HE 250 Final

Having unprotected sex is considered a

risk behavior

Missy is motivated to lose weight. She now relies on a 30-minute walk every morning to get going for the day. Missy attended a nutrition seminar and found several online sources to help her keep track of calories and nutrients consumed. On Monday, she wil


Overall, the leading cause of death for Americans is

heart disease

The science and profession involved in protecting and improving the health of individuals, families, and communities is

public health

Young adults (15-24) are most likely to die from


The ever-changing process of achieving individual potential in the physical, social, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and environmental dimensions is the definition of


When applying the strategy of shaping to behavior change, one should

use small achievable steps to reach goals

Jill has many friends, is respected by her coworkers, and maintains a great relationship with her boyfriend. Her ability to interact with others is an example of which dimension of health?


According to Maslow's hierarchy, individuals who have satisfied their basic needs and have attained their full potential are


Which of the following statements is NOT true about an individual's emotional health?

an emotionally healthy person keeps feelings inside to avoid burdening others

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is associated with

reduced exposure to sunlight

College students are

more likely to commit suicide than to die in a car accident

The quality of a social bond influences the level of

social support recieved

Writing down five positive traits about yourself and resisting your inner critic is an exercise in

learned optimism

Which of the following situations would be likely to boost your self-esteem?

keeping in contact with old friends and family members

Mental illnesses characterized by ongoing worry and a sense of threat are

anxiety disorders

Hearing ominous footsteps following you late at night on a campus walking path would likely trigger which phase of the general adaptation syndrome?


Which of the following forms of stress management is also a Chinese martial art?

tai chi

All of the following are indicators that a person is under sympathetic nervous system control EXCEPT

increased salivation

A sense of being overwhelmed by perceived obligations to stay connected online is


You really want to buy a new home theater system, but your credit cards are maxed out and the rent is due next week. Which type of stressor is this?


Which of the following characteristics of a Type A personality have been determined to be the most detrimental to health?

having a tendency toward anger and hostility

Brian is considered a Type A personality by his friends because of his history of "road rage" and extreme competitiveness. All the following put him at increased risk for cardiovascular disease EXCEPT

his upbeat, glass-half-full approach to life

The stress hormone cortisol plays a major role during the stress response in

mobilizing nutrients to meet energy needs

Which of the following is TRUE about primary aggression?

it is goal-directed, hostile self-assertion that is destructive in nature

The term terrorism is correctly applied to situations in which

a violence is used to achieve political aims

Doing some type of activity, such as texting or eating, while driving can cause accidents and is known as

distracted driving

What is a common reason that victims of elder abuse do not report it?

they are afraid that the abuser will retaliate by putting them in a nursing home

Of the following, which factor is NOT a risk for gang involvement?

academic achievement

A situation that would be a predictor of domestic violence is

marital dissatisfaction

Campus law enforcement officers now have

more staff and increased authority to prosecute offenders

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is

impaired driving

The term gay only refers to male homosexuals.


Sexual dysfunction is most common in the early adult years.


Relationships characterized by behavioral interdependence, need fulfillment, emotional attachment, and emotional availability are

intimate relationships

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding gay and lesbian couples?

they seek the same things in primary relationships that heterosexuals do

Which of the following is TRUE about communication patterns between men and women?

women tend to be more expressive

Daniel has been involved in four sexually exclusive relationships over the past six years. This is an example of

serial monogamy

All of the following are true about cohabitation EXCEPT

it is more common among people who are religious

The need for intimacy means the need for someone with whom we can share our feelings freely.


In relationships, the process of resolving differences peacefully and creatively is

conflict resolution

Menstrual flow is actually sloughed off

endometrial lining

How long is the average menstrual cycle?

28 days

The U.S. divorce rate has increased over the past several decades.


Which of the following is TRUE about androgyny?

a person has a combination of both traditional masculine and feminine traits

Which menstrual problem involves the common symptoms of breast tenderness, fatigue, food cravings, irritability, and depression?

premenstrual syndrom

A relationship is intimate only if sex is involved.


