cost of production

why does the LRAC curve slope downwards

econimies of scale out way diseconimies of scale

why does the LRAC curve slope upwards

diseconomies of scale out way economies of scale

economie of scale

forces at work which lowers the LRAC of production as the firm expands in sise

diseconomie of scale

forces at work which increase the LRAC of production as the firm/ industry expands in sise

list and explain three internal economies of scale

1. increased use of machinery - as a company grow it might be able to buy bigger and more economical machines that would not have suitable when they were producing a smaller unit
2. specialisation of labour - dividing a job into many individual parts allo

list and explain three external economies of scale

1. better infrastructure - as roads and communications systems improve all firms in the industry will benefit
2. availability of training corses - a grater amount of training corses will supply an increased amount of specialised labour and will therefore

list and explain three internal diseconimies of scale

1. poor decision making - as an industry grows the lines of authority become less clearly defined which may result in longer and less efficient decision making than in the past
2. communication problems - as a firm grows in sise effective communication ma

external diseconimies of scale

1. shortage of raw materials
2. shortage of the factors of production - as an industry expands the demand for qualified labour increases which leads to shortages in workers causeing the cost of labour i.e. the wages to increase
3. infrastructural problems