fire officer

responsible for managing a work unit within the fire department

prompt and accurate report

given by the fire officer at the start of every shift, from every station, within the first quarter hour of the shift

prompt notifications

done by the fire officer when a situation arises, "no surprises rule

chiefs typically want this done by fire officers regarding their companies and decisions

to run them and make them, within the scope of their responsibility, without constant consultation (only if need be)

fire officers should not ________ about problems without _________ or contributing to solutions.


larger view effect on department

proposals of solutions by company officers

supervising/company fire officer

responsible for accomplishing the fire department mission through the efforts of the fire fighters under their command

completes probationary period, completes promotional process, completes promotional process for chief officer and retirement

the four times in a firefighter's career when a major change occurs on how the individual relates to the formal fire department organization

fire officer

the fire department's representative at a work location

supervisor, commander and trainer: three (3) distinct roles

the company officer's duties as defined by james o. page in his book-effective company command

supervisor role

the fire officer functions as the official representative of the fire chief per james o. page

fire officer can improve effectiveness in handling an unpopular order

determining the story or history behind the order, which enables the officer to put the order in perspective

handling unpopular orders

fire officer should express any concerns and objections with their superior in private

undermines officer's authority and supervisory ability

telling firefighters that you, the officer, do not agree with an order

unpopular tasks and orders by the fire chief

expects the officer to follow through with orders and tasks, even when unpopular because it is part of the job, do to the fact the officer does not make all the decisions of the department

higher-profile roles of a fire officer

functioning as the initial incident commander on a major emergency

command presence

ability of an officer to project an image of being in control of the situation

fire officer as the trainer-james o. page

focus on the performance level of a fire company and establishment of expectations that the company will perform at the highest level possible

keep your supervisors informed-make the appropriate decision at your level-consult with your supervisor before making major discipline actions or policy changes

the officer as a supervisor needs to work effectively with his supervisor to keep a good working relationship in three (3) key ways


no supervisor likes...


refers to the complex system of inherent attributes that determine a person's moral and ethical actions and reactions, including the quality of being honest

code of ethics, conduct and or list of value statements

expectations published by formal organizations

equal employment opportunity commission (eeoc)

this organization enforces civil rights of americans , that have been established by federal laws, in the workplace

title vii of the civil rights act of 1964

covers state and local governments, schools, colleges, and unions-discrimination based on sex, religion, race, national origin, etc.

equal employment opportunity act of 1972

this amended the civil rights act of 1964 and expanded its coverage to include almost all public and private employers with 15 or more employees-it covers volunteer fire departments and other nonprofit emergency service organizations

civil rights act 1991

this provides additional compensatory and punitive damages in cases of intentional discrimination under title vii and the americans with disabilities act of 1990

consent decree

can require a variety of activities, including community outreach, jobfairs, pre-employment preparation and peer group coaching


equal employment opportunity


affirmative action

actionable items

employee behaviors that require an immediate corrective action by the supervisor. dozens of lawsuits have shown that failing to act when these situations occur is likely to create a liability and a loss for the department. the best example is the use of c

standard for evaluating sexual harassment

the standard for evaluating this is what a "reasonable person" in the same or similar circumstances would find intimidating, hostile or abusive.

stated by the 1999 guidelines that this entity is responsible and for this in particular

it is clearly stated that the employers are liable for the acts of those who work for them if the organization knew or should have known about the conduct and took no immediate, appropriate and or corrective action (sexual harassment)

sexual harassment

the unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome attention and intimacy in a nonreciprocal relationship. there is a component of abuse of power.

hostile work environment

broad range of situations in which the employee is subjected to discrimination in the workplace

firefighter initiating a sexual harassment claim

start with the federal government, local government or within the fire department

general guidelines for initial investigation on a harassment claim

keep an open mind-treat the person who files the complaint with respect and compassion-do not blame the person filing the complaint-do not retaliate against the person filing the complaint-follow established procedures-interview those involved-look for co

the fire department is a business work location

maintain a professional work environment which is the opposite of the fire department being a home away from home

tips to maintain a work environment

remind employees of the "code of conduct" when needed-promote the use of "on-duty speech"-be the designated "adult

reputation, reacting, encouraging

having the _______ of knowing what is going on in the station and _________ to inappropriate situations goes a long way toward _________ appropriate workplace behaviors.