Computer Science Principles Test #1

Which of the following can be represented by a single binary digit?

-Any integer modulus 2
-A passing or failing grade
Non examples-
the temperature outside
the score on a math test
remainder when dividing by 2 is 0 or 1
only two options
no wide range answers

What does this sequence represent?
0110 1011 0010 1011

-something that depends on the context in which it is used
nothing that assumes

There are 10 types of people in this world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't."
Why might computer scientists find this statement humorous?

10 (binary) = 2 (decimal)

Doris needs to represent 26 different letters using binary.
What's the min. # of binary digits she will need to represent this many letters?

Use answer choices to see what the smallest power 2 can be raised to that is more than 26
- in this case 2^5 is 32 and 2^4 is 26, so 5 binary digits is the only suitable option

Jerry and Ron are each working on programs with different purposes and implementations. They each use the following binary sequence in the programs:
0110 1100 0100 0111
Which is true of the following statements?

-This binary sequence MIGHT represent the same type of date
WHY: all data is contextual, therefore one cannot assume that the binary sequence HAS to or can NEVER match up, it may, we never know

(context of computers telling time) Which of the following BEST describes the number of values we can express using a 64-bit system instead of a 32-bit system?

2^32 times as many values can be represented
WHY: each bit has 2 options
by going from 32 to 64 bits, we > the place values by 32. So 2 options to the power of 32 place values are how many more values we can represent by switching from a 32-bit system to

When Clinton was working with a programming language, Python, he noticed that .3-.1 was not .2. Instead it was .199999. This is the likely result of?

-A fixed number of bits representing floating point values, leading to small errors
WHY: it is not the computer assuming for itself, nor a bug

Binary representation can be used to denote different types of information. Given that you only have 3 bits to store some data, which of the following can be best represented in these three bits?

-The number of dots shown on the top face of a standard die after rolling it in a board game
WHY: 2^3=8
anything that displays 0-7 messages can be represented

Which of the following can be represented by exactly two binary digits?

-Compass directions (N, S, E, W)
-Classifying a student by whether or not they are passing and whether or not they have perfect attendance
WHY: 2^2=4
anything that displays 0-4 messages can be represented

Machines are labeled 0-7. Their status is distinguished as bits- in service =1, and out of service =0.
The status of machine 0 is represented by the rightmost bit, machine 1's status is represented by the bit left of the rightmost bit, and machine 7's sta

-Machine 2, Machine 4l and Machine 5
WHY: 2^6=64
52 is classified in this because it is bigger than 2^5