Texas DPS Permit Review Questions

How much is the maximum fine for a first conviction of driving without a license?


Describe the "Yield" sign

A red and white equilateral triangle. This sign tells you that the road you are on joins with another road ahead. You should slow down or stop if necessary so that you can yield the right-of-way to vehicles on the other road.

What does a "narrow bridge" sign look like, and how should the driver react when he sees one?

It is a yellow diamond and shows that the bridge ahead is not as wide as the road. Slow down and use caution.

What is the shape of a "keep right' sign, and how should the driver react when he sees one?

A yellow diamond that has two arrows pointing up and down, he should keep to the right lane.Vertical, white rectangle; Drivers who are driving slower than other vehicles on the roadway should keep right.

Which sign tells you to slow down because you are approaching a double curve?

The road curves one way (right) and then the other way (left). Slow down, keep right, and do not pass.

What does a "Do Not Pass" sign mean?

Do not pass other vehicles.

Which sign tells you to keep in the right-hand lane when driving slow?

Slower Traffic Keep Right" sign.

What does "Yield right-of-way" mean?

To allow another vehicle or roadway user to proceed first, when they have the privilege of having immediate use of a part of a roadway.

How should you react when a traffic officer tells you to do something which is ordinarily considered to be against the law?

You must obey the traffic officer at all times.

Once the brakes have been applied about how many feet does a car which is going 50 mph travel before it comes to a stop.

It takes 63 feet for the car to stop.

When is it necessary to stop before procceding when you overtake a school bus loading or unloading children?

You should never overtake a school bus, especially when it is loading or unloading children. You should stop until the bus either resumes its drive or the driver tells you to pass.

About how many feet will the average driver going 50mph travel from the moment he sees danger until he hits the brakes?

110 feet

Within how many feet of a crosswalk may you park, when parking near a corner?

No less than 20 feet.

Does a posted speed limit of 55mph mean that you may drive 55mph on that highway under all conditions?

No. Speed must be adjusted to conditions in order to avoid accidents.

You should never drive on the left half of the roadway when you are within how many feet from an intersection, bridge, or railroad crossing?

100 ft (five car lengths)

What should you do if you discover you are in the wrong lane to make a turn as you enter an intersection?

If you can't get into the proper lane at least within one-half block before you turn, then don't turn and continue straight.

When two cars meet at the intersection of a 2-lane road with 4-lane road, which one must yield the right-of-way?

The car on the two-lane road should yield.

What is the first thing that should be done when a car starts to skid?

Take your foot off the gas pedal and turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid.

At what time of day should your headlights be turned on?

Half an hour after sunset until half an hour before sunrise.

Under what conditions may your drivers license be suspended?

DWI by use of alcohol or drugs, drug offense, intoxication manslaughter, intoxication assault, failure to stop and render aid, causing the death or serious injury of anyone while operating a motor vehicle, any offense punishable as a felony under the moto

Describe what you should do if you have a blowout while driving?

Move the car off the pavement, turn on emergency warning lights, and tie a white cloth where visible or raise your hood.

What should you do if you damage an unattended vehicle

Stop, locate owner/operator, and give name and address. Or, leave a written notice.

When are accident reports required?

When a law enforcement officer hasn't investigated the crash.

What type of sign warns you to watch right and left for cross traffic?

Crossroad ahead. Slow down, look carefully in all directions.

What qualifications must one have to teach a beginner to drive?

Must be a licensed driver, and at least 21 years old. The student must have a instruction permit.

When parked parralell, your curbside wheels must be no more than how many inches from the curb?

6 inches

When following another car, what is a good rule to determine the distance at which you should follow behind?

Keep at least two seconds away.

What effects does the use of marijuana and amphetamine have on driving?

Marijuana impairs the sensory and perceptual skills, and also affects concentration and judgment. Amphetamines make the driver less coordinated, more edgy, and have been known to cause lapses in concentration.

What is the penalty for being convicted of driving while intoxicated?

Mandatory suspension of license; the first offense has a maximum fine of $2000, suspension of 90-365 days, and confinement of 72 hrs to 180 days.

What does a green arrow showing with a red light mean?

Proceed carefully in the direction of the arrow, yielding the right-of-way to other vehicles and pedestrians.

How should you react to a flashing red light?

Stop completely while entering the crosswalk/intersection, and then proceed carefully.

Describe the sign which warns you to slow down for a winding road?

Yellow, diamond, and a squiggly line pointing ahead.

What sign indicates that the road that you are on merges with another?

One lane merging onto the arrow that's pointing ahead.

What kind of sign warns you that the highest safe speed for the turn ahead is 25mph?

An advisory speed sign; it has an arrow turning with a small sign with the speed limit under it.

Describe the sign that tells you to watch for cross traffic ahead?

It's a black cross in a yellow diamond. Cross traffic ahead. Slow down, look carefully in all directions. (Diamond Shape black lettering saying "HIGHWAY INTERSECTION AHEAD")

What type of sign warns you that you should slow down for a sharp rise in the road way?

Bump warning sign

Describe the type of sign which would let you know that you were on a short state highway in a city or urban area.

Loop ###, rectangle with black writing.

What is the maximum number of inches that you may lawfully allow an object to extend the left fender of your car?

3 inches.

Under what conditions must you always stop?

At stop signs, red lights, crosswalks, and for school buses and emergency vehicles.

What should you do when coming onto a street from a private alley or driveway?

You should stop prior to the sidewalk and yield the right-of-way to all approaching pedestrians.

