1 : any of the freebooters preying on Spanish ships and settlements especially in 17th century West Indies; broadly : pirate
2 : an unscrupulous adventurer especially in politics or business


an aquatic rodent (Ondatra zibethica) of the U.S. and Canada with a long scaly laterally compressed tail, webbed hind feet, and dark glossy brown fur; also : its fur or pelt


1 : a bitter crystalline alkaloid C20H24N2O2 from cinchona bark used in medicine
2 : a salt of quinine used especially as an antipyretic, antimalarial, and bitter tonic


a Hawaiian feast


quickly, fast


a loose often long dress having bright colors and patterns and adapted from the dresses originally distributed by missionaries to the native women of Hawaii


any of a genus (Lama) of wild or domesticated long-necked South American ruminants related to the camels but smaller and without a hump; especially : a domesticated llama (L. glama) descended from the guanaco and used especially in the Andes as a pack ani


1 : any of a family (Didelphidae) of small- to medium-sized American marsupials that usually have a pointed snout and nearly hairless scaly prehensile tail, are typically active at night, and are sometimes hunted for their fur or meat; especially : a comm


a marine fish (Brevoortia tyrannus) of the herring family abundant along the Atlantic coast of the U.S. where it is used for bait or converted into oil and fertilizer; also : any of several congeneric fishes


any of various aquatic turtles (family Emydidae); especially :


1 : a North American Indian chief; especially : the chief of a confederation of the Algonquian tribes of the North Atlantic coast
2 : a Tammany leader


a medium-sized American wildcat (Felis pardalis) that ranges from Texas to northern Argentina and has a tawny-yellow or grayish coat dotted and striped with black


something designed primarily to attract favorable attention : soft soap


either of two tropical American mammals (Nasua nasua and N. narica) related to the raccoon but with a longer body and tail and a long flexible snout


any of a family (Galbulidae) of usually iridescent green or bronze insectivorous birds of tropical American forests having a long sharp bill


1 : the dried rhizome and roots of either of two tropical American plants (Cephaelis acuminata and C. ipecacuanha) of the madder family used especially as a source of emetine; also : either of these plants
2 : an emetic and expectorant drug that contains