Psychology: Personality study guide

According to the social-learning theory what are physical and social abilities considered?


What is the term used to describe consistency between one's self-concept and one's Experience?

The self-concept and congruence

Eysenck's personality dimensions include what types of personalities?

Stable, unstable, introverted, and extroverted

What was the psychologist's name that came up self-concept and congruence?

Carl Rogers

Black women, considered apart of the ________________ are more likely to be ________________ with their appearance than white women.

minority; confident

Why are black women more confident with their appearance?

May be taught that if someone doesn't like them it's because other factors like prejudice

What cultures tend to be more individualized in their way of thinking?

Western Culture
ex: America and Canada

According to Bandura & the social-learning approach, what are the internal factors for Personality?

Skills, values, goals, expectations, self-efficacy expectations

What defense mechanism pushes ideas or thoughts into the unconsciousness?


What did Karen Horney say could ease the effect of a painful childhood?

genuine and consistent love

What term was used to describe inadequacy and insecurity?

inferiority complex

Describe the Id

-acts as a 2 yr old
-represents basic drivers such as hunger
-pleasure principle: the urge for immediate release of energy or emotion that will bring personal gratification, relief, or pleasure.

What was labeled our moral principle according to Sigmund Freud?

the superego

What countries/continents have a collectivist way of viewing the world?

Africa, Asia, Central and South America

What are the stages of development according to Sigmund Freud?

Oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital

Describe projection as a defense mechanism

People seeing their own faults in others

Sublimation is best defined as

channeling aggression into something else more appropriate

Define self-concept

A view of oneself as an individual

Observation as well as internal variables influence how we act in a certan situation is a part of what theory of personality?

social learning theory

Who believed that humans were different from all other animals because humans search for self-actualization?

Abraham Maslow

What does socialization mean?

The process by which people learn to socially desirable behaviors of their particular culture and adapt them as a part of their personality

What principle does the Id follow?

Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic approach to personality

Acting differently from your true feelings is what defense mechanism?

react formation

What is a sign of being fixed in the anal stage?

Anal retentive: controlling, OCD like tendencies

What are the basic fluids that Hippocrates said influenced our personality?

Yellow bile: quick tempered
Blood: warm and cheerful
Phlegm: sluggish and cool disposition
Black bile: melancholic, thoughtful temperament

What is the latency stage characterized by?

-ages 5-puberty
-children conflicted with parents for several years
-aggression and conflict remain hidden or unconscious until later

What is the phallic stage characterized by?

-3-5 years
-may view same sex parents as rivals and start to notice differences between girls and boys

What is the oral stage characterized by?

-birth- 1 ?
-explore the world by putting everything in their mouth
-Main source of pleasure is food

What psychologist focused on relationships being the most important part of personality development?

Erik Erikson

What did Erik Erikson say could come out of these relationships?
