Odysessy Set

What do you see as the attitude of the Gods' towards men?

They think men are foolish. They bring most pain and suffering upon themselves.

What do you see as the attitude of the Greeks towards hospitality?

They take the role of hosts seriously. The Greeks had to open their home, be gracious, and share their food, and drink with their guests.

How would you characterize Telemachus at this point? What are his strengths?

Telemachus is trying to be a good host and holds himself to a higher set of standards. He is disgusted by the behaviors of the suitors around his home. He cares about the values and morals of the Greeks.

What are his weaknesses?

He has allowed the suitors to overtake his father's home.

How does Athena plan to affect Telemachus?

Athena poses as a man, Mentes (Odysseus' friend) and enters Telemachus' home. She tells Telemachus that Odysseus is still alive and that he must rid the home of the suitors.

What tragic homecoming story do we hear of? How does it relate to the situation in Ithaca?

The Achaeans' Journey Home from Troy. It is the story of Odysseus and his men.

Who is Phemius?

The bard- he tells stories and entertains.

How does Telemachus show strength with Penelope?

He confronts her when she is weeping over Odysseus. "I hold the reins of power in this house" (p. 89)

How does this relate to the visit of Athena?

Athena helps Telemachus to confront his mother and the suitors- something he would not have done on his own. Athena now sends him on a journey to find his father (Book Two).

What is the suitor's attitude towards Penelope's reluctance to choose one of them?

The suitors think Penelope is toying with them. They want Telemachus to stand up to his mother and either make her choose a suitor or kick her out.

Why do they think it is their right to "demand" that she choose?

They think they can demand Penelope choose because she has been leading them on for over three years. Penelope has been weaving a shroud for Laertes. She told the suitors she would choose from among them when she finished the shroud, but the men found out

What are the two different interpretations of the omen?

The omen: two eagles (Zeus' animal) fly across the sky (p. 98).
Interpretation 1: Halitherses says Zeus is saying Odysseus will return home shortly (p. 98).
Interpretation 2: Eurymachus says they are just birds, but then offers his own prophecy: Telemachu

How does Telemachus respond to the position put forward by Antinous?

Antinous wants Telemachus to force his mother to choose and says that Telemachus should forget that he and his mother have been wronged and just feast with the suitors. Telemachus refuses on all accounts. Antinous says Telemachus will die on his journey.

How does Athena help Telemachus prepare for Nestor?


Why is it important for Telemachus to meet Nestor in particular? What does he seem to represent?


Why is it important for Telemachus to meet Pisistratus?


What does Telemachus learn about himself? about the meaning of being a son? about the treatment of guests? about sacrifices to the gods?


How do Menelaus and Helen compare with Nestor as hosts?


How do they contrast with the suitors the suitors as guests?


Do Menelaus and Helen know who Telemachus is at the beginning of the book?


What do you make of the relationship between Menelaus and Helen?


What is impressive about their palace?


Who is Proteus? How does Menelaus catch him? With whose help?


What does Menelaus tell Telemachus about Odysseus' whereabouts?


Why does Telemachus need to go to two homes, and visit two of the Captains destroyed Troy?


Why is information withheld so frequently (Proteus at first balks, and Penelope's sister, in a dream, is also reluctant. Why is other information (Helen's) suspect?


How long does Odysseus stay on Calypso's island?

He was with Calypso for seven years (she got him on his way home from Troy).

What is the source of Calypso's power over Odysseus?

She is an attractive goddess who is "lustrous" (p. 155, 157, 158). It is a seductive power.

What do we learn of Calypso's feelings for Odysseus?

She loves Odysseus and saved him. She wants to keep him (p. 156). He does not want her "unwilling lover alongside lover all too willing..." (p. 157).

What will Calypso give Odysseus if he stays with her?

Hermes comes from Zeus and demands Calypso release him. She offers Odysseus immortality if he stays with her (p. 158-159).

Calypso asks Odysseus to compare her with Penelope; does Odysseus respond satisfactorily?

