AP Lang & Comp Final Review

The rhetorical triangle is also known as the

Aristotelian Triangle

Rhetorical Situation is

The influence of social/cultural/ and historical context on a text

What is an argument?

reason inquiry leads to a conclusion

A claim is


The following is an example of
"... not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need-
not as a call to battle, though embattled we are...


The author's opening lines (America's boys ... killing us") capture the audience's attention by

highlighting a disturbing statistic

In the third and fourth paragraphs, the author contrasts girls and boys in the United States primarily to

highlight the lack of attention given to complexities of masculinity

In the fifth paragraph, the author discusses a definition of of masculinity primarily to

underscore its limitations

Which of the following statements best encapsulates the author's lines of reasoning in the passage?

Americas boys are broken

The fifth paragraph contributes to the reason of the author's argument primarily by

To explain complexity of problems facing boys

In context, the second sentence of the penultimate paragraph ("I don't know... manhood") serves as a transitional element that

introduces a potential way of addressing the issue

In the eleventh paragraph ("I believe ... a boy once, too"), consideration of his relationship with his son motivates the author to shift from

Describing the problems to affirming the possibility of solutions

Which of the following sentences, if placed before sentences 1 , would both capture the audience's interest and provide the most effective introduction to the topic of the paragraph?

On September (9) 23, 1999, NASA officials were aghast when the $125 million Mars Climate Orbiter vanished as it prepared to enter the red planet's orbit.

In sentence 2 (reproduced below), the writer wants an effective transition from the introductory paragraph to the main idea of the passage.
"The culprit was a discrepancy in the software that controlled the spacecraft's thrusters: one team of engineers ha

As it is now

In sentence 3 (reproduced below), which of the following versions of the underlined text best establishes the writer's position on the main argument of the passage?
"The Orbiter mission failure is just one reason, albeit an extremely expensive one, that t

needs to adopt the metric system

The writer wants to add a phrase at the beginning of sentence 5 (reproduced below), adjusting the capitalization as needed, to set up a comparison with the idea discussed in sentence 4.
"The imperial measurement system used in the United States assigns va

By contrast,

In sentence 9 (reproduced below), the writer wants to provide a convincing explanation for why switching to the metric system would benefit United States industries.
"Switching to the metric system would also benefit United States industries; the European

(D) industries: those with products in both domestic and international markets would no longer need to design in and produce to two different measurement systems, reducing both product overlap and manufacturing inefficiencies

The writer wants to add the following sentence to the third paragraph (sentences 6-9) to provide additional explanation.
"This means that the United States must convert to metric units whenever it is dealing with the rest of the world. "
Where would the s

After sentence 6

The writer wants to add more information to the third paragraph (sentences 6-9) to support the main argument of the paragraph. All of the following pieces of evidence help achieve this purpose EXCEPT which one?

A quote from Thomas Jefferson's eighteenth-century proposal for a new decimal system to standardize weights and measures

In the fourth paragraph (sentences 10-11), the writer wants to expand on the concession that converting to the metric system may seem difficult. Which of the following claims would best achieve this purpose?

It would be extremely costly as well as confusing for the United States to manage the overwhelming task of converting everything from road signs to measuring cups to the metric system.

In the fourth paragraph (sentences 10-11), the writer wants to provide further evidence to rebut the claim that converting to the metric system might be difficult. Which of the following pieces of evidence would best achieve this purpose?

A description of the successful adoption of the metric system by Great Britain, which had previously used the imperial system

With what do we deeply associate success?

Efforts of an individual

What factors does Gladwell believe greatly impact our success?

When and where we grew up and our ancestors' legacies

How was Flom's success story similar to Bill Joy and Bill Gates?

they spent lots of time on a skill and capitalized on it

What was Gladwells' purpose in telling the stories of Maurice and Mort Janklow?

The importance of birth and success

What is a "culture of honor"?