Which of the following is TRUE about being single in the United States?

the number of adults electing to remain single is increasing

A primary advantage of the contraceptive sponge is that

it does not require a fitting from a doctor


offers long-term protection from pregnancy

Postpartum depression

is characterized by fatigue, depression, and mood swings

Sterilization has become the leading method of contraception for women of all ages.


One advantage of the female condom is that it can be used multiple times.



create a physical and chemical barrier to sperm

If a woman has a urinary tract infection and takes a pregnancy test, a false positive may result.


Marijuana smoke and tobacco smoke both contain dangerous substances known as


As a strategy to curb drug abuse, drug testing by employers is primarily designed to

address safety concerns

Alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco are all classified as which type of drug?


Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons that prescription drug abuse is so common?

the drugs have fewer side effects

The development of a tolerance to one drug that reduces the effects of another similar drug is


The most noticeable effect of the THC in marijuana is

bloodshot eyes

Mescaline, in the form of dried peyote buttons, has long been used for religious purposes by people native to the southwestern United States and Latin America.


Alcohol and tobacco result in more deaths each year than all illicit drugs combined.


When women drink alcohol during pregnancy, they can cause significant brain damage and other impairments in the fetus; this condition is known as

fetal alcohol syndrome

People who breathe tobacco smoke from another person's cigarette are known as sidestream smokers.


Which of the following is a TRUE statement?

tobacco is known to cause about 20 diseases

Which of the following is TRUE with respect to women and smoking?

women who smoke are more likely to have fertility problems than non-smokers

How long does it take for the average adult to metabolize four 12-ounce beers?

4 hours

Factors affecting alcohol absorption include all of the following EXCEPT

the time of day the alcohol is consumed

Molecules that are the building blocks of protein are

amino acids

A grain that contains the bran, germ, and endosperm is a

whole grains

Which type of proteins contain all nine essential amino acids?


Which of the following play a role in developing and repairing bone, muscle, skin, and blood cells?


Which of the following BEST describes appetite?

it is more psychological than physiological

A locavore is someone who makes a point of eating out in his or her own neighborhood.


The purpose of hydrogenating unsaturated fats is to

make them more solid at room temperature

One problem with the BMI measurement is that

it is an indirect estimate of body fat

Individuals who go on and off starvation diets multiple times to lose weight will likely end up with

a lower basal metabolic rate

Which environmental factor encourages us to increase our food consumption?

easy access to high-calorie foods in stores and restaurants

Benefits of gastric bypass surgery include the potential to cure

type 2 diabetes

Which of the following is NOT true about weight management?

short-term diets are as effective as long-term behavior modifications

Good advice to someone who wants to exercise in hot weather would include all of the following EXCEPT

restrict the intake of fluids before working out

A potentially fatal condition resulting from abnormally low body core temperature is called


Which of the following would NOT be good advice for someone who is purchasing running shoes?

make sure there is no extra room in the toe box

All of the following are overuse injuries EXCEPT

ligament sprain

The range of motion that a joint or series of joints can achieve is


Homocystene is an amino acid that when found at high levels in the blood may indicate an increased risk of

cardiovascular disease

A Pap test is used to screen women for

cervical cancer

All of the following are ways to reduce carcinogens in the environment EXCEPT

using dry cleaning services

Prostate cancer risk

increases dramatically with age

An individual would most likely suffer from angina pectoris when

walking up a flight of stairs

The most well-known symptom of mumps is

swollen salivary glands

Symptoms of viral hepatitis include all of the following EXCEPT

excessive appetite

A colorless gas that dissolves in water vapor to form acid and is emitted from coal-fired power plants is

sulfur dioxide

What percentage of U.S. homes are estimated to have lead-based paint hazards?

25 percent

Climate change challenges include all the following EXCEPT

expansion of glaciers

An example of a nonpoint source water pollutant is

pesticide runoff from a farm.

Long-term exposure to formaldehyde can lead to

cancer and central nervous system disorders

Health insurance is based on the idea that policyholders pay affordable premiums so they never have to face catastrophic medical bills.


All patients have the legal right to refuse or cease treatment.
