battle drill 1

React to Contact

battle drill 2

platoon attack

battle drill 2a

squad attack

battle drill 3

Break Contact

battle drill 4

React to near ambush

battle drill 5

Knock out Bunker

battle drill 6

Enter and clear a room

battle drill 7

Enter a Trench to Secure a Foothold

battle drill 8

breach mine wire obstacle

battle drill 9

React to Indirect Fire

battle drill 10

React to CBRN

battle drill 11

React to an IED

battle drill 12

Dismount a BFV and ICV

battle drill 13

Mount a BFV and ICV

battle drill 14

Execute action right or left while mounted

What is a Battle Drill (BD)?

A collective action rapidly executed without applying a deliberate decision making process

How many Battle Drills are there?

14 Battle Drills