[Penelope] falls short of you [Calypso], / your beauty, stature. She is mortal after all / and you, you never age or die..." (p. 159).

How would you characterize the making of the raft, and the departure of Odysseus?

Cut 20 trees and made his raft (more of a ship) with Calypso bringing him tools and showing him where things were. It took 4 days. On the 5th day, Calypso launched him from her island. On the 18th day, Poseidon noticed him "Outrageous!" (p. 161) and creat

For how many days does Odysseus swim?

Three days (p. 164).

Why does Zeus, despite his liking of Odysseus, allow Poseidon to make this journey such an ordeal?

Poseidon is a god and angry. Zeus will not allow him to kill Odysseus, but take out his frustration.

Ino-Leucothea, in the guise of a seabird, gives him her veil. Why veil?

She felt bad for him, "Ah poor man, / why is the god of earthquakes so dead set against you? ... Here, take this scarf [veil], / tie it around your waist--- it is immortal" (p. 163). To save him. He could tie it around himself without weighing himself dow

Why does Odysseus return Ino's veil to the sea?

He returned it to her as she was in the sea (he feared it at first thinking it might be a trick of another goddess) (p. 166).

After two days of swimming, note several phases of decision-making. Does Odysseus accomplish his rescue on his own?

If I clamber out, some big comber will hoist me, / dash me against that cliff... If I keep on swimming down the coast, trying to find a seabeach ... another gale will snatch me up and hail me back..." (p. 165). He needed help from Athena and Ino.

Why does Nausicaa go to the river to wash clothes?


What is the explanation she offers her father?


What does Odysseus choose not to do when he sees Nausicaa?


What does he choose to do instead?


What do you think Odysseus' speech to Nausicaa tells us about him?


Why does Nausicaa not want to escort Odysseus to the palace?


How does the palace and the way it is run compare to other palaces we have seen?


How might the impression Odysseus and we receive of Phaeacia be significant for


Odysseus' subsequent return to Ithaca?


What is the difference between the way Odysseus greets Nausicaa and the way he greets Ar�te?


What does this tell us about Odysseus' perception of the two women?


Why does Odysseus sit in the ashes?


What does Odysseus say when asked asks to identify who he is?


What is Ar�te's role in helping Odysseus on his journey?


How does Odysseus explain why Nausicaa did not bring him directly to the palace?


Why might Demodocus' blindness be significant?


With whom is Odysseus quarreling in the first song by Demoducus?


What does Alcinous do when he sees how Odysseus reacts?


What does Odysseus do to win the respect of the young Phaeacians? Why ?


What does Alcinous ask Odysseus at the end of Bk. 8?


Where do Odysseus and his men go first after they leave Troy?

Ismarus- they raided the city, killed the men, and took the women.

Who are the Cicones?

The people of Ismarus. They bring an army against Odysseus and kill six men from each of his twelve ships.

Who are the lotus eaters?

They offer Odysseus' men lotus flowers which make them uncaring about anything but eating more lotus flowers.

How does Polyphemus prevent Odysseus and his men from leaving his cave?

He puts giant boulder in front of the mouth of the cave.

What does Polyphemus' diet consist of?

People, goats, cheese, milk.

Are the Cyclopes in any way civilized?


What mistake does Odysseus makes as he sails away?

He tells Polyphemus his real name and taunts him.

After the attack from the Laestrygonians, how many ships are left out of the original twelve?

One- only Odysseus' ship.

What sort of character is Circe? What craft does she practice that Penelope also practices?

She is immortal and a sensual woman. She is gifted in weaving like Penelope (remember her death shroud deal).

Why (aside from her magic) is she able to turn Odysseus' men into swine? How do they offend her?

She drugged the men when they drank. She didn't like their behavior.

Into what does Circe transform Odysseus' crew?


What does Hermes give to Odysseus?

Moly (a poisonous plant) to stop him from being changed by Circe's wine potion; it is no longer poisonous because a god gave it to him.

What makes Odysseus give in to Circe's enticements? Is this typical of him?

She is a beautiful immortal woman who promised to return his crew to their form. We know he stayed with Calypso, so it seems within character.

