1491-1607: Period 1 AND 2

Woodland Mound Builders

a tribe of the Ohio River Valley that thrived and held large settlements after the installation of corn farming into their daily life during the first millennium A.D. This culture fell into decline most likely due to drought by about 1300 A.D.

Marco Polo

An Italian adventurer who returned to Europe in 1295 after a supposed temporary twenty-year stay in China. There is no factual evidence that he did indeed stay in China at all. Nonetheless, he told tales and wrote a book about his experiences as well as d

Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)

a skilled Italian seafarer who persuaded the Spanish king and queen to lend him three small, completely manned ships for a voyage to the "Indies." Columbus accidentally discovered North and South America in 1492 and initiated the Colombian Exchange.

Hern�n Cort�s

a Spanish explorer and conquistador who set sail from Cuba in 1519 with sixteen horses, several hundred men, and eleven ships in an effort to gain access to the Aztecs' gold in Mexico. On the island, Cozumel, off the Yucat�n peninsula, he rescued a Spanis

Montezuma II

the Aztec chieftain at the time of Cort�s's conquest of Tenochtitl�n.

Ferdinand Magellan

a Spanish conquistador who left Spanish port in 1519 with five small ships. After sailing through a storm-ridden area off the tip of South America, he was murdered by natives of the Philippines. His one remaining ship washed up on the shores of Spain in 1

Vasco Balboa

credited with the discovery of the Pacific Ocean, Balboa supposedly stepped into the sea off of Panama in 1513 and claimed all land touched by that sea for his monarchy

Francisco Pizarro

this conquistador defeated the Incas of Peru and confiscated their precious metals such as silver. This theft initially sparked the desire for precious metals in Europe.

Juan Ponce de Le�n

a Spanish conquistador who explored Florida in search of gold in 1513 and 1521, initially thinking it was an island. An Indian arrow wound was his cause of death. (Associated with the Fountain of Youth Legend)

Henry Hudson

an English explorer employed by the Dutch East India Company who ignored orders to sail northeast and ventured into Delaware Bay and New York Bay in 1609. He eventually reached the Hudson River, hoping he had found a shortcut through the continent. Instea

Jacques Cartier

a Frenchman who traveled to the New World in around 1534 and journeyed hundreds of miles up the St. Lawrence River as part of a movement of other countries trying to scope out and colonize the New World.

Bartolome de Las Casas

a forward-thinking Dominican friar who in 1542 wrote, "The Destruction of the Indies" in which he expresses disfavor of the treatment of Native Americans and speaks out against Spanish policies in the New World. He was exceptionally mortified by the monst


an ancient Native American tribe that inhabited the deserts of the Southwest and were positively affected as a society by the incorporation of corn planting into their ways of life during the first millennium A.D. The installment of maize-based agricultur


an ancient Native American tribe of the lower Midwest that benefitted similarly to the Anasazi people at around the same time with the addition of sophisticated maize farming to their civilization. The Mississippian settlement at Cahokia, near what is now


an ancient Native American tribe of Peru that developed an extremely sophisticated nation-state through the outspread horticulture of maize, sustaining a considerably large population. The Incas also built cities without the use of modern tools, adapted c


an ancient Native American tribe of Mexico that similarly to the Incas created a prosperous nation-state based of the farming of corn. All achievements correspond to the Incas with the exception of strict religious practices. The Aztecs routinely offered


an ancient Native American tribe of Central America with accomplishments vey similar to the two tribes above. The only exception is that the Mayans did not form a nation-state but were a flourishing civilization nonetheless.
Pueblo - an ancient Native Ame


indigenous to the present-day flatheads of Montana, Louis and Clark were exposed to and took observations of this unique tribe. These peoples participated in a skull-molding practice that flattened their foreheads, causing their heads to take the shape of


an Indian tribe well known for their long houses (building block of Iroquois society; long, wooden structure with architectural accommodations that could house large, extended family members of the woman's side), military league with other Indians*, and m

Iroquois Confederation

a military alliance supposedly founded in the late 1500s between the Mohawks, the Oneidas, the Onondagas, the Cayugas, and the Senecas that ended generations of warfare among the tribes and made them one universal superpower in both territorial supremacy


since this tribe resided farther inland in the Great Lakes area, they were less effected by European contact than other tribes by the eastern seaboard and became a regional superpower. They increased their population by absorbing smaller surrounding tribe

Mission System

With word of Coronado's expedition of the 1540s in Mexico, conquistadors were influenced to continue moving northward to spread Christianity and conquer land. A large group of conquistadors led by Don Juan de O�ate traveled through the Sonora Desert of Me

Small pox

an Old World disease that swept through defenseless Indian immune systems and ended up slaughtering gargantuan numbers of natives.


