VA DMV:Safe Driving

In areas without a speed limit sign, the speed limit in school, business and residential areas is:

25 mph

While driving, you encounter a school bus that has stopped to pick up children. Vehicles traveling in the same direction as the bus must:

You must stop for stopped school buses with flashing red lights and an extended stop sign when you approach from any direction. You must also stop if the bus is loading or unloading passengers and the signals are not on.

By law, you may not drive slower than the posted speed limit.


When driving, you may travel slower than the posted speed.


In areas without a speed limit sign, the speed limit in a business area is:

25 mph

If conditions such as road construction or bad weather make the posted speed unsafe, by law, you must drive slower than the posted speed limit.


When traveling 65 miles per hour on dry, level pavement, it takes the average vehicle over 500 feet to stop.

False, takes 344 feet

What factor affects perception time, reaction distance and braking distance?

Weather, mental and physical condition, and visibility

When stopping your vehicle, what factor determines the distance your vehicle travels before it is no longer in motion?

Weather, mental and physical condition, and visibility

A law enforcement officer signals for you to stop your vehicle. You ignore the officer's signal and the officer pursues you. As a direct result of the pursuit, the officer is killed. You will be:

Guilty of a class 4 felony

Radar detector use is illegal in Virginia.


You must stop for a school bus with flashing red lights and an extended stop sign when you approach from any direction on an undivided highway.


While driving, you encounter a school bus that has stopped to load or unload children on a divided highway separated by a median or barrier. Vehicles traveling in the opposite direction of the school bus:

Are not required to stop

You are driving in an area without a speed limit sign. You should assume that the maximum speed limit is 60 mph as that is the speed on all public highways that are not part of the interstate highway system


In areas without a speed limit sign, the maximum speed limit for passenger vehicles and motorcycles on rural rustic roads is 35 mph (unless otherwise posted).


You must drive slower than the posted speed limit if conditions such as road construction or bad weather make the posted speed unsafe.


The maximum legal speed you can travel on the road in wet conditions is the speed limit.


In areas without a speed limit sign, the maximum speed limit on interstate highways is 75 mph.


You are following an emergency vehicle responding to an emergency. What is the closest distance you may follow?

500 feet

You are driving on an undivided highway. An emergency vehicle in the opposite lane is coming toward you with lights flashing. What must you do?

you must pull over to the edge of the road and stop until the emergency vehicle passes.

You are on a private road or driveway and are about to enter a roadway. What must you do before entering the roadway?

stop and yield to all traffic and pedestrians.

As you enter an intersection or traffic circle, what must you do?

yield to traffic already in it

When pedestrians are attempting to cross a street, you do not need to stop your vehicle.


When police or other emergency vehicles approach you from behind using flashing lights, you do not have to immediately yield the right-of-way.


The traffic lights at an intersection are not working. What must you do?

. The driver on the left must yield to the driver on the right.

Drivers must yield to all military convoys.


Stay in your lane until you are ready to exit when you are inside a roundabout.


The driver on the right must allow the driver on the left to go first when two vehicles from different directions arrive at the same time at an intersection with no signs or signals.


You are driving down the road and encounter a funeral procession. What must you do?

you must yield the right of way

As a driver entering an interstate from an entrance ramp, you have the right-of-way.


When driving, to make a right turn you:

should be in the lane closest to the curb

There is never a legitimate reason to pass a person on the right

False,You may pass on the right if the vehicle you are passing has signaled and is making a left turn.

Unless otherwise indicated, you should be in the farthest left lane possible to make a left turn.


When approaching or passing a person riding a bicycle, moped, or power-assisted bicycle or other device, reduce speed and pass at least three feet to the left.


The best way to prevent over-correcting when driving is to:

remain alert, don't panic, reduce speed

Over-correcting is when:

when the driver turns the steering wheel more sharply than expected, causing the rear wheels of the vehicle to slide toward the outside of the turn

When driving, the correct hand signal for a left turn is:

use your left hand and arm pointing straight out.

You should signal 10-to-15 seconds ahead of your actual turn.

False,at least three or four seconds, 100 feet,

When passing another vehicle, if you are still in the left lane when you reach the No Passing Zone, no laws have been broken.


When stopped and waiting to make a left turn at an intersection, turn your front wheels left


Before beginning to pass another vehicle, you should:

Check the traffic ahead of you, behind you and in your blind spot before you attempt to pass.

hen you are driving on a multi-lane highway, you should stay in the right lane whenever you are driving slower than the traffic around you.


