Apker 4

A biological reaction to any internal or external stimulus that can disturb an organism's homeostasis (a steady state)


2 contingencies that place individuals working in health care organizations at risk of stress and burnout

work structure and workload

[Stress contingency] Differs in health organizations because typically shift-based and non-routine
(staff shortage)

work structure

[Stress contingency] Must multi-task continually as they make decisions and perform job responsibilities (often have urgent consequences); interact with many different stakeholders


[Stress contingency] Caregivers bear witness to the complex array of feelings that patients and their families experience in times of illness


3 sources of stress in health organizations

role stressors
emotional labor stressors
organizational stressors

5 role stressors

role overload
role conflict
role ambiguity
lack of role control or autonomy
lack of participation in decision making

[Role stressor] Having too many and/or too difficult work responsibilities within a given role; asked to do too much

role overload

Role overload has been identified as a leading cause of ____________ and ________________ among healthcare workers

stress and burnout

[Role stressor] Clash between two or more competing and/or divergent roles; feeling like you are being pulled in different directions

role conflict

[Role stressor] The uncertainty that exists about specific role requirements and expectations (it is not clear what your role is)

role ambiguity

[Role stressor] Due to managed care physicians feel like they do not have role autonomy anymore; can cause stress particularly on physicians because they feel as though they can no longer make the best healthcare decisions

lack of role control or autonomy

[Role stressor] Feeling like you cannot make decisions in an organization

lack of participation in decision making

How feelings can produce significant stress in a health organization; some jobs require you to display a particular emotion

emotional labor

With emotional labor, it is extremely stressful when your displays on the _____________ do NOT match how you are on the ______________

outside; inside

When negative emotions (depression, anger, sadness) spread to others; problem for healthcare providers (ex: caring for a patient that is depressed, can spread to the healthcare provider and compromise their performance)

emotional contagion

2 major organizational stressors

work-life overlap and managed care

Says that inevitably, work lives and social lives will overlap

work-life overlap

3 parts of work-life overlap

work-life spillover
work-life conflict
lack of control over work hours/schedule

In work-life overlap, when aspects of a person's personal life overflow into work life and vice versa

work-life spillover

In work-life overlap, when personal and work interests compete, leading an individual to attempt to balance work and home life responsibilities (spillover becomes negative and we feel pulled in different directions)

work-life conflict

Can create stressors for physicians; much more paperwork, must get permission prior to treatment/recommending a treatment; much more rules to follow in order to keep costs down
(Physicians lack autonomy is making healthcare decisions = which causes stress

managed care

Multidimensional; "wearing out" or "gradual erosion" experienced by a person suffering from long-term and often chronic occupational stress


3 dimensions/variables to measure burnout

reduced personal accomplishment
emotional exhaustion

[Dimension of burnout] When people believe they cannot make progress in or achieve job responsibilities; leave job at the end of the day feeling worthless and unproductive; causes negative self-esteem

reduced personal accomplishment

[Dimension of burnout] Occurs when you are so burned out, you no longer see people as distinct individuals (become numb to people)


[Dimension of burnout] Most predominant dimension; when a person feels wrung out or used up emotionally because of day-to-day role

emotional exhaustion

Burnout can be recognized in 4 different symptoms/signs

physical, behavioral, emotional, work-related

[Sign of burnout] Twitching, problems sleeping, low energy and weariness, prone to illness


[Sign of burnout] Acting up (not acting normal), dehumanization of patients, reduced communication with colleagues and patients, aggressive interactions with others


[Sign of burnout] Outburst of emotion (anger, sadness), depressed mood, apprehensive/worried


[Sign of burnout] High turnover, late for work, reduced/ineffective job performance, absenteeism (missing work a lot)


Burnout poses significant threats to caregivers and negatively influences

caregiver communication

The consequences of burnout can have many _____________ and ______________ health problems that affect quality of life

physical and mental

Burnout can effect caregiver communication- making them less _________________ and ________________ to other's needs

empathetic and responsive

There is strong link between burnout and


Burnout has the potential to cause high __________________- which can have large financial costs and human costs


Illness Low Org ID
Self-esteem Low Productivity
Anxiety Poor performance
Communication deficits Poor quality of care
Depression Absenteeism
Turnover Low Pat. Satis.
Job dissatisfaction

consequences of burnout

Models and theories provide explanations of how the the

social world works

Kathy Miller's Model of Empathy, Communication, and Burnout (1988) gives an explanation for how to ___________ and/or _______________ burnout

prevent; mitigate

As burnout increases, occupational commitment goes _________
As burnout decreases, occupational commitment goes __________

down; up

Being able to say the right thing at the right time, to make someone else feel better

communicative responsiveness

As communicative responsiveness increases, burnout goes ___________ & occupational commitment goes up


As communicative responsiveness decreases, burnout goes _________ & occupational commitment goes down


As emotional contagion _________________, communicative responsiveness goes down- burnout increases- occupational commitment decreases)


Feeling for (NOT mirroring negative emotions); detached concern, while not allowing negative emotions to spread

empathic concern

According to Miller's model, to decrease burnout you must increase ______________________ and decrease __________________________; and learn how to be more communicatively responsive

empathic concern; emotional contagion

Another way you can decrease burnout is through

social support

Social support =

helpful relationships

Interactions that reduce perceptions of ambiguity and helps foster a sense of control over stressors

socially supportive communication

3 forms of social support

instrumental, informational, emotional

[Form of social support] When someone helps us physically or gives use something tangible (like money or restructuring job tasks); visible assistance


[Form of social support] The provision of knowledge, data, advice to reduce and/or buffer a person's stress; advice or knowledge you can give to someone in order to help them


[Form of social support] The display of care and concern in the form of showing encouragement or empathy; communicate affection/caring as a way of helping someone else


Research shows that _______________ social support is the most effective


Individuals tend to seek and receive _______________ types of supportive communication simultaneously


Relationships and social support are important in healthcare organizations because they provide

socially supportive communication

2 major types of relationships that are important for social support in health organizations

supervisor-subordinate and peers

Relationship that is a source of social support- formal reporting structures (ex: nurse manager to staff nurse; dentist to dental hygienist); those in leadership positions often have knowledge that can help their subordinates cope with/manage stress


Relationship that is a source of social support- (friends, other employees) lateral or parallel relationships between employees that lack a formal reporting authority; others that work in shared organizational setting


2 functions of social support
1. Functions to __________ or ____________ health workers from stress and burnout
2. Functions in helping with or ________________ stress and burnout

buffer or shield; managing

Outcomes of social support

organizational commitment
intent to remain
increased job satisfaction
reduced emotional exhaustion
better job control and performance

As workplace stressors increase - burnout ______________ - work satisfaction variables ________________

increase; decrease

As burnout decreases- _________________________ variables increase

work satisfaction