Enterprise Management 3


navigating organizational politics and cultures

Power Dynamics

source of individual power
expert power
information power

Resource Power

the access to valued resources in an organization

Process Power

the control over formal decision making awareness and agendas

Meaning Power

the ability to define the meaning of things. thus the meaning of symbols and rituals and the use of language provide meaning power.

Change occurs when

received benefits of change > perceived cost of change

People react to change for many reasons

Don't equate support with friends and resistance with enemies
It may be ambivalence and not resistance you're seeing

Resistance to change

1. resistance to change is normal and there are often good reasons for it
2. don't assume resistance is "bad" or "negative". It may be helpful
3. Resistance usually contains info that is useful- people have reasons they resist

Reasons for resistance

misunderstanding and lack of that
different assessments of the consequences
low tolerance for change


anyone who is influenced or could influence the change you wish to make happen

stakeholder analysis

the process of understanding of the motives power base, alliances, goal etc. of all critical analysis

innovators or early adapters

individuals who seek change and want variety. they have a natural predisposition to change 16%

early majority

individuals who are receptive to change, but are not the first adaptors 34%

late majority

individuals who follow others once the change has been introduced and tried 34%

laggards to late adopters

individuals who are reluctant to change and do so only after many others have adopted. they have a very low predisposition to change 16%


individuals who will not change or adapt under most circumstances. these individuals will actively resist change efforts

types of commitment exhibited

resistant (against the change)
ambivalent (undecided)
neutral (let it happen)
supportive (help it happen)
committed (champions of the change wanting to make it happen)

common causes of negative reactions

1. negative consequences perceived to outweigh the benefits
2. flawed communication process
3. concern that the change has been ill perceived
4. lack of experience with change or locked into old habits

stages of reaction to change

before the change
1. pre-changed anxiety
during the change
2. shock
3. defensive retreat
4. bargaining
5. depression, guilt, and/or allenation
after the change
6. acknowlegement
7. adaptation and change


more energy is liberated than is consumed, by the actions undertaken to promote change


the change program consumes more energy, than it generates

essential change agent characteristics

-commitment to improvement
-eyes on the prize and flexibility

framing behaviors

change the sense of the situation, establishing starting points for change, desiring the change journey, and communicating principles

capacity-creating behaviors

increasing individual and organizational capabilities and creating and communicating connections in the organization

shaping behaviors

shape what people do by acting as a role model , holding others accountable , thinking about change


overcomes inertia and focuses the organization

solution giver

knows how to solve the problem

process helper

facilitates the "how to" of change playing the role of the third party intervener