Computer Science 170 Final Vocab


Task that one can perform in an algorithm with no further assumptions


A number (45) or a word ("Bob") when used in C++ syntax and it isn't a variable


not equal to


American Standard Code for Information Interchange


Eight bits (a bit is either a 1 or 0)


An unambiguous set of instructions to solve a problem

machine language

Programming language generation representing instructions directly used by the processor (uses .exe)

What programming generation is C++

3rd gen


Operator used to find the remainder between two numbers.


stream insertion operator

software vs data

software are instructions run by the processor. Data are values used by the programs.


The first program that is started when a computer boots up.


C++ variable than cannot be changed


Made to hold the memory address of another varibale


A promise that a function with a given signature will be written later in the program

When an argument is passed to a function by-_______ a copy of the variable is made


When an argument is passed to a function by-_______ another name for the original variable is assigned



Datatype used to store text, either as a literal constant or as some kind of variable

What is the difference between the literals "a" and 'a'?

a" is a c-style string, and 'a' is just a character

What is the difference between text and binary files

Text files only consist of ASCII values while binary files can consist of any characters, including ASCII.

What is the difference between a struct and an object?

A struct is a class/data type that is customized elsewhere, and an object is a variable declared using a struct.

What is a constructor and how should it be named?

A constructor is an opportunity to initialize attributes of a struct. It should have the same name as the class and capitalized.


Putting data members together that belong together to form a data type. This is a form of abstraction.


scope resolution operator, used between a struct and a method


List all of the files in the current directory


Display the current working directory


Make a new directory


Change the current working directory


How to save and edit


Symbol for the user's home directory


Used to allow the compiler to generate functions with different datatypes from a model of the function's logic

3 responsibilities of an operating system

i/o management, memory management, process, management

Describe the format of the bitmap file.

file header, image header, list of pixels (3 bytes, blue, green, red)