How long does Odysseus stay in Circe's palace?

1 year.

Why does he want to leave?

He wants to go back to Ithaca and his wife.

Where must Odysseus go to learn his way home?

He must go to the Underworld and talk to Tiresias (the blind prophet- same one from Oedipus).

Why has Odysseus returned to Aeaea?

He needs to bury the body of Elpenor as he promised.

How does Circe help him?

She warns Odysseus of all the dangers that await them- the Sirens, Scylla, Charybdis, the cattle of the sun god and how to lose the fewest men.

What does the episode of the Sirens tell us about Odysseus' character? Homer's understanding of the power of music?

He alone is to hear the Siren's song. He is unique and stronger than the other men with whom he travels. Homer understands that music has power to seduce, tame, and incite.

What advice does Odysseus take that Circe gives him about Scylla and Charybdis? What does this tell us about leadership?

He braves Scylla rather than Charybdis. If he took on the whirlpool, he would have lost his entire crew. He is willing, as a leader, to make hard choices.

Why are the cattle of Helios' island so tempting?

The men have not eaten fresh meat in a long time.

What warning does Odysseus give his men?

Do not eat the cattle of the sun god.

This is not the first time Odysseus' warnings are ignored. Whose fault is this?


This is also not the first time Odysseus's orders are defied. Does this absolve him of responsibility?


How do Poseidon and Zeus interact in this book? What is the balance of power between them? How does Zeus assert his authority? How does Poseidon assert his displeasure?


How does Odysseus first feel as he lands on Ithaca?


How much does he tell the "shepherd" he meets about his true identity and intentions?


Does he change when he realizes it is Athena? How does she react to his caution?


How do the actions Odysseus takes compare with those he takes in the stories he has told? Does the fact that he has at this point no crew affect the way acts?


Where is Athena going at the end of the book? How does she help him at this point?


How is the swineherd (Eumaeus) connected to Odysseus?


What is the prediction about Odysseus that the stranger swears "on my oath" to Eumaeus?


How does Eumaeus react to this information?


Odysseus tells the swineherd he is from what kind of background? Suffered what kind of hardships?


How does Eumaeus react to Odysseus' story?


Who gets the "boar's long loin . . . the cut of honor" in Eumaeus' shelter?


Why does Odysseus say, "I'm not long for the living. The cold will do me in./ See, I've got no cloak.


How does Eumaeus greet Telemachus?

He wept and sobbed. He greeted him as he would his own son. (p. 339)

What errand is Eumaeus sent on?

He is to tell Penelope that Telemachus has returned and to have her housekeeper tell Odysseus' father (Laertes) that he is home (p. 343).

Why does Odysseus reveal his identity to Telemachus?

Athena urged him on so the two could plot the demise of the suitors (p. 343-344).

How does Odysseus' look when he reveals himself to his son?

p. 344- He is tall, handsome, black hair, etc. He is heroic looking (godlike).

How does Telemachus react when Odysseus identifies himself?

At first he does not believe it is him. "No, you're not Odysseus! Not my father!" (p. 344).

What are the three major points of strategy in the plan which Odysseus tells to Telemachus?

a. Odysseus will pretend to be a beggar as he enters the hall with the suitors. Telemachus will hide all the weapons except for 2 swords, 2 spears, and 2 oxhide bucklers for Odysseus and Telemachus.
b. Athena & Zeus will daze the suitors.
c. Odysseus and

What does Antinous try to get the suitors to do?

He wants them to plot to kill Telemachus (p. 350).

Why compare Penelope to "Artemis or golden Aphrodite" when she comes down the stairs?


What does Telemachus leave out of his "true" story when he talks to Penelope; what does he leave in? How does Theoclymenus contribute to the scene?


Where has Argos been lying in the absence of his master?


What is Odysseus' reaction to seeing Argos?


How does Odysseus handle his "humiliation"? Does he seem more at ease with it than Eumaeus and Telemachus? If so, why?


Who throws a footstool at Odysseus? Why do even the other suitors take exception to this?


