Iannone - Chapter 3 - Leadership, Supervision, and Command Presence

Leadership is defined as?

The art of influencing, directing, guiding, and controlling other in such a way as to obtain their willing obedience, confidence, respect and loyal cooperation in the accomplishment of an objective

What binds a group together and motivates it toward goals?

The human factor

Leadership is truly an ?


Resistance is usually the result of the inability of some supervisors to?

Adopt and apply realistically the principles of leadership to their own particular assignment

Leadership ability is not?

** There are no born leaders

How can one earn leadership status?

Any reasonable intelligent person with enough forcefulness to develop his ability to inspire others to follow him can earn leadership status

The true leader - the ideal for the org - is the?

Leader recognized as such formally and granted leadership authority not only by his org, but by his suborrdinates

The grant authority by whom is the only real source of authority?

By their subordinates

Leadership status must be?


The best leaders make their jobs look easier b/c?

They have the fewest problems

The Autocratic Leader is?

Highly authoriztative

Autocractic leaders know where they stand b/c?

He goes by the book

The Autocractic Leader directs, commands, and controls his subordinates in such a manner that?

No one forgets who is the boss

What Autocractic Leader rules through?

Fear, intimidation and threat

How are Autocractic Leaders often thought of as by superviosrs?

The tyrant

Autocractic Leaders are primarily?

Leader centered, having little concern for others but considerable interest in his own supervisory status

Does this type of autocractic leader approach last long?

No this approach does not work well for long

When conditions are unstable during periods of stress and emergency, when initiative and desiciveness are needed, when there is usually no time for permissive leadership and not time for discussion with suborditnates before each decision is made, and when

* Provided tat he has the capacity to make sound, workable decisions

The Democractic or Participative Leader

The supervisor who leads democractically, seeking ideas and suggections from his subordinates and allowing them to participate in decision making that affects them

What type of leader secures the best resuts as a leader?

Democratic Leader

This essence of participative management, works well when?

Circumstances permit employees to participate in the decision making process

At times, however, such as in emergent or unusual situations, purely?

Democratic leadership will work poorly

The most effective leaders will blend their style?

More forceful measures which will produce the quick, decisive action needed

Most probably, democratic leaders will not only be a popular leader, but will?

Be respected by his group

The Free-rein or Laissez-Faire Leader?

Te leader who plays down his role as such and exercises a minimum of control seldon gives his subordinates the attention or help they need

The Free-rein leader does not interfere with them but permits?

A laissez-faire operation

A free-rein leader's failure to maintain contact is often as?

Harmful as an excessive amount of supervision

What type of supervision does not work well?

The free-rein leader

A Free-rein leader invariably produces a climate of?


The responsibility of supervising and managing others is?

Not simple
* Situations can be complex
* People are much more so

No one management style can work in?

Every situation

Readiness Style 1: When the workers are both unable to do the job and unwilling to try, the leader uses?

Leadership Style 1 (Telling)

Leadership Style 1 (Telling)?

Is high in task behavior but low in relationship behavior

Readiness Style 2: When the workers are unable to do the job but are willing or confident, the leader uses ?

Leadership Style 2 (Selling)

Leadership Style 2 (Selling)?

Is high in task behavior and high in relationship behavior

Readiness Style 3: When the workers are very capable but are unwilling or insecure, the leader uses?

Leadership Style 3 (Participating)

Leadership Style 3 (Participating)?

Is low in task behavior and high in relationship behavior

Readiness Style 4: When the workers are very capable and very willing, the leader uses?

Leadership Style 4 (Delegating)

Leadership Style 4 (Delegating)?

Is low in task behavior and low in relationship behavior

Situational leadership is based on interplay among?

- The amount of guidance and direction (task behavior) a leader gives
- The amount of socio-emotional support (relationship behavior) a leader provides
- The readiness (maturity) level that the followers exhibit in perfomring a specific task, function or

Situational leadership was developed to help leaders ?

Be more effective in their dealings with subordinates

All types of leadership will work with varying degrees of success if the conditions are?

Favorable and the situation permits a particular approach

Command presence to some denotes a?

Military bearing

To others, command presence means a ?

Distinctive type of appearance and conduct

Others believe that command presence is comprised of the same ingredients as?


It is often said that command presence is best refected by the leader who?

Looks calmer and calmer as things get worse and worse

Elements of Leadership?

- DIscipline
- Ethics
- Common Sense
- Psychology

What is the best mark of good leadership?

A high level of discipline in its broadest sense in an org

Ethics - He must avoid all appearances of evil. His conduct is appraised in three frames of reference?

- What it actually is
- What he thinks it is
- What it appears to be to others

Common sense is one of the most?

Valued characteristics of a leader and is the hallmark of true leadership

Excellent leaders are guided by?

Proper regulations and procedures
* Use good judgement when applying them

Common sense always represents the action that gets?

The best results with the least cost or side effects

The maintenance of a high level of discipline and morale requires some practical knowledge of?

The psychological factors that affect human behavior

Motivation involves the application of incentives which encourage a certain positive pattern of?

Behavior and attitude which contributes to the accomplishment of the org mission

Motivation vs manipulation?

The effective supervisor will recognize the difference b/w giving employees a desire to produce well b/c of high job satisfaction and trying to force them to do so - deviously or otherwise

Employees are stimulated to produce best when they are provided with?

Positive incentives that satisfy individual needs

Incentives are things such as?

- Reognition by supv and peers
- Praise
- Opportunity for development
- Interesting and challenging job
- Increased responsibility
- Advancement
- Fair treatment by supervisors

These incentives by supervisors are strong forces in motivating people and can usually be ?

Directly controlled by supervisors

Money and other material incentives are vastly overrated as positive motivational influences b/c?

They become weaker and weaker as physical human needs are progressively satisfied

Motivation through the process of inspiration is unquestionably?

The most difficult

Yet the most powerful and lasting force in forming attitudes which will?

Induce workers to make fuller use of their potential

Recogntion is a ?

Strong motivating force in people

Negative motivators such as what should be avoided?

- Fear
- Coercion
- Intimidation
- Punishment

These negative motivators should be avoided except when?

More constructive, positive means have been tried and have failed

Fear, as a negative motivator, involves?

Threat, direct or implied, and a degree of intimidation

Every leader should possess the following 11 traits?

- Technical skill
- Intelligence
- Moral and physical integrity
- Enthusiasm for the job and all it entails
- Courtesy
- Ambition
- Friendliness, sincerity, affection for others, and personal warmth
- Faith in himself and his subordinates
- Physical and n

In addition what else is found in a good leader?

- Good judegment
- Originalty
- Dependability
- Self-control
- Adaptability
- Versatility
- Empathy for others short of sentimentalism

What is the keynote to supervisory success?

The capability of the supervisor to adapt their methods to his own particular style

The physical, moral and mental attributes of the supervisor have a powerful effect on?

His relationships with his subordinates

What is a force the supervisor should utilize to increase his effectiveness substantially

The desire of individuals for recognition

Commend in public but criticise in?


Criricism, like commendation, should not be?

Neglected when it is indicated

Strike a reasonable balance b/w constructive criticism when it is?

Needed and praise when it is earned

The supervisor should never lose his tempter and become angry or hostile when?

Reprimanding subordinates

The employee should be given an opportunity to?

Make a positive response concerning the issue and to save face

The response should be so sturtured by the supervisor that it?

Contains some plan for improvement

What tends to reduce antagonism and resistance to criticism?

A soft intelligent approach rather than a hard one
* Object is to bring about improvement, not to produce resentment and hostility

Ever supervisor should learn as much as he can about his ?

Subordinates, individually and collectively

Tranfer of personnel only?

Shifts the problem to someone else

The disgruntlyed employee with a grieveance should be given the opportunity to?

Express the cause for his complaint

Imagined grievances are usually corrected easily by encouraging the employee to?

Examine the real facts or by providing the facts that he does not have

Order giving involves the complex process of communicating ideas in such a manner that the recipient interprets ?

What he hears in the way the communicator intends

Each order is susceptible to three interpretations?

What the person actually says
What he thinks he said
What the recipient thinks he said

Employees are more likely to resent the way an unpopular order was given, rather than?

The order itself

Orders may be given as commands when?

When emergent conditions require direct, prompt action. This method of giving orders may be indicated in dealing with lazy, careless, indifferent, or irresponsible employee or the one who refuses or neglects to obey a standard operating rules or fails

When orders are given in the form of commands, they should be?

Simple and direct

If orders are given hesitatingly, they usually?

Will be obeyed in a like manner

****Most orders should be framed as?


Experience clearly indicates that cooperation is most readily obtained through?

Requests rather than by commands

Cooperation cannot be demanded. It must be?


Orders to sensitive, nervous or easily offended individuals are usually best framed as?


Implied or suggestive directives can be employed to good effect with?

The reliable employee who readily assumes responsibility for a task

Implied or suggestive directives can be employed to good effect with the reliable employee who readily assumes responsibility for a task. They allow considerable latitude in the method of accomplishing an assignment when?

Immediate action is not essential

The supervisor will express the degree of confidence he has in his subordinates by the amount of?

Control he wishes to retain over their efforts

Orders to inexperienced or unreliable employees should be given ?

In a more direct manner than by suggestion or implication

The call for volunteers should be used with care so that it will not become a simple expedient for escaping the responsibility of ?

Making assignments or issuing orders which are in the best interests of the organization

Neither should the supervisor call for volunteers to perform a task that he himself should perform merely b/c?

He wishes to shed the responsibility, b/c he considers the job beneath him, or b/ it involves a distasteful act

If communications are positive, they are more likely to be?

More effective than if made in a negative vein

What type of orders are usually satisfactory for simple tasks?

Verbal orders

As with many communications, a verbal order can easily be?

* As can the intent of the person giving it

It is difficult to hold anyone accountable for?

Failures in giving or carrying out an oral directive

When other than a simple order is iven, the person giving it should have it?

Played back so that any misunderstandings that have resulted in the communication process can be clarified

What type of orders should be used in situations where complex operations or numerous persons are affected to assure that all receive the same message?

Written order

The supervisor surrenders his authority little by little when he fails to?

Follow up his orders to assure that they have been carried out

One of the most frequent functions the supervisor is called upon to perform is that of?

Decision making

What is the first step in the decision making process?

Must be awareness that a real problem exists

What is the second step in the decision making process?

Facts must be obtained

What is the third step in the decision making process?

When sufficient data have been collected, they must be evaluated and analyzed

What is the fourth step in the decision making process?

Alternative approaches leading to a logical conclusion should be decided upon and probable consequences of each should be weighed

What is the fifth step in the decision making process?

A decision must be selected for the alternative solutions

What is the sixth step in the decision making process?

The decision must then be communicated to those who must carry it out

Appropriate followup should to place so that results of the decision may be?

Checked and evaluated

What is perhaps the most common failing of inexperienced supervisors?

** Arises from their failure to delegate tasks

Over supervision is often called?


Oversupervision causes?

- Loss of repsect for the supervisor
- Creates suspicions in the mind of employees
- Fosters rumors
- Arouses resentment

The effective supervisor will soon learn how much attention each employee?

Needs and direct attention to him accordingly

Subordinates look forward to riding with their supervisors b/c?

Get the opportunity to show their capabilities

Even professional officers and supervisors can be influenced by?

Personal interest

Departmental codes of conduct are intended to?

Guide moral dilemmas

But in ethical decisions, supervisors must remember the?

Prinicipals, not just the rules

The respected leader will be imitated consciously or unconsciously by?

Those he leads

A woman supervisor is often required to prove herself?

Over and over

What has been cited as one of the primary sources of stress for female officers?

Gender stereotyping

Regardless of affirmative action, equal employment opportunity standards, or consent decrees, supervisors must make decisions scrupulously based on?

Fairness and mission requirements

The perception of unfairness, even if it is incorrect, will?

Undermine the supervisor's effectiveness

Employees who feel they are treated fairly are more likely?

To perform to their full capabilities

Sexual harassment in the workplace is prohibited by?

Federal law and it may be litigated as a civil rights violation
** The potential for departmental, and individual, liability is enormous

Leadership fails more often b/c ?

It is not provided when it is most needed than b/c the techniques are flawed

The mere fact that a person selected for a supervisor position has been a competent, skilled individual producer is no?

Guarantee that he will become a successful leader

Community Policing calls for a partnership b/w?

The police and the local community to solve problems on a neighborhood-by neighborhood basis

Community Policing is generally understood to include components of?

- Crime prevention by PO's acting as coordinators
- Working with community groups to identify priorities and strategies
- Mobilizing all community resources

Community Policing invests a great deal of authority in?

Street level officers

Community Policing requires?

- Leadership
- Management
- Communication skills
- Coupled with a considerable amount of creativity

The first challenge for the supervisor of a CPP is to ?

Adapt to the high level of necessary commitment and community involvement

What skills are critical for a suppervisor of a CPP?

- Leadership
- Program Management
- Negotiation Skills

For community-oriented policing and problem solving to be effective, supervisors must understand?

It's concepts, support its principal and be part of it

Some supervisors fail in their primary task of?

Directing, leading and controlling

The only real authority he has is that which is granted to him by?

His subordinates

Perhaps the single function that best marks the good leader is his ability to?

Maintain a high level of discipline, morale, and espirit de corps

Implied or suggestive orders may be effectively used with?

Reliable, experienced employees

A good leader will criticize when necessary but only after?

He had obtained all the facts upon which he has based his criticism
** He will do so only in private, with rare exceptions

Whenever possible, he will praise an employee?

Publicly where credit or recognition is earned

The most effective supervisor will motivate his subordinates through?

A system of positive incentives which tens to satisfy their individaul needs