Tobacco and Alcohol

� Ammonia - a common household cleaner


� Arsenic - used in rat poison


� Benzene - found in rubber cement


� Butane - used in lighter fluid


� Cadmium - active component in battery acid


� Carbon Monoxide - released in car exhaust fumes


� Formaldehyde - embalming fluid


� Hexamine - found in barbecue lighter fluid


� Lead - used in batteries


� Naphthalene - an ingredient in moth balls


� Methanol - a main component in rocket fuel


� Nicotine - used as insecticide


� Tar - material for paving roads


Toluene- used to manufacture paint

List some chemicals found in tobacco smoke.


How many ingredients are in cigarettes?


When burned, cigarettes create more than how many chemicals?


At least how many chemicals found in cigarette smoke are known to cause cancer?

Which of the following statements BEST describes the effects that alcoholism has on one's life?

Alcoholism can bring turmoil to the entire family and can affect one's school or work performance.

Which of the following is NOT an effect of alcohol on the digestive system?

Excessive amounts of alcohol can cause breathing to slow, become irregular, or stop.

Alcoholism isn't a "real" addiction.


Which of the following is NOT a learning difficulty children with fetal alcohol syndrome face?

Fetal alcohol syndrome can cause children to have increased IQs.

Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences a person's reaction to alcohol?

intellectual capacity

Exposure to alcohol affects the blood supply to the fetus and can cause physical deformities to the face, eyes, and heart.


Which of the following bodily systems is NOT at immediate risk of effects from alcohol?

reproductive system

Long-term alcohol use is more severe in older people than younger people because older people's body systems are generally weaker.


Which of the following is a short-term effect of alcohol use?


Which of the following is NOT a learning difficulty children with fetal alcohol syndrome face?

Fetal alcohol syndrome can cause children to have increased IQs.

During pregnancy, mothers should abstain from drinking alcohol because a fetus's liver is unable to process alcohol due to underdevelopment.


Which of the following statement is TRUE about the effect that alcohol has on society?

Many societal problems are directly related to alcohol, such as domestic violence and child neglect.

Which of the following is NOT a behavioral difficulty children with fetal alcohol syndrome face?

problems with shyness

Pregnant women can protect their fetus from developing fetal alcohol syndrome by not drinking alcohol during pregnancy.


Involuntary functions, such as breathing, may shut down if a person has alcohol poisoning.


Tara would be considered an alcoholic because she continues to drink alcohol even though her doctor has warned her of the severe health damages it's causing.



A class of chemical compounds. The alcohol of alcoholic beverages, ethanol, is one member of this class.


A process that uses bacteria or yeast to change the sugars of a food into alcohol.


The type of alcohol found in beer, wine, and liquor.


The state in which the body is poisoned by alcohol or another substance and the person's physical and mental control is significantly reduced.


Drugs that cause the central nervous system to slow down.


A disease in which a person has a physical or psychological dependence on drinks that contain alcohol.


Something that happens as a direct result of a specific action.

Which of the following BEST describes the relationship between alcohol and fermentation?

Fermentation is a process that uses substances such as bacteria or yeast to change the sugars of fruits or grains into alcohol.

Cirrhosis of the liver is a potentially life-threatening condition caused by chronic alcohol abuse.


Which of the following is NOT a legal consequence of driving under the influence?

school expulsion

Which of the following statements BEST describes how the body processes alcohol?

After alcohol is metabolized in the liver, it is burned as fuel for the cells.

In your opinion, how do alcohol advertisements build pleasant expectations about consuming alcohol? How can this affect the behavior of some adolescent viewers?

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Alcohol advertisements often portray drinking alcohol as cool or glamorous. Many advertisements show groups of friends laughing and having fun, which can cause viewers to believe that drinking alcohol is synonymous with having a good time. These pleasant expectations can cause adolescents to consume more alcohol.

Thomas is an adolescent who often seeks out potentially harmful situations without thinking about the consequences. Which of the following factors is most likely influencing his decision to drink alcohol?


Explain how alcohol can be considered a drug.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: A drug refers to any substance, such as alcohol, that causes a change in a person's body and behavior when consumed.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about alcoholics?

Alcoholics are able to limit the amount they drink.