Multiple vehicles are involved in most over-correction crashes:


You observe two vehicles approaching each other and signaling to turn left. Both vehicles should turn in front of the other so that the passenger sides of the vehicles are beside each other.


When driving, U-turns are permitted on highways.


When driving, the hand signal shown with a left hand and arm pointing straight out signals your intent to stop

False, To signal for a slow or stop, use your left hand and arm pointing downward.

You should return to the right lane of the road after passing a vehicle when:

you can see the front of the passed vehicle in your rearview mirror.

You should turn from the lane closest to the curb into the lane farthest from the curb when making a right turn.


To signal for a right turn

use your left hand and arm pointing upward

When driving, the correct hand signal for stopping is:

use your left hand and arm pointing downward.

Whenever you are passing another vehicle, you should return to the right lane as soon as you can see the front of the passed vehicle in your left side mirror.


What rule should you use on a dry surface when you are traveling under 35 mph?

two second rule

A driver is tailgating you when:

when the driver behind you is following too closely.

If your vehicle is in poor condition and there are bad weather conditions, heavy traffic, or poor pavement, you should:

add extra seconds to increase your following distance.

What should you do when the driver behind you is tailgating you?

gently tap your brakes to flash your brake lights and slow down.

To determine if you are following far enough behind the vehicle ahead of you, you should use the two-, three- and four-second rules.


In order to create a space cushion around your vehicle, you should

Stay in the middle of the lanes

The ability to stop is affected by: road conditions, vehicle speed, driver alertness, and the weight of the vehicle you are following


What rule should you use on a dry surface when you are traveling at 46 to 70 mph?

the four second rule

Your following distance should increase in all of the following situations except:

when entering an expressway

Drivers need to change following distance when

speed or road conditions change

Maintaining space around your vehicle:

gives you distance to react in emergencies and avoid a crash.

The danger areas to the sides of your car that cannot be seen in the mirrors are:

blind spots

Expert drivers better anticipate traffic by focusing their eyes 20 to 30 seconds ahead.


You can avoid driving in someone else's blind spot by:

Speed up or drop back

What is the fastest speed that you may legally operate a moped?

35 mph

Because towing a trailer places additional stress on the vehicle, it takes twice as long to:

pass, stop, accelarate and turn

When you are driving a vehicle with a light-to-medium trailer attached, be sure to:

allow for the added length of the trailer when you change lanes.

This is the leading cause of all motorcycle crashes involving automobiles:

motorist's failure to see a motorcycle in traffic.

You may drive beside a motorcyclist in the same lane in this situation:


When driving, Virginia law requires you to use headlights during inclement weather such as rain, fog, snow or sleet when visibility is reduced to:

500 feet

You may not legally park your car:

beside another parked vehicle (double parking), within 50 feet of a railroad crossing, or in front of driveways.

When driving in heavy fog, you should always turn on your:

low beams

If you are driving on an icy or slippery road and have to stop:

apply your breaks gently

When it comes to crashes, what is the single biggest contributor?

failing to identify risk

After a winter storm, to prevent accumulated snow and ice from flying off your car, you should remove it from:

from the roof, hood and rear of the vehicle, before you start driving.

You have parked your car facing uphill on a road with no curb. In which direction should you turn your front wheels?

turn the front wheels to the right so that, if the vehicle rolls, the rear of the vehicle will roll away from traffic.

When driving becomes hazardous due to reduced visibility or when the road surface is covered with rain, snow, or ice, your first response should be to:

reduce your speed

When you park on a two-way street, park:

on the right side of the road

When backing up, the most common mistake that drivers make is:

failing to look both ways behind them

You may not legally park your car:

within 15 feet of a fire hydrant, within 20 feet of an intersection, or within 50 feet of a railroad crossing.
Next Question

When must you use headlights?

from sunset to sunrise and a result of bad weather

When you are following another vehicle at night, use low beams if you are within _____ feet of the other vehicle.

200 feet

Your judgment and driving ability can be affected by just one alcoholic drink.


Between the hours of 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. researchers estimate that:

3/10 are drunk

Coffee, cold showers or exercise will help to sober you up from consuming an excess of alcohol.


A 12-ounce can of beer has the same amount of alcohol as:

a shot of liquor or a five-ounce glass of wine.

If you are under the influence of any drug that impairs your driving ability, you may:

ou may face the same penalties as driving under the influence of alcohol.

Drivers over the age of 21 are legally under the influence of alcohol when their blood alcohol content is:

.08% or higher

The only thing that will decrease alcohol intoxication is:


When passing another vehicle, if you are still in the left lane when you reach the No Passing Zone, no laws have been broken.