Why does Penelope want to talk to the stranger?


Why does Irus quarrel with "the stranger?


What is Antinous' reaction to the unfriendly words Irus speaks to Odysseus?


What is the prize for the beggar who wins the fight?


Has Telemachus fully reached manhood yet? Why is this important? What is the symbol of manhood?


Who is Penelope's father?


What is the implication of the maids' inappropriate behavior?


What ruse does Odysseus tell Telemachus to carry out at the beginning of the book?

Telemachus is to tell the suitors he is putting the weapons away for safe keeping and so that they will not hurt each other when they are drunk.

What does the stranger ask Penelope not to ask him? Why? Does she ask him anyway?

He says, "don't, please, search out my birth, my land, / or you'll fill my heart to overflowing even more / as I bring back the past" (p. 394). The stranger is Odysseus and he doesn't want to reveal himself yet. She wants to test his honesty.

Where does Odysseus tell Penelope he is from? Does this story have anything in common with the story he tells Eumaeus?

He says he is from Crete. It parallels (many of the same strokes) the stories he has told in the past (he has to keep his lies in order).

How does Penelope react to what she hears of Odysseus? How does Odysseus react to her reaction?

She is moved and upset. She weeps and says she believes he knew Odysseus. He reassures her. He is happy that she misses him and has been loyal to him.

What prediction does Odysseus give to Penelope?

Odysseus will return within the month. "True, this very month- just as the old moon dies / and the new moon rises into life- Odysseus will return!" (p. 400).

How did Odysseus obtain the scar that Eurycleia recognizes?

(On his foot) He got it while hunting boar with his grandfather Autolycus.

What does Odysseus say to Eurycleia?

He says he will kill all of the maids in the house, but Eurycleia says she will tell him who is guilty and who is innocent.

What is the dream which Penelope describes to Odysseus? How does he interpret it?

An eagle kills all of her 20 geese. It then speaks "Courage, daughter of Famous King Icarus! / This is no dream but a happy waking vision, / real as day, that will come true for you. / These geese were your suitors... " (p. 407-409). Odysseus says it is a

How does the stranger affect Penelope? Why is she favorably disposed toward the stranger?

She trusts him (because she can connect with him).

How does Penelope plan to test the suitors to see which one she will marry?

She will marry the one who can string Odysseus' bow and shoot an arrow through 12 axes set in a line (think the aspects of a hero- they have a special weapon only they can wield).

What does Athena do in this book to boost Odysseus' spirits? To test them?


Why are the stranger's interactions with Melanthius and Philoetius placed one after the other?


What does Philoetius have in common with Melanthius and Eumaeus?


How is Odysseus insulted by Cteppis? How does Odysseus react? Telemachus?


Why do the suitors behave even more inappropriately than usual?


What is Penelope doing at the end of the book?


What must the stringer of the bow do with his shot?

Shoot the arrow through 12 axes in a line (almost impossible) with one arrow.

In what way do Telemachus' words after "giving up" show him to be a worthy son?

He could have strung the bow, and is doing this on purpose to entice the suitors to the challenge, but in the process makes himself look weak- something he is willing to do for his father.

What is Antinous' and Eurymachus' reaction to the challenge?

Antinous yells at the servants for crying. He then admits it will be a difficult challenge to overcome (which he hopes to do). Eurymachus considers it a disgrace if they cannot string the bow.

Melanthius is ordered to do what in order to make the bow easier to bend?

Get a fire going and grease. They will "Heat and limber the bow and rub it with grease" to make it easier to bend (p. 430).

How does Odysseus prove his identity to the cowherd and the swineherd?

He showed them the scar on his foot.

What is Antinous doing when Odysseus shoots him? Why is he the first victim?

He shoots him just as he's about to drink.

How do the other suitors appeal to Odysseus?

At first they turn on him (the stranger) and tell him he will be punished for killing a man of Ithaca. Once Odysseus reveals himself, they say he has gotten his revenge- Antinous was the one who spurred them on. They offer to repay him for all they have t

How much does Athena help Odysseus, and how much is the victory his?