After the introduction of livestock by Columbus in 1493, horses spread throughout the country as far as Canada in less than two centuries. Indians like the Apaches, Sioux, and Blackfoot adopted the horse and became mobilized, hunting societies that fed of


sugar formed the foundation of the West Indian economy. The mass production of this crop in the West Indies inspired the foundation for plantation planting in the New World as well as the necessity and mass importation of slaves.


these precious metals were the main attractive of conquistadors to Central and South America were these ores could be mined. (These metals were also stolen from the Incas and Aztecs; Incas for silver, Aztecs for gold)


a tool used in navigation that measures the angle between two objects.


a Spanish conquer or adventurer in the Americas.


Indian corn developed from wild grass by hunter-gatherers in the highland of Mexico in 5000 B.C. The growing of maize became the Native Americans' staff of life, foundation of the complex and centralized Aztec and Incan nation-states, as well as transform


a small ship with a high deck and three triangular sails developed by Portuguese mariners in about 1450 to overcome obstacles when sailing home to Europe from Asia.


an era lasting from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century marking the revival of widespread positive spirit, exploration of the New World (mariner's compass was utilized), art, literature, learning in Europe (printing presses, introduced around 1450,


institution that allowed the Spanish government to "commend" or give, Indians to certain colonists as slaves in return fro the promise to try to convert them to christianity (were forced to perform unpaid service under the permanent, although not legally

Black Legend

a myth that held that the Spanish conquerers of the New World purely tortured and murdered the Indians as a religious sacrifice to Jesus, stole their gold, purposefully infected them with smallpox for malicious intent, and left little but suffering behind


a person of mixed Native American and European descent.


changing something so that it has more different kinds of people or things

Caste System

a system of social ranking, in this case, the level of dominance in society (whites, slaves, Indians, etc.)


Spanish practice of securing an adequate and cheap labor supply (encomienda system)


defeating/gaining control of someone or something through the use of force


the state of existing or acting separately from others. : the power or right of a country, group, etc., to govern itself

Columbian Exchange

The Colombian Exchange was an economic explosion of sorts of international commerce (would later be called "globalization") after Columbus' discovery of the Americas. The exchange altered Europe's trade and imports. From the New World, Europe imported gol


an economic system in which trade, industry, and the means of production are largely or entirely privately owned and operated for profit

Motives for European Exploration

-Crusades > by-pass intermediaries to get to Asia.
-Renaissance > curiosity about other lands and peoples.
-Reformation > refugees & missionaries.
-Monarchs seeking new sources of revenue.
-Technological advances.
-Fame and fortune.

The direct causes of exploration; 3 G's

~Political: Become a world power through gaining wealth and land. (GLORY)
~Economic: Search for new trade routes with direct access to Asian/African luxury goods would enrich individuals and their nations (GOLD)
~Religious: spread Christianity and weaken

The Spanish were the first to pursue colonization. They began colonizing the Caribbean and eventually Central and South America. What were the most important Spanish conquests in these new americas?

The conquest of the Aztecs by Cort�s in 1521 and the Incas by Pizzaro 1531

First permanent colony in what will become the United Sates founded by Spain.

St. Augustine (Florida) founded in 1565 to protect Spanich treasure fleets

Who were some explorers who sailed for Spain?

Columbus, an Italian who landed in the "West Indies" in 1492, and Magellan, a Portuguese sailor who was the first to technically circle the globe in 1522

Who were some explorers sailing from Hispaniola?

De Leon - colonist of Hispaniola - Established colony at Puerto Rico - Sailed north looking for Fountain of Youth - Discovered Florida - 1508
Balboa - colonist of Hispaniola - Established settlement in Panama - 1st European to see Pacific Ocean - 1513

Who was an explorer sailing for both Spain and Portugal?

Vespucci - Italian sailing for both Spain and Portugal - Sailed to the America's - Amerigo is his first name (where we get "America") - 1501

What did the Spanish empire consist of by the 1600's?

part of North America
Central America
Caribbean Islands
Much of South America.

