Prose Text: The Death of Germanicus

Saevam vim morbi augebat persuasio veneni a Pisone accepti;

His belief that the poison had been received from Piso increased the savage force of his illness

et reperiebantur solo ac parietibus erutae humanorum corporum reliquiae,

and the remains of human bodies were being found in the floor and in the walls.

carmina et devotiones et nomen Germanici plumbeis tabulis insculptum

both spells, and curses and the name of Germanicus were inscribed in lead tablets

cineres semusti ac tabo obtili aliaque malefica quibus creditur animas numinibus infernis sacrari.

charred ash that was half-burned and smeared with rotten flesh and other evil objects by which it is believed souls are delivered to the underworld.

Simul missi a Pisone incusabantur quod valetudinis adversae signa exspectarent.

At the same time men sent by Piso were being accused on the grounds that they were waiting for signs of ill health.

Haec Germanico haud minus ira quam per metum accepta sunt.

These things were received by Germanicus in anger as much as fear

Componit epistulam qua amicitiam ei renuntiabat.

He composed a letter in which he renounced his friendship with him.v

Germanicus paulisper se credidit convalescere;

For a little while Germanicus believed he was getting better;

deinde fessum fiebat corpus.

then his body began to grow tired.

Ubi finis aderat, adstantes amicos ita adloquitor:

When his end was near, he spoke to his friends in this way

Erit vobis occasio querendi apud senatum atque invocandi leges.

You will have the opportunity of making a complaint before the senate and of appealing to the laws.

Decet amicos non prosequi defenctum ignavo questu,

It is proper for friends not to escort the dead [man] with futile lamentation,

sed quae coluerit meminisse, quae mandaverit exsequi.

but to remember what he wanted and what he has ordered you to carry out.

Vindicabitis vos, si me potius quam fortunam meam diligebatis.

You will get revenge, if you loved me rather than my status.

Amici, dextram morientis amplectentes,

His friends, clasping the right hand of the dying man,

iuraverunt se vitam ante quam ultionem amissuros esse.

swore that they would give up their lives before missing revenge.

Neque multo post mortuus est

And not long after, he died,

ingenti luctu provinciae et circumiacentium populorum.

to the great grief of the province and of the surrounding peoples.

Indoluerunt exterae nationes regesque:

Foreign nations and kings mourned:

tanta fuerat illius comitas in socios,

so great had been that man's friendliness towards his allies,

mansuetudo in hostes;

[and] forgiveness towards his enemies;

propter vultum eloquentiamque venerationem omnium adeptus erat.

on account of his appearance and eloquence, He had gained the respect of everyone

Et erant qui illium magno Alexandro ob formam aetatem genus locumque mortis adaequarent;

And there were those who compared him to Alexander the Great because of his appearance, his age and the manner and place of his death;

Nam affirmaverunt utrumque corpore decoro praeditum,

For they asserted that each man had been endowed with a handsome body,

genere insigni ortum,

and had been descended from a distinguished family,

vix triginta annos natum periisse.

and had perished at scarcely thirty years old.