Sport and Exercise Psychology

scientific study of people and their affects, behaviors and cognitions of physical activities/performance and the practical application of that knowledge

2 General objectives of Sport and Exercise Psychology

1. to understand how psychological factors affects a person's motor performance
2. to understand how participating in physical activity affects a person's psychological development

Major Journals and their year of publish

-JSEP (1979)
-JASP (1989)
-TSP (1987)
-IJSEP (1970)
-AASP (2010)
-APA (2012)
-NASPSPA (2011)

3 Roles of Teaching

Research Role: advance knowledge and share it through journals
Teaching Role: Workshops, college courses
Consulting Role: Help improve performance, as Clinical/Education sport psychologists

Psycho-physiological orientation

examines underlying processes the brain in terms of primary causes of behavior

Social-psychological orientation

behavior is determined by a complex interaction of the social environment and the personal makeup of the athlete

Cognitive-behavioral orientation

behavior is determined by Bothe environment and thoughts


Scientific Knowledge:
systematic, controlled, empirical, an critical filtering; highly reliable, objective and biased; often slow to evolve, lack of focus on external validity

Profesional personal knowledge

holistic, innovative, immediate; less reliable, lack of explanations, biased


influence individuals and groups toward set goals; establish interpersonal relationships, provide feedback, influencing the decision-making, and provide motivation

Leaders vs Managers

Leaders knows where the group needs to go and provide the decision and resources to help it get there. Managers are more concerned with planning, organizing, scheduling, budgeting, staffing, and recruiting activities.

Trait Approach (Leadership)

Great leaders posses a set of universal personality traits that essential for effective leadership

Behavioral approach (Leadership)

relatively universal set of behaviors characterizes successful leaders

Situational approach (Leadership)

effective leadership is much more dependent on the characteristics of the situation than on the traits and behaviors of the leaders in those situations

Interactional approach (Leadership)

interaction of the situation and a leader's behaviors determines effective leadership

Four Components of Effective Leadership

Leadership Style
Leader's Qualities
*Situational Factors
*Followers Qualities

Leaders in Sport

Effective communication
strong technical instruction and demonstration
positive and Clear feedback


characteristics or blend of characteristics that make individuals unique

Personality Structure

Helps gain insight on the person's motivation, actions, and behaviors.
-Helps improve teaching and coaching effectiveness by designing programs

Psychodynamic Approach (Personality)

unconsciousness determinants of behavior and if understanding the person as a whole

Trait approach (Personality)

Personality is enduring and consistent across situations and predisposes individuals to behave in consistent ways regardless of the situation.

Situational Approach (Personality)

Behavior is determined largely by the environment or situation

Interactional approach (Personality)

Personal and situational factors are equal determinants o behavior

Phenomenological approach

person's understanding and subjective interpretation of themselves and their environment versus fixed traits.
Behavior is to be determined by personal and situational factors.

Cognitive Strategies

-practice specific plans
-develop competition plans
-practice routines
-focus on what they control
-mental rehearsal
-learn to regulate arousal and anxiety

State Measure of Personality

right now" situational effects on ABC's

Trait Measure of Personality

individual's typical and core responses