civil war long term causes


-system of multiple gov't in order to give more localized decision making power
-10th amendment: all powers not given to fed gov't are reserved for the states & people

free soilers

political party that opposed growth of slavery; wanted all new states to be free states

1828 tariff crisis

-SC talks ab secession for first time
-south threatens to nullify any anti-slavery laws


slavery, tariffs, and economics led to increased sectionalism

compromise of 1820

-drew line to determine future areas of slavery
-solved issue for about 20 years

wilmot proviso

tried to block slavery in old mexican areas but is defeated in congress

compromise of 1850

1. california applies for statehood; debate begins & Clay organizes comrpomise
2. california admitted as free state
3. south gets stronger fugitive law
4. popular sovereignty to help decide future cases of slavery

popular sovereignty

the people vote to be a free state or a slave state