Sports Marketing - Test 2

1. Cognitive involvement in sports has increased in recent years due, in part, to the popularity of fantasy sports.

A. True

2. As a sports marketer, you must use market segmentation to target the most appropriate groups of potential customers.

A. True

3. A "Do -> Feel and Learn" hierarchy is typically used by marketers to get consumers involved with new sports equipment. For example, golf equipment marketers hold "demo days" at a golf club.

A. True

4. Consumer animosity is a positive feeling directed from the consumer to a sports team.

B. False

5. " The Cameron Crazies" (Duke University student section), are known for their raucous behavior. They show both behavioral and affective involvement with their crazy, passionate antics.

A. True

6. A marketer must know where members of their target market search for information in order to choose the correct location to place an advertisement/promotion.

A. True

7. Coaches for teams at a sporting event are a "product extension

A. True

8. Usually, consumers choose the products that they purchase based only on their personal attitude towards the product.

B. False

9. A loyal fan that attends games regularly was dissatisfied with his experience at the last game he attended. Usually, this fan will defect/drop out from attending future games.

B. False

10. Fans worried about their safety getting to and from the venue is sometimes a problem when trying to get fans to come to your venue.

A. True

11. Socialization into a sport happens after commitment to a sport.

B. False

12. In the documentary "Catching Hell", fans were interviewed and showed a deep knowledge of the "Curse of the Bambino" and the "Curse of the Billy Goat". Those fans had been socialized into the history of the Red Sox and the Cubs.

A. True

13. Clarifying your organization's goals and objectives should be done

C. after a SWOT analysis

14. Some sports organizations are struggling to attract families to their events because of the following consumer perception.

A. facility cleanliness
B. exposure to violence
C. exposure to adult/bad behavior
D. all of the above

15. Which of the following is a reason for a sports league to change a rule

A. to enhance the product for the fans
B. to protect the players
C. to protect the integrity of the game
d. Both a and b
E. a, b and c

16. These are parts of the sports product that you must have to put on an event:

B. core elements

17. Nike uses this type of involvement/commitment hierarchy in the advertising campaigns for most of their products (such as the Colin Kaepernick Nike commercial we watched earlier this semester)

B. Feel -> learn and do

18. In the article "The Effect of Start Quality on Attendance Demand: The Case of the National Basketball Association", start quality and its effect on attendance was determined by:

D. All-Star votes

19. "State of Being" segmentation variables refer to which type of segmentation type?

D. demographic

20. A person who develops a passion for a sports team would have a high degree of:

C. affective involvement

21. The frequency, duration, and intensity in a sport or the willingness to expend money, time , and energy in a pattern of sport involvement is considered?

B. commitment

22. Actively making noise in the stands at a basketball game because you noticed the other fans starting to make noise would be considered what type of involvement?

A. behavioral

23. The theory of reasoned action refers to which of the following?

D. Consumers use both environmental factors and individual factors when making purchase decisions.

24. The acquisition of information and knowledge about a sport is what type of involvement?

C. cognitive

25. How often should step five in the five strategic components of marketing management be performed?

D. It should be performed everyday or close to it.

26. As mentioned in class the VALs survey is a survey that, for the majority of its questions, uses this segmentation type:

C. psychographic

27. The "R" in a S.M.A.R.T goal stands for the word:

A relevant

28. Involvement in sports participation for an individual who has recently started a family usually:

C. goes down

29. At what point does customer service in the venue become important in the consumer purchase decision-making process for a first-time attendee to a football game?

C. experience

30. Which of the following would be considered an individual factor that affects consumers' behavior?

C. physical characteristics such as speed or height

31. According to the article, "The Effect of Start Quality on Attendance DemandL The Case of the National Basketball association" adding a player with star power to an NBA team's roster will lead to:

B. an increase in attendance to the team's games

32. What is the second step in the consumer decision-making process?

C. information search

33. A first-time attendee to a Red Wings game will most likely do what if the formula, Value - Benefits - Costs, is negative?

C. not be a repeat customer