Father Bartolom� de Las Casas

Believed Native Americans had been treated harshly by the Spanish.
Indians could be educated and converted to Christianized.
Believed Indian culture was advanced as European but in different ways.
-New laws in 1542

Describe some aspects of the encomienda system

1)Conquistador controlled Indian populations
Required Indians to pay tribute from their lands
Indians often rendered personal services as well.
2) In return the conquistador was obligated to
protect his wards
instruct them in the Christian faith
defend th

What were the Portuguese first to do?

The first to begin searching for an all water route to Asia (Prince Henry the Navigator 1450's)

What area of South America did Portugal colonize?

Area that would become Brazil through the Treaty of Tordesillas 1434

Give some explorers sailing for Portugal

Prince Henry the Navigator - Portugal - Funded Exploration down coast of Africa - 1419-1460
Dias - Portugal - Rounded the Cape of Good Hope - 1488
da Gama - Portugal - Opened trade with India - Placed Portugal in position to dominate trade with India - 14

Where did the French settle?

Quebec 1608
Montreal 1642
& what would become Canada

What did the French develop at the start of colonization of the new world?

A fur trade

Give some explorers sailing for France

Cartier - France - Reached St. Lawrence River - Claimed Eastern Canada for France - 1535
Samuel de Champlain - France - "Father of New France" - Established Quebec (the 1st permanent French colony in N. America) - Established settlements and explored Main

Where did the Dutch settle?

-Found Albany (New York, 1614) on Hudson River
-New Netherlands (becomes New York) is an extension of the Dutch global trade system

What relationship did the Dutch and French have with the local Indians?

The Ducth and French formed alliances with Native Americans and increased warfare

Who was an explorer who sailed for the Netherlands?

Henry Hudson - English sailing for the Dutch - Searching for Northwest Passage - Claimed Hudson River - Settlers established New Netherlands (New York) - 1609

Once the New World is discovered, the Big 4 four European countries begin competing for control of North America and the world...


What did this power struggle ultimately lead to?

Several Wars

Give some effects from European exploration 1400 to 1600

-Europeans reach and settle Americas
-Expanded knowledge of world geography
-Growth of trade, mercantilism and capitalism
-Indian conflicts over land and impact of disease on Indian populations
-Introduction of the institution of slavery
-Columbian Exchan

List some goods involved in the Columbian exchange, first from the New World, then from Europe, and finally from Africa

- Many diseases

Woodland Mound Builders

a tribe of the Ohio River Valley that thrived and held large settlements after the installation of corn farming into their daily life during the first millennium A.D. This culture fell into decline most likely due to drought by about 1300 A.D.

Marco Polo

An Italian adventurer who returned to Europe in 1295 after a supposed temporary twenty-year stay in China. There is no factual evidence that he did indeed stay in China at all. Nonetheless, he told tales and wrote a book about his experiences as well as d

Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)

a skilled Italian seafarer who persuaded the Spanish king and queen to lend him three small, completely manned ships for a voyage to the "Indies." Columbus accidentally discovered North and South America in 1492 and initiated the Colombian Exchange.

Hern�n Cort�s

a Spanish explorer and conquistador who set sail from Cuba in 1519 with sixteen horses, several hundred men, and eleven ships in an effort to gain access to the Aztecs' gold in Mexico. On the island, Cozumel, off the Yucat�n peninsula, he rescued a Spanis

Montezuma II

the Aztec chieftain at the time of Cort�s's conquest of Tenochtitl�n.

Ferdinand Magellan

a Spanish conquistador who left Spanish port in 1519 with five small ships. After sailing through a storm-ridden area off the tip of South America, he was murdered by natives of the Philippines. His one remaining ship washed up on the shores of Spain in 1

Vasco Balboa

credited with the discovery of the Pacific Ocean, Balboa supposedly stepped into the sea off of Panama in 1513 and claimed all land touched by that sea for his monarchy

Francisco Pizarro

this conquistador defeated the Incas of Peru and confiscated their precious metals such as silver. This theft initially sparked the desire for precious metals in Europe.

Juan Ponce de Le�n

a Spanish conquistador who explored Florida in search of gold in 1513 and 1521, initially thinking it was an island. An Indian arrow wound was his cause of death. (Associated with the Fountain of Youth Legend)

Henry Hudson

an English explorer employed by the Dutch East India Company who ignored orders to sail northeast and ventured into Delaware Bay and New York Bay in 1609. He eventually reached the Hudson River, hoping he had found a shortcut through the continent. Instea

Jacques Cartier

a Frenchman who traveled to the New World in around 1534 and journeyed hundreds of miles up the St. Lawrence River as part of a movement of other countries trying to scope out and colonize the New World.

