Chapter 16

what are the three types of consumer choices

1.Affective Choice
2.Attitude-Based Choice
3.Attribute-Based Choice

what is affective choice

Holistic view about how something makes you feel

what is attitude based choice

General attitudes, do we like it or not, most of our purchases are these

what is attribute based choice

attribute by attribute comparison (limited decision making, extended decision making), picking the attributes that consumer likes

how to measure evaluative criteria

�The Evaluative Criteria Used
�Judgments of Brand Performance on Specific Criteria
�The Relative Importance of Evaluative Criteria

Types of Evaluative Criteria

direct- asking the customers
indirect (projective and perceptual mapping)-assumes why consumers don't make their decisions

how are perceptual maps quantified

�Rank ordering scales
�Semantic Differential Scales- how they feel
�Likert Scales-Strongly disagree or agree scale

Direct method for relative importance

constant sum scale
take different attributes and allocate points to most important attributes

Indirect method for relative importance

conjoint analysis
�Adding value/ features for more products and see how much willing to pay=PRICING

what does non compensatory mean

being high on one attribute doesn't mean you can be low on another

what are the 4 non compensatory attribute based decision rules

�Conjunctive Rule
�Disjunctive Rule
�Elimination-by-Aspects Rule
�Lexicographic Rule

what is the conjunctive rule

Establishes minimum required performance for each evaluative criterion.
If you don't meet minimum standards then you're tossed out

what is disjunctive rule

Establishes a minimum required performance for each important attribute (often a high level).
Only establishes minimum requirement for things that MATTER

what is elimination by aspects rule

Rank in terms of importance, set a cut off point and brands are gone if they don't meet requirements

what is lexicographic rule

Rating on importance and then taking brand that scores the highest

what is compensatory rule

states that the brand that rates highest on the sum of the consumer's judgments of the relevant evaluative criteria will be chosen
basically multi-attribute model