If a child runs into the road 45-50 feet ahead of your car, what is the highest speed from which you can stop with good brakes without hitting him?

15 mph

How close to a fireplug may a vehicle lawfully park?

No less then 15 feet.

What does a posted speed limit of 55mph mean?

It means that the maximum speed is 55 mph on the roadway in ideal conditions.

What is the maximum speed limit for passenger cars on Texas Highway numbered by the state, or for United States outside an urban district?

Daytime - 70 mph Nighttime - 65 mph

Under what circumstances should you never attempt to pass a car ahead of you?

When pavement markings prohibit driving on other lane -When within 100 ft of/or crossing an intersection or railroad crossing -On a hill, curve, or other place with limited vision -100 ft of a bridge, viaduct, or tunnel.

When a driver is waiting to make a left turn, what is the procedure he should take when the light turns green?

Get on the left lane, begin signaling and slowing down at least 100 ft from corner. Stay to the right of the interstate when on the centerline, and yield to approaching vehicles.

What precautions should a driver take at uncontrolled intersections?

Yield to any vehicle which has entered the intersection from the right or is approaching from the right. Make sure there are not any vehicles going left or right.

Under what conditions should headlights be used?

When it's half an hour after sunset until half an hour before sunrise, and whenever you can't see clearly.

You should dim your lights when you are within how many feet of an approaching car?

500 ft.

What type of lighting should cars use when parked on the highway at night?

Parking lights or lower beam headlights.

Which lights should you use when you are driving in a fog

Lower (dim) headlights.

What sign warns you that you must slow down?

Many of the yellow diamond warning signs. Especially slow down on wet road.

What circumstances may lead to possible loss of your license?

Suspension/revocation action from another state, parental authorization withdrawn, voluntary surrender for medical/insurance purposes, and false statement on application.

Why are seat belts important?

They keep you from getting thrown out of your car, hitting the dashboard too hard, and in control of your car.

What is meant by "Defensive Driving?

Protecting yourself and others from dangerous and unexpected driving situations by using a space management system. Stay alert to everything happening around you, look for trouble spots developing around, have a plan of action if other driver does the wro

What are the penalties for minors(persons under the age of 21)convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol.

1) Fine up to $500, 20-40 hrs community service, license suspended for 120 days, and/or confinement of up to 180 days. 2) Fine up to $500, 40-60 hrs community service, and maybe AA course. 3) $500-$2000, 40-60 hrs community service, and/or confinement up

What are the penalties for minors(persons under the age of 21)convicted of nondriving alcohol-related offenses?

1) 60 days suspension. 2) 120 days suspension. 3) 180 days suspension. May be placed in jail until bond is made or appearance before a magistrate or juvenile court judge.

When needed, how may one show proof of financial responsibility

With a liability insurance policy, or a standard proof of liability insurance form given by the Texas Department of Insurance and issued by a liability insurer

Even if you are not intoxicated and you are under the age of 21, if you have any detectable amount of alcohol in your system while operating a motor vehicle, you may be charged with:

Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol by a minor (DUIA)

When making a long trip you should stop for a rest:

Every 2 hours or 100 miles

Child passenger safety seats are required for all children under the age of:

5 years old; or under 36 inches (no matter what age)

If blinded by an approaching motor vehicle at night, it is best to:

Slow down and avoid looking directly into the lights of the approaching vehicle.

after overtaking another vehicle on a two lane road, you can best judge when it is safe to drive back into the right hand lane by waiting until you can see the overtake vehicle in your what?


If a minor (a person under the age of 21 refuses to provide a breath or blood specimen to a police officer, the minor's license will be suspended for:

120 days

If you are driving at the speed limit and another car starts to pass, you should:

Slow down and allow him to pass.

A driver waiting to make a left turn when the light turns green should:

Turn only when there is no danger from oncoming traffic.

A flashing yellow signal light means:

Always slow down.

It is a violation of state law for pedestrians to:

Stand in the road for purpose of soliciting a ride.

As a driver (age 21 or older), if you refuse a test to determine the amount of alcohol in your body:

Your license may be suspended.

If you get drowsy it is best to:

Stop, get out and walk around.

If you run off the pavement you should:

Steer straight ahead, slow down and gradually return to the pavement.

When turning left from a three lane, one way street, you should turn from the:

Left lane

If you must walk on the highway, you should:

Walk on the left side approaching traffic.

To avoid accidents, a defensive driver should:

Stay alert and look for trouble spots.

If a driver (age 21 or older) runs over and kills someone while under the influence of alcohol, the driver may be charged with:

intoxication Manslaughter

When you are taking medicine prescribed for you by a doctor you should:

Ask your doctor if it is safe to drive.

When a vehicle in front of you stops to let a pedestrian pass in front of it, you should

Stay in line and wait until the vehicle ahead proceeds.

If your driver's license is suspended you may drive only:

If you get an essential needs license.

On a multiple lane highway, slow drivers should drive:

In the right hand lane.

The maximum fine for a first non-driving alcohol-related offense of possession of consumption of alcohol by a minor is:


Not including thinking and reaction distance, at 20 miles per hour, lawful brakes must stop a car within:

25 feet.

Drivers become subject to the liability insurance law when accident damages reach:

$1000 to property of one person

If you are being passed, you should:

Keep in your lane

When turning, you should signal at least:

100 feet before turning.

In a passenger car or truck, who needs to be buckled in?

EVERYONE!!! (Before September 2009, only the driver, front seat passenger, and back seat passengers under 17 need to use seat belts. Now, everyone, no matter what age/seating arrangement, must wear seatbelts)