Tests and Measurements Final

Interpersonal- Psychopath

Superficial charm, grandiose sense of worth, narcisstic, pathological lying, manipulative

Affective- Psychopath

lack of remorse or guilt, rationalize being violent, emotionally shallow, less intense emotions, lack of empathy, doesn't accept responsibility

Lifestyle- Psychopath

proneness to boredom, engage in sensation seeking behaviors, parasitic lifestyle, lack of longterm goals, impulsivity, irresponsibility

Antisociality- Psychopath

poor behavioral controls, early behavior problems, abusing animals as kids, juvenile deliquency, keep failing on probation, criminal versatility

How do personality traits and the situation interact to drive behavior?

Behaviors are not entirely determined by personality, some situations restrict or promote behavior, same trait may manifest itself in different behaviors in different situations. The same behavior may reflect different traits


Low: Disorganized, careless, impulsive
High: Organized, Careful, disciplined


Low: Ruthless, Suspicious, Uncooperative
High: Soft-hearted, trusting, helpful


Low: calm , secure, self-satisfied
High: anxious, insecure, self-pitying


Low: practical, prefers routines, conforming
High: imaginative, prefers variety, independent


Low: retiring, sober, reserved
High: sociable, fun loving, affectionate

Non-content based response bias

Fixed responding (all As or yes)
Random responding

Faking bad (over-reporting)

Unusual or uncommon responses
Reporting excessive problems

Faking good (under-reporting)

Enhancing (claiming positive traits)
Denial (denying negative traits)
self -deception (unwillingness to acknowledge one's own faults

passive avoidance learning

the perfect storm"
inability to learn from behaviors that punish
hypersensitivity to rewards

PET Scan - psychopath vs non psychopath

when presented with the word murder, psychopaths had much less brain activity. the brain activity is in the occipital lobe. the limited brain activity in the frontal lobe demonstrates less activity in decision making, moral reasoning, impulses, conscious

criterion related sources of bias


regression - test fairness

separate regression lines are used for different groups, those with the predicted criterion scores are selected
this is fair because those with highest estimated level of success are selected
few minority group members are selected

quota- test fairness

The proportion of people to be selected from each group is predetermined. Separate regression equations are used to select those from each group who are expected to perform highest on the criterion
This is fair because members of different subgroups are s

Diana vs. State Board of Education

Implications for the use of standardized tests for bilingual children
IQ tests were significantly lower when tested in English instead of first language
Children could be tested in primary language, questions would be eliminated they would not know, new s

Marchall v Georgia

African american students were being disproportionally placed in EMR classes (educable mentally retarded) and underpresentated in classes with learning disabilities
New focus on curriculum based test bias rather than IQ testing
Test information could be u

Regents of the University of California v Bakke

Reverse discrimination, Bakke sued on the ground that he had been discriminated and denied admissions because he was not a minority group member
Cutoff of MCAT was different for minority and majority groups
Signified a change in attitude about affirmative

Meredith v Jefferson County Board of Education

Meredith Case asked if the desire to achieve racial balance in a student body is a valid goal for an elementary or high school district
Found the county policy unconstitutional
Argued that the goal of achieving racial balance in the schools did not justif