Addictive drug

a substance that causes physical or psychological (mental) dependence


the addictive drug found in tobacco leaves


a drug that increases the action of the central nervous system, the heart, and other organs


a cancer-causing substance


a thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco burns

Carbon monoxide

a colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas

Smokeless tobacco

tobacco that is sniffed through the nose, held in the mouth, or chewed


thickened, white, leathery-looking spots on the inside of the mouth that can develop into oral cancer

Nicotine withdrawal

the process that occurs in the body when nicotine, an addictive drug, is no longer used

Nicotine substitutes

products that deliver small amounts of nicotine into the user's system while he or she is trying to give up the tobacco habit

Tobacco cessation program

a course that provides information and help people who want to stop using tobacco

Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)

secondhand smoke; air that has been contaminated by tobacco smoke

Mainstream smoke

the smoke exhaled from the lungs of a smoker

Sidestream smoke

the smoke from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar

Secondhand smoke

smoke from a cigarette, cigar, or pipe that is involuntarily inhaled, especially by nonsmokers

Third-hand smoke

tobacco smoke contamination that remains after the cigarette has been extinguished


Tobacco use, particularly smoking, is the number _____ cause of preventable disease in the US.


True or False. Tobacco products do not carry warning labels

Lung disease, cancers, and heart disease

Smoking has been linked to what illnesses?

90 percent

About what percent of adult smokers began to smoke as teens?


All tobacco products contain _______

It contains an addictive drug

Why is tobacco use hard to quit?


______ raises blood pressure, increases heart rate, and contributes to heart disease and stroke


Once addicted, people need more and more tobacco to satisfy the craving for nicotine. What is this called?

Addictive; toxic

Tobacco is _____ and _____

Group A

Environmental tobacco smoke is a ________ carcinogen.

most dangerous

Group A means __________


True or False. Cigarettes destroy your taste buds.


Tiny hair like structures that line the upper airways and protect against infection


Air sacs that absorb oxygen and rid the body of carbon dioxide


What is in cigarette smoke that destroys the alveoli?


What human body system is most affected by smoking?


What's in cigarette smoke that destroys cilia?


What is in cigarette smoke that destroys lung tissue, making the lungs less able to function?


_______ damaged by smoking are more susceptible to diseases like, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, heart disease, and cancer

87 percent

what percent of cancer deaths result from smoking?

Blood; oxygen

carbon monoxide is more readily taken up by ____ than _____


Carbon monoxide deprives the body's tissues and cells of ____

Clogged arteries

the hardening of the arteries is called _____

Carbon monoxide

______ Increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, circulatory problems, and hardening of the arteries


What contain significantly more nicotine and produce more tar and carbon monoxide? Cigars or cigarettes

One pack of cigarettes

One cigar can contain as much nicotine as _____

Pipe and cigar

_______ and _____ smokers have an increased risk of developing cancers of the lip, mouth, throat, larynx, lungs, and esophagus


True or False. Smokeless tobacco is a safe alternative to smoking

mucous membranes

Nicotine/carcinogens are absorbed into blood through ______ in mouth or digestive tract.


Smokeless tobacco contains nicotine, in addition to how many carcinogens?

2-3 times

Smokeless tobacco is often held in the mouth for long periods of time. It delivers both nicotine and carcinogens to the body at levels how many times the amount delivered by 1 cigarette because the body is exposed to the harmful chemicals that many times longer?

smokeless tobacco

Cancers of the throat, larynx, esophagus, stomach, and pancreas are also more common among users of ____________________

irritation of the mouth's sensitive tissues by smokeless tobacco

What causes Leukoplakia?


Those who chew 8-10 plugs a day of tobacco take in the same amount of nicotine as a smoker who smokes _____ packs of cigarettes a day.


True or False. Smokeless tobacco is less addictive than smoked tobacco.

Changes in brain chemistry, increased respiration and heart rate, irregular heart rate, dulled taste buds, reduced appetite, bad breath, yellowed teeth, smelly hair clothes and skin

Short term effects of tobacco

headaches, nervousness, trembling, Irritability, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, sleep disturbance, cravings for tobacco

Symptoms of tobacco withdrawal

30 minutes

Withdrawal symptoms of tobacco can occur as early as _______ after use.


True or False. Tobacco use can cause trouble breathing during physical activity and a decreased endurance level


True or False. People may tend to avoid tobacco users.

They have bad breath, yellowed teeth, and smelly hair, clothes, and skin.

Why might someone avoid a tobacco user?