Bartolome de Las Casas

a forward-thinking Dominican friar who in 1542 wrote, "The Destruction of the Indies" in which he expresses disfavor of the treatment of Native Americans and speaks out against Spanish policies in the New World. He was exceptionally mortified by the monst


an ancient Native American tribe that inhabited the deserts of the Southwest and were positively affected as a society by the incorporation of corn planting into their ways of life during the first millennium A.D. The installment of maize-based agricultur


an ancient Native American tribe of the lower Midwest that benefitted similarly to the Anasazi people at around the same time with the addition of sophisticated maize farming to their civilization. The Mississippian settlement at Cahokia, near what is now


an ancient Native American tribe of Peru that developed an extremely sophisticated nation-state through the outspread horticulture of maize, sustaining a considerably large population. The Incas also built cities without the use of modern tools, adapted c


an ancient Native American tribe of Mexico that similarly to the Incas created a prosperous nation-state based of the farming of corn. All achievements correspond to the Incas with the exception of strict religious practices. The Aztecs routinely offered


an ancient Native American tribe of Central America with accomplishments vey similar to the two tribes above. The only exception is that the Mayans did not form a nation-state but were a flourishing civilization nonetheless.
Pueblo - an ancient Native Ame


indigenous to the present-day flatheads of Montana, Louis and Clark were exposed to and took observations of this unique tribe. These peoples participated in a skull-molding practice that flattened their foreheads, causing their heads to take the shape of


an Indian tribe well known for their long houses (building block of Iroquois society; long, wooden structure with architectural accommodations that could house large, extended family members of the woman's side), military league with other Indians*, and m

Iroquois Confederation

a military alliance supposedly founded in the late 1500s between the Mohawks, the Oneidas, the Onondagas, the Cayugas, and the Senecas that ended generations of warfare among the tribes and made them one universal superpower in both territorial supremacy


since this tribe resided farther inland in the Great Lakes area, they were less effected by European contact than other tribes by the eastern seaboard and became a regional superpower. They increased their population by absorbing smaller surrounding tribe

Mission System

With word of Coronado's expedition of the 1540s in Mexico, conquistadors were influenced to continue moving northward to spread Christianity and conquer land. A large group of conquistadors led by Don Juan de O�ate traveled through the Sonora Desert of Me

Small pox

an Old World disease that swept through defenseless Indian immune systems and ended up slaughtering gargantuan numbers of natives.


After the introduction of livestock by Columbus in 1493, horses spread throughout the country as far as Canada in less than two centuries. Indians like the Apaches, Sioux, and Blackfoot adopted the horse and became mobilized, hunting societies that fed of


sugar formed the foundation of the West Indian economy. The mass production of this crop in the West Indies inspired the foundation for plantation planting in the New World as well as the necessity and mass importation of slaves.


these precious metals were the main attractive of conquistadors to Central and South America were these ores could be mined. (These metals were also stolen from the Incas and Aztecs; Incas for silver, Aztecs for gold)


a tool used in navigation that measures the angle between two objects.


a Spanish conquer or adventurer in the Americas.


Indian corn developed from wild grass by hunter-gatherers in the highland of Mexico in 5000 B.C. The growing of maize became the Native Americans' staff of life, foundation of the complex and centralized Aztec and Incan nation-states, as well as transform


a small ship with a high deck and three triangular sails developed by Portuguese mariners in about 1450 to overcome obstacles when sailing home to Europe from Asia.


an era lasting from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century marking the revival of widespread positive spirit, exploration of the New World (mariner's compass was utilized), art, literature, learning in Europe (printing presses, introduced around 1450,


institution that allowed the Spanish government to "commend" or give, Indians to certain colonists as slaves in return fro the promise to try to convert them to christianity (were forced to perform unpaid service under the permanent, although not legally

Black Legend

a myth that held that the Spanish conquerers of the New World purely tortured and murdered the Indians as a religious sacrifice to Jesus, stole their gold, purposefully infected them with smallpox for malicious intent, and left little but suffering behind


a person of mixed Native American and European descent.


changing something so that it has more different kinds of people or things

Caste System

a system of social ranking, in this case, the level of dominance in society (whites, slaves, Indians, etc.)


