Computer Science Chapter 8

What does OOP stand for?

Object Oriented Programming

What is the difference between C++ and Java with regards to OOP?

C++ can be written without using any type of OOP. Java on the other hand revolves around OOP

OOP incorporates what 3 features?

encapsulation, polymorphism, inheritance

How does OOP simulate real life?

by using a program style that treats a program as a group of objects

What do attributes store?

store program information

Refer to the previous question. What do methods do with this?

perform some actions on the information

The significance of OOP is that _____________ and _____________ are packaged in the same container.

attributes and methods

What is the intention of encapsulation?

is to make a program more reliable

What are object members that perform some task called?


What are object members that store data called?


The process of placing data attributes and the action methods that access the data in the same container is called _____________.


Programs in the past and today have one common goal that allows no compromise. What is that goal?


In structured programming, program flow is strictly controlled with how many entrances and exits?

one entrance and one exit

Which is easier to create, class methods or object methods?

class methods

When you use object methods, what operator must be used to create a new object?


Is it possible to construct an object when the class is totally empty?


Members in a class need to be declared as _____________ or _____________.


Questions 18 - 19 refer to your answers to question 4.
Which of these would you use to declare a class member if you do not want it to be accessible outside of the class?


Which of these would you use to declare a class member if you do want it to be accessible outside of the class?


Which of these would you usually use to declare data attributes of a class?


Which of these would you usually use to declare class methods?


In the statement: Bank tom = new Bank(); which "Bank" is the class name?


Refer to the previous question. What is the other "Bank()"?

it has parentheses, which right away indicates that this is a method call

The reliability of the constructor is based on what?

on the fact that the constructor method is called automatically

A _____________ is a template that can form many objects.


An object is a single variable _____________ of a class.


The creation of an object can also be called what?

instantiation of an object
construction of an object

The special method that is called during the instantiation of an object is called a _____________.


What are get methods?

Such methods get values. They are read-only methods, because data values are accessed, but not altered

Can a class have more than one constructor?


Multiple methods with the same identifier are called _____________ methods.

overloaded methods

What is the primary purpose of a constructor?

is to initialize all the
attributes of newly created object.

How do you know that a particular method is a constructor?

Constructors have the same identifier as the class.

Are constructors void or return methods?

Constructors are neither void methods nor return methods.

Are constructors declared public or private?


In this sentence: "The method identifier can be the same, but the method signature must be different."
What is meant by the word signature?

parameter list

What kind of constructor has no parameters?

default constructor.

Look at programs and
How are the 2 withdrawing methods improved in the latter program?

figure 8.9, continues adding methods. In this case two additional methods are added to withdraw money from the checking or savings account. Program in figure 8.10 improves the 2 withdrawal methods so that overdraft is prevented.

If you are using good program design, every class should be placed where?

place each class in its own file

Using the reserved word static at the start of a method heading indicates that the method is a what?

class method

Object methods are sometimes called _______ methods .


Object methods are meant to be used in what situations?

situations where multiple objects of a class must be constructed

How are object methods called?

object identifier

Are the majority of method declared public or private?


What is another word for a private method?

helper methods

What is the difference between a void method and a return method?

Void methods do not return a value while Return methods are methods that return a value

The term default constructor has 2 different meaning. What are they?
What do you call the second or third constructor in a class?

A constructor is a special method that is automatically called during the instantiation of a new object or no-parameter constructor;overloaded constructor

What is another word for a get method?

accessing methods

What are three other words for a set method?

Altering methods, modifier methods, mutator methods

What is the difference between a get method and a set method?

These are methods that not only access the private data of an object; they also alter the value of the data