Decreased function of body systems (respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive), weakened immune system, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer, clogged arteries, coronary heart disease and stroke

Long-term effects of tobacco use

Chronic bronchitis

repeated tobacco use can damage the cilia in the bronchi until the cilia no longer function. This leads to a buildup of tar in the lungs, causing chronic coughing and excessive mucus secretion. What is this called?


this disease destroys the tiny air sacs in the lungs. The air sacs become less elastic, making it more difficult for the lungs to absorb oxygen.

80 percent

Up to what percent of his or her energy does a person with emphysema have to use to breathe?

Lung Cancer

When the cilia in the bronchi are destroyed extra mucus cannot be expelled. Cancerous cells can grow in these conditions, block the bronchi, and move into the lungs. What is this called?


True or False. Unless detected early, lung cancer can cause death.

Coronary heart disease and stroke

Nicotine constricts blood vessels, which cuts down on circulation and blood flow to the lungs. What is this called?


________ contributes to plaque buildup in the blood vessels, which can lead to hardened arteries, (arteriosclerosis). Arteries may become clogged, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke.


The risk of sudden death from heart disease is how many times greater for smokers than for nonsmokers?


True or False. Pregnant women can be around tobacco smoke and use tobacco.

low birth weight

If smoking during pregnancy or being around smokers during pregnancy occurs, the baby can have a ___________ along with other health problems


How old do you have to be to buy tobacco in all states?


True or False. Tobacco use at school is prohibited.


someone who smokes a pack a day can spend more than ____ each year just on cigarettes

$167 billion

tobacco related illness cost the US about _____ each year

Legal, social, financial, cost to society

List some consequences of tobacco use.


True or False. Nonsmokers are on the rise.

health risks

Knowing the _______ help teens choose to be tobacco free

88 percent

what percent of high school students do not smoke nationwide?


In 1998, legal settlement was reached that restricted tobacco advertising and promotion aimed at the _____


True or False. Tobacco companies are now required to fund ads that discourage young people from smoking.

No-smoking policies, family values, positive peer pressure, health risks

Name some reasons why teens choose not to smoke

Avoiding tobacco

___________ Lowers the risk of lung cancer, Heart disease, and Stroke and improves cardiovascular endurance and lung function. This increases physical fitness and enhances athletic performance

Sense of freedom, less stress, and more confidence in social situations

Benefits of choosing to live tobacco free

to never start

Best way to avoid the negative consequences of tobacco use is ...

Surround yourself with positive influences


Reduce peer pressure


Be prepared with refusal skills

Strategies to help you stick to your decision to become and stay tobacco free


True or False. Tobacco use can not lead to other risky behaviors

Begin to have health problems


Desire, will, and commitment to stop




Using tobacco can lead to other risky behaviors


Find it difficult to purchase tobacco products because of age


Don't want to hurt family/friends with secondhand smoke


Do not want to harm others with secondhand smoke

Reasons why people quit tobacco use


is nicotine withdrawal temporary?

Nicotine substitute

To relieve symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, some people use a ____

gum, Patches, Nasal sprays, Inhalers

Types of nicotine substitutes

Prepare for the day


Get support and encouragement


Identify available health-related services in the community


Replace tobacco use with healthier alternatives


Change daily behavior


Engage in healthful behaviors

Tips for quitting tobacco use


True or False. Tobacco smoke can harm nonsmokers

Sidestream smoke

Which is more dangerous mainstream smoke or sidestream smoke?

It has higher concentrations of carcinogens, nicotine, and tar.

Why is sidestream smoke more dangerous than mainstream smoke?

4,000; 50

Environmental tobacco smoke from cigarettes, pipes, and cigars contains more than ______ different chemical compounds (more than ____ are carcinogens)


Inhaling ETS (either by smoking or breathing it in), brings the ________ into the body


Infants/young children are more likely to develop ______ than those not exposed to ETS.


Every year, _____ people are diagnosed with lung cancer from secondhand smoke

Eye irritation, headaches, ear infections, coughing, worsening of asthma

symptoms ETS causes

impaired fetal growth, miscarriage, pre-natal death, premature delivery, low birth weight, deformities, and stillbirths

Smoking during pregnancy increases the risks of _________

Nicotine passes though the placenta, constricting the blood vessels of the fetus. Carbon monoxide reduces the oxygen levels in the mother's and fetus's blood.

What happens when you smoke while pregnant?


True or False. Infant can suffer from growth and developmