SHRM-SCP Ethical Practice 2019

Benefits of Ethical Workplaces

are considered by employees as good places to work. Employees are proud of their association with the employer, and they are more likely to treat each other better.

Ethical Practice competency

Personal integrity.
Professional integrity.
Ethical agent.

Personal integrity

Model ethical conduct and the organization's values in all their actions. They strive to be ethical and admit their shortcomings.

Professional integrity

Demonstrate awareness of and commitment to ethics in their work.

Ethical agent

They can communicate ethical expectations to all new employees and administer those expectations consistently. They can create the means for employees to report ethical issues and maintain confidentiality.

Consult with others

Identify people, inside and outside the organization, they consider ethical mentors, individuals who are known for their ethical behavior and the ability to understand and advise on complex situations.


Commits an ethical organizations to disclosing details about dealings, transactions, or processes to those who have a vested interest.


dealings reflect a commitment to truthfulness and fairness, abiding by social and business norms.

Conflicts of interest

are situations in which a person or organization may benefit from undue influence due to involvement in outside activities, relationships, or investments that conflict with or have an impact on the employment relationship or its outcomes.


is the exchange of anything of value to gain greater influence or preference. It is a challenge in all businesses, but it can be a particular challenge for global organizations.


refers to the treatment of personal information that has been disclosed to another person (e.g., one's doctor, lawyer, or financial advisor) or organization (e.g., one's employer or a hospital).

Creating a safe working environment

working environment, both in the physical workplace and in extended workplaces for distance workers and global assignees.

Maintaining a fair working environment

This requires policies that promote fair talent acquisition practices, access to skill and career development, and compensation systems that are compliant with local laws and regulations.

Protecting employee privacy

Privacy refers to an individual's right to freedom from intrusion (by viewing, monitoring, reading, etc.) into matters, actions, or information that is personal. The line between "personal" and "public" sometimes can be complicated.

code of conduct

can be defined as principles of conduct within an organization that guide decision making and behavior.