Spanish practice of securing an adequate and cheap labor supply (encomienda system)


defeating/gaining control of someone or something through the use of force


the state of existing or acting separately from others. : the power or right of a country, group, etc., to govern itself

Columbian Exchange

The Colombian Exchange was an economic explosion of sorts of international commerce (would later be called "globalization") after Columbus' discovery of the Americas. The exchange altered Europe's trade and imports. From the New World, Europe imported gol


an economic system in which trade, industry, and the means of production are largely or entirely privately owned and operated for profit

Motives for European Exploration

-Crusades > by-pass intermediaries to get to Asia.
-Renaissance > curiosity about other lands and peoples.
-Reformation > refugees & missionaries.
-Monarchs seeking new sources of revenue.
-Technological advances.
-Fame and fortune.

The direct causes of exploration; 3 G's

~Political: Become a world power through gaining wealth and land. (GLORY)
~Economic: Search for new trade routes with direct access to Asian/African luxury goods would enrich individuals and their nations (GOLD)
~Religious: spread Christianity and weaken

The Spanish were the first to pursue colonization. They began colonizing the Caribbean and eventually Central and South America. What were the most important Spanish conquests in these new americas?

The conquest of the Aztecs by Cort�s in 1521 and the Incas by Pizzaro 1531

First permanent colony in what will become the United Sates founded by Spain.

St. Augustine (Florida) founded in 1565 to protect Spanich treasure fleets

Who were some explorers who sailed for Spain?

Columbus, an Italian who landed in the "West Indies" in 1492, and Magellan, a Portuguese sailor who was the first to technically circle the globe in 1522

Who were some explorers sailing from Hispaniola?

De Leon - colonist of Hispaniola - Established colony at Puerto Rico - Sailed north looking for Fountain of Youth - Discovered Florida - 1508
Balboa - colonist of Hispaniola - Established settlement in Panama - 1st European to see Pacific Ocean - 1513

Who was an explorer sailing for both Spain and Portugal?

Vespucci - Italian sailing for both Spain and Portugal - Sailed to the America's - Amerigo is his first name (where we get "America") - 1501

What did the Spanish empire consist of by the 1600's?

part of North America
Central America
Caribbean Islands
Much of South America.

Father Bartolom� de Las Casas

Believed Native Americans had been treated harshly by the Spanish.
Indians could be educated and converted to Christianized.
Believed Indian culture was advanced as European but in different ways.
-New laws in 1542

Describe some aspects of the encomienda system

1)Conquistador controlled Indian populations
Required Indians to pay tribute from their lands
Indians often rendered personal services as well.
2) In return the conquistador was obligated to
protect his wards
instruct them in the Christian faith
defend th

What were the Portuguese first to do?

The first to begin searching for an all water route to Asia (Prince Henry the Navigator 1450's)

What area of South America did Portugal colonize?

Area that would become Brazil through the Treaty of Tordesillas 1434

Give some explorers sailing for Portugal

Prince Henry the Navigator - Portugal - Funded Exploration down coast of Africa - 1419-1460
Dias - Portugal - Rounded the Cape of Good Hope - 1488
da Gama - Portugal - Opened trade with India - Placed Portugal in position to dominate trade with India - 14

Where did the French settle?

Quebec 1608
Montreal 1642
& what would become Canada

What did the French develop at the start of colonization of the new world?

A fur trade

Give some explorers sailing for France

Cartier - France - Reached St. Lawrence River - Claimed Eastern Canada for France - 1535
Samuel de Champlain - France - "Father of New France" - Established Quebec (the 1st permanent French colony in N. America) - Established settlements and explored Main

Where did the Dutch settle?

-Found Albany (New York, 1614) on Hudson River
-New Netherlands (becomes New York) is an extension of the Dutch global trade system

What relationship did the Dutch and French have with the local Indians?

The Ducth and French formed alliances with Native Americans and increased warfare

Who was an explorer who sailed for the Netherlands?

Henry Hudson - English sailing for the Dutch - Searching for Northwest Passage - Claimed Hudson River - Settlers established New Netherlands (New York) - 1609

Once the New World is discovered, the Big 4 four European countries begin competing for control of North America and the world...


What did this power struggle ultimately lead to?

Several Wars

Give some effects from European exploration 1400 to 1600

-Europeans reach and settle Americas
-Expanded knowledge of world geography
-Growth of trade, mercantilism and capitalism
-Indian conflicts over land and impact of disease on Indian populations
-Introduction of the institution of slavery
-Columbian Exchan

List some goods involved in the Columbian exchange, first from the New World, then from Europe, and finally from Africa

- Many diseases