A man's reputation is the center of his livelihood and worth

What is "cultural legacy," according to Gladwell?

Attitudes we inherit

What does the PDI in Hofstede's " PDI Dimension" stand for?

Power Distance Index

What point is Gladwell trying to make about cultural legacies when he discusses Greenberg and his work helping airlines?

Cultural legacies are not unchangeable

What is Gladwell's purpose in discussing the process of harvesting rice at the beginning of chapter 8?

The difficulty of rice farming

When does the " achievement gap" between rich and poor students grow significantly?

Summer Break

What was "Marita's bargain"?

Many hours of school and homework will pay off

What was the purpose of ending Outliers with Joyce Nation's story?

To show that success is a product of history, community, opportunity, and legacy

What is the connotative meaning of the highlighted bold words in the following sentence:
"The constant wave of tropical storms and hurricanes that menaced coastal Louisiana Alabama Mississippi and Florida in the summer of 2004 turn their relaxed southern

That life was made exceedingly difficult in an instant

Based on the evidence in this chapter and the authors tone who is the most guilty for the wrongdoing in Martha's case

Kathleen Enstince (pathologist) who said the baby was born alive when it wasn't or the media who exacerbated the notion that Martha was a crazy mother unfit to parent

Marsha Colby story is similar to the other women's stories for all of the following reasons except:

Other cases where falsely accused women never received the forensic help they needed to avoid wrongful convictions

Walter talks to the camera crew and he says "They put me on death row for six years they threatened me for six years they tortured me with the promise of execution for six years I lost my job I lost my wife I lost my reputation I lost my I lost my dignity

sadness and depression
defeat and loss

When Joe Sullivan at Stevenson questions during their first visit, what do the questions (Do you have children? What is your favorite color? Who's your favorite cartoon character?) reveal to the reader about Joe and his immediate concerns?

Reveals that Joe had become mentally disabled and was concerned with childish desires

What piece of scientific evidence was the basis for eliminating the death penalty for juvenile offenders?

Contemporary neurological psychological and sociological evidence (developing brain) Dopamine evidence that highlights maturity judgment impulse control and autonomy

What is the purpose of Bryan including the story of US senator Alan Simpson

Highlights that juvenile offenders can reform and be part of society when given the chance

What do subsets of children did EJI focus on relieving from their life sentences? Select both options

They focused on the youngest kids, who were 13 and 14, and kids who had been convicted of non-homicide offenses

What is ironic about the fit of laughter between Joe and Brian at the end of the chapter?

That even amidst everything Joe has been through (taunts from the guards and abuse) he can still laugh through suffering and loss

Why is it difficult for Walter to find a treatment he needs for his deteriorating health?

Places where Walter could get treatment wouldn't take him because he was convicted of a felony even when he explained himself

Which of the following best explains Stevenson's purpose for including the story of his childhood were he made fun of a boy's stutter, apologized, and was forgiven?

He wants to highlight the unexpected kindness that both the boy and Jimmy have to characterize the cruelty of the situation

What does Stevenson argue is the first act of terrorism in the United States?

Post reconstruction era, period of organized violence against black people. They grew up with terrorism not 9/11

What example does Stevenson use from his own life to support the racial bias engrained in people in our country?

Stevenson recalls he was preparing to do a hearing at a Trial Court, when a white judge assumed Stevenson was the defendant because he was black

What is the significance of the title in chapter 16, "The Stonecatcher's Song of sorrow"?

People's self-righteousness fear and anger lead them to want to hurt people, "throw stones", but you can't let that happen, you have to come in between and show compassion, catching the stones. Although catching Stones might lead you to sing sad songs wit

What is Stevenson's definition of just Mercy

Mercy is just when it is rooted in hopefulness and freely given when it is directed at the undeserving who haven't earned it. It is the most meaningful to the recipient of compassion when they don't deserve it.

What does Stevenson's claim in the epilogue is the real question of capital punishment?

Do we deserve to kill