
What are our commanders and leaders depending on us to provide

Decision Support

What should we focus on when talking to the commander?

Background, Goals & Intent, Limitations

What are the pitfalls in decision making?

-It worked last time
-Yes man trap
-Self Interest
-Emotional attachment

Which pitfall is the commander operating with they operate on a subconscious level that will improve their personal lives?

Self Interest

Who is the senior leader in our functional specialty?

SAF for FM

Decision Support is our linchpin in becoming


8 Steps in the decision making process

Issue Identification
Development of Alternatives
Evaluation of Alternatives
Continuous Evaluation

In All Diners Eating Rotten Dinner Is Costly


Most complex part of decision making process


Recommendation definition

Referring to a course of action that is advisory in nature

Implementation stage focuses on

Generating action plans, considering contingency plans, and managing the project on the basis of these plans

Most important step in problem solving process

Issue Identification

What must congress agree on before the process of the appropriation bill begins

Authorization bill

What 3 steps determine if a purchase is legal


Which statute focuses on period of availability

Time Statute

Bonafide need rule

Focuses on the timing of the obligation. For current year, not future years

What are exceptions to bona-fide need rule

Lead time exception
Stock level exception

If contracting has the authority to obligate government funds under the feed and forage act, what is not authorized?




Purpose Statute

Necessary Expense Doctrine

Necessary Expense Doctrine - 3 tests

1. Must be for particular purchase
2. Must not be prohibited by law
3. Must not otherwise be provided for

Time Statute

Bona-fide need rule

Bona-fide need rule

A fiscal year appropriation may be obligated only to meet a legitimate, or bona fide, need arising in, or in some cases arising prior to but continuing to exist in, the fiscal year for which the appropriation was made.

Amount Statute

Anti-deficiency act

Anti-deficiency Act sections


Exception to Anti-Deficiency Act

Feed and Forage Act - For national emergencies

Penalties for ADA Violations

Fine NTE $5000
Prision NTE 2 Years

Steps to determine propriety of funds

1. Get information
2. Determine Publication
3. Research publication
4. Interpret Publication
5. Determine type of funds to use
6. Advise

Steps to determine SOF

Identify Commitments, Obligations, and Remaining Balance

AF 616

Used to track funds

Steps prior to Certification

1. Determine Propriety
2. Verify Accounting Classification
3. Determine Status of Funds

What form is used to track funds at a deployed location, who issues this form

AF Form 616 - From host base

What info is gathered from AF 616

Commitments, Obligations, and Available Remaining Balance

First step in certifying fund availability

Determine proprietary

What must be included with all accounting classifications on each document

616 Advice no.

After document is certified, what is the distribution of the document

Return it to deployed unit

How much foreign currency should be kept on hand

2-3 days of foreign currency

What information should appear of foreign currency procurement certificate?

Foreign Currency Delivered
Exchange Rate
Dollars Paid

What sources are used to purchase foreign currency?

1. MBF
2. US Government
3. Commercial Source

DD 2668 -

Used when there is not a legal fixed rate of exchange

Form used to advance funds to agent

DD 1081

3 types of appropriated funds

30 - O&M
17 - Other Procurement
32 - Military Personnel

Funds used to purchase utilities at deployed location


ORF (Official Representation Fund)

O&M program used by wing to extend official courtesies to certain officials

Fund used to purchase electronic equip over $250,000

Other Procurement - FC 17

When presenting SOF Briefing, you must do the following

1. Determine SOF
2. Identify Presentation Method
3. Arrange presentation using ABC


Accuracy, Brevity, Clarity

DA is geographically separated from DO


AFPAM 65-110

DA Operating Instructions

How does the agent acknowledge receipt of appointment letter?

Memorandum of Accountability

AFI 31-101 - Air Force Installation Security Program

Governs the protection of all Air Force resources

Safe specifications

GSA specs or be certified by the underwriters laboratories

When should combination be changed

Every 6 months
Upon relief
Upon appointment

Who must approve renting of safety deposit box


Types of regulations found in Resources section

Joint Pubs

Where can you find tools to prepare for upcoming deployments


Deployer Information Tab

Section where you can find info on civilian deployment, deployment sustainment, and pre-deployment information where you can access USAFCENT orientation

Budget Rate

Fixed rate of exchange established by congress`

Treasury prevailing rate

Rate used when country has an agreement with US Treasury

A loss as a result of rate change should be recorded on SF 1034


3 Services from Banking Facility

Ability to honor payees in outlaying areas
Accept zero or near zero balance
Provide monthly statement

As a deployed agent, responsibility is to

1. Ensure propriety of funds
2. Convert to US currency
3. Make sure funds are availabile
4. Certify document

Procedures to establish LDA

1. Request to US Treasury thru DFAS
2. Treasury approval
3. Signed letter from commander approval

To validate ODL

- Match each hard doc
- Validate doc number
- Validate dollar amt
- Validate date of document

SF 44 - Invoice/Purchase ORder/ Receiving Report

Limited to purchases of $100k

SF 1449 - Contract

Prepared by contracting and used when supplies/svcs do not exceed $100k

BPAs -

Us DD from 1155 - Order for Supplies or Services

Centralized BPA

Used by the deployed site contracting office

Decentralizd BPA

Used by different offices

Payment must be supported by

Contractual Document
Invoice from Vendor
Receiving Report

Checks should include

Unit of Assignment
Duty Phone
Consent statement

Deposit Ticket Form

SF 215

When is LDA report due to DFAS