She gives him guidance and makes the suitors (most of) miss when they are throwing spears at Odysseus and Telemachus. Arguments can be made that he would not have won without her guidance and interference.

Who tests the strength and courage of Odysseus and Telemachus?


The dead suitors are compared to what kind of creatures?

Bodies= dead fish
Bodies= ox lion (Odysseus) has "devoured

Which appendages does Melanthius lose? Where do they end up? (Remember Antinous' threats to send Irus to Echetus in the beginning of Book 18; and a similar threat to Odysseus in Book 21)

They "lopped (cut off) his nose and ears with a ruthless knife, / tore his genitals out for the dogs to eat raw / and in manic fury hacked off hands and feet" (p. 454).

What do Penelope and Eurycleia argue about at the beginning of Bk. 23?


Why is Telemachus irritated at his mother?


What (who) does Penelope believe caused the deaths of the suitors?


What future problems does Odysseus see as a result of the killing of the suitors?


What does Odysseus want those outside his palace believe is happening within the palace?


Where does Penelope order Eurycleia to make up the bed? How does Odysseus react to this?


Who made the bed and what is remarkable about it?


What reason does Penelope give for not recognizing Odysseus earlier?


Who made Helen act as she had according to Penelope?


Who is responsible for holding Dawn at bay while Penelope and Odysseus spend their first night together?


What does Odysseus tell Penelope about his next journey?


Where is Odysseus headed at the end of the book?


What different views of their fates do Agamemnon and Achilles seem to hold?


When they speak to Agamemnon and Achilles how do suitors' shades feel about their responsibility for Odysseus' actions?


How does Odysseus test his father Laertes, now living a hard life, after the slaughter has been accomplished? What's the point of testing his father?


How does Odysseus prove to his father who he is?


What is reasons does Eupithes give when encouraging revenge on Odysseus?


What does Athena (disguised as Mentor) do to insure that the families will not succeed in revenging the suitors' deaths? What does she do to ensure that Odysseus won't cause further havoc?


What is an epic? Analyze The Odyssey and explain how it is characteristically an ancient epic.


Analyze the role and nature of fate and gods in The Odyssey.


The growth and development of Odysseus' character is an important theme of the poem. Explain how Odysseus grows during the epic. Also explain why or why not you agree that his growth is a key theme.


Write a character analysis of Penelope.


Athena plays an important role in the poem. Analyze her role and relationship with Odysseus.


Analyze The Odyssey as a sequel to The Iliad.


Trace the adventures of Odysseus and his company in the first two years after the fall of Troy.


Examine the significance of Odysseus' descent into the underworld and the Hall of Hades and relate what happens there.


The suitors are an embodiment of a heroic society in decay." Examine this statement and state whether you agree with it or not and why.


Examine the structure of The Odyssey and state its important features.


Relate the details of Odysseus' stay at Phaecia with King Alcinous.


Odysseus' encounter with Polyphemus is the cause of Poseidon's wrath. Explain Odysseus' unheroic and negative traits in this episode.


Explain how the long story of Odysseus' return is dealt with in the last four Books.


When does the epic reach its climax? Analyze the climactic scene.


The suitors' slaying is brutal. Do you think it is justified? Support your position with logical reasons.


Relate the details of Telemachus' visit to Pylos and Sparta. How do you think he benefits from this journey?


Athena aids Odysseus and Telemachus throughout. Do you think this diminishes or enhances their heroic stature? Support your position with logical reasons.


Relate how Odysseus manages to take vengeance on the suitors, who outnumber him and his party.


The Odyssey possesses a supernatural element. Examine it and explain its role and significance.


The Odyssey deals twice with the ancient theme of the witch who detains the hero on his return by making him live with her. Contrast the characters and roles of Circe and Calypso.


Odysseus is often called "brave" and "enduring." Recount the places in the epic where he has exhibited these two qualities.


Examine the significance of the roles played by Eumaeus, Eurycleia, and Philoetius.


State and examine some of the important themes of this epic.
