Bio ch26

Births, deaths , immigration ( migration in) and emigration (migration out) are four factors that determine population ____.


Change in population size = (births - deaths) (+ or -) (immigrants - emigrants).


Two opposing forces that determine birth and death rates are biotic ______ and environmental resistance.


______ potential is the theoretical maximum rate at which a population could increase, assuming a maximum birth rate and minimal death rate


_________ resistance refers to the curbs on population growth that are set by the living and nonliving environment
Examples include competition, predation, and parasitism, availability of nutrients, energy and space and natural events (storms, weather, fl


In nature, the interaction between biotic potential and environmental resistance usually results in a _____ between size of a population and the resources available to support it.


biotic potential can produce exponential growth, evolutionarily successful organisms possess ____ that make them all adapted to their environment. They then pass these on to their offspring. If environmental resistance is reduced, populations can grow rap


The growth rate (__) or rate of the natural increase is the change in the population size per individual per unit of time.


Growth (r) (= or ~) birth rate(b) - death rate (d)


____ rate equals number of births that time period over the number of total individuals. ( 10 births/1000 ind = 0.1 birth rate)


_____ rate equals amount of deaths in that time period over the total amount


Population growth (_) = r (growth rate) x N (population size)


If births exceed deaths by a constant percentage, population growth produces a _____,. (Exponential growth)


A pattern of continuously accelerating increase in population size is called ______ growth. (Can cause J- curve in graph)


Age, frequency, number of offspring, reproductive life span and death rates are several factors that _____ biotic potential


The (younger or older) the organism reproduces the more of that organisms you will have.


exponential growth cannot continue indefinitely. All populations that exhibit exponential growth must eventually stabilize or ____


Exponential growth can be observed in populations that undergo _____ and _____ cycles, in which periods of growth are followed by a sudden, massive drop. (Insects, microbes)

Boom, bust

______ populations are linked to changes in rainfall temperatures or nutrient availability, ideal conditions encourage rapid growth and massive drop off. Boom and bust cycle


Exponential growth occurs when environmental resistance is ______, with circumstances like food supply increasing and population- controlling factors such as predators being reduced.


_____ species are organisms with a high biotic potential that are introduced into ecosystems where they did not evolve from and encounter very little environmental resistance. There number may explode due to lack of natural predators.


Populations increase to the max number sustainable by their environment and then stabilize is called _____ population growth. S-curve


The maximum population size that can be sustained by an ecosystem for an extended time without damage to the ecosystem is called its ______ capacity (K)


When logistic growth is plotted, it results in an S-shaped growth curve or _____


If an organism exceeds its carrying capacity it will (increase or decrease) the population tremendously.


Logistic population growth can occur in nature when a species moves into a (new or old) habitat. As populations density increase, however individuals begin to compete for space energy and nutrients. Which can reduce reproduction rate and increase death ra


In nature conditions are (always or never) completely stable) so both carrying capacity and population size will vary, but environmental resistance maintains populations at or below carrying capacity


Environmental resistance can be classified into two broad categories
____-independent factors, which limit populations size regardless of population density
____-dependent factors, which increase in effectiveness as the population density increases(nutrie


The most important natural density-independent factors are climate and _____ which are responsible for most boom and bust cycles. Other factors include human activities like pesticides, pollutants and overhunting.


Populations of organisms with a life spans more than a year have evolved adaptions that allow them to survive _____ changes. Ex mammals develop thick coats and store fat to hibernate, birds migrate, and trees and bushes emery dormancy. (Density dependent)


predation, parasitism, and competition, are density_____ factors that limit population growth.


______ is defined as the interaction among individuals who attempt to use the same limited resource and this interaction limits population size in a density-repent manner. Two types interspecific( between two different) and intraspecific ( between same sp


_____ specific competion is between different species.


______specific is between the same species.


_____ competition is a free for all scramble as individuals try to beat others to a limited pool of resources.


Many animals have evolve to ______ competitions, where social or chemical interactions determine access to resources. (Ex wolf being territorial)


As populations densities increase and competition becomes more intense, some animals react by ____ or leaving


The ___ of a population at any given time is the result of complex interactions between density independent and dependent forms of environmental resistance.


Populations exhibit different ____ distributions. Clumped, uniform and random


Populations who live in groups exhibit ____ distributions. Some advantages are multiple eyes to look for food, movement in a group(strengths in numbers) and hunting in groups. Ex. Wolves, lions birds and fish


Organisms with a _____ distribution maintain a relatively constant distance between individuals. (Common amount territorial animals) advantages, ensures adequate resources for each individual


Organisms with a random distribution are ____, exhibited by individuals that do not form social groups. This only occurs when no resources are scarce. There are probably no vertebrates species that maintain this.throughout the whole year.


______ describes the pattern of survival in a population. It's has three basic patterns late-loss, constant-loss and early loss


Survivorship tables track ____ of organisms born at the same time throughout their lifespan, and record how many continue to survive in each succeeding year


The (x or y) axis on a survivorship table is for numbers of individuals and the (x or y) is for the increasing age category.


____-loss populations produce convex survivorship curves meaning. There is little to no death rate in the early part of life then death rate increases later in older age. These curves are seen in animals who produce few offspring that receive substantial


____-loss populations produce relatively straight lines. These individuals have an equal chance of dying at any time. Examples some bird species such as robins and gulls as well as organisms that produce asexually such as hydra and bacteria


_____-loss populations produce concave cubes due to large number of offspring or little to no parental care. Many of these organisms engage in scramble competition early in life but this who make it to adulthood have a reasonable chance to survive. Ex fis


______ is the study of the changing human population. In the last few centuries human population has grown nearly an exponential growth or j shaped curve, however over the last decade human population has be growing at a constant rate.


A series of ___ have increased Earth's carrying capacity to support people. Humans have manipulated the environment to increase carrying capacity. Ex technical, agricultural and industrials and medical


_____ advances include discovery of fire, tools, weapons, shelters and protective clothing.


______ advances include domestication of plants and animals.


Industrial and ______ advances include fewer people to produce more food and decreases in death rate and diseases


In _____ countries, people benefit from a relatively high standard of living.(access to technology and medical care). Ex Australia, New Zealand, Japan, countries in North America and Europe


Most of Earth' people live in ____ counties which lack technology and medical care. Ex countries in central and South America, Africa and much of Asia


The rate of population growth in counties that are now developed has changed over time in predictable stages in a pattern called demographic ______. Pre-industrial, transitional, industrial and post-industrial


In the ____-industrial stage the population was relatively small with high birth and death rates


______ stage: food production increases and health care improved, which caused death rates to fall. Birth rates remain high and increases population.


_____ stage: Birth rates fall as contraceptives were more available and as people moved from farms to cities, where there children were less important as a source to labor


____-industrial stage: populations are relatively stable with low birth and death rates


A population will eventually stabilize if parents have just the number of children to replace themselves, called replacement level fertility (RLF) average RLF is ___


World population is distributed _____. The U.N predicts a global human population of over 9 billion and growing by the year 2050. 7.9 billion coming from developing countries


_____ structure predicts future population growth. Patterns include growing, stable and shrinking populations


Africa is an example of an _____ population


North America is an example of an ____ population


Europe is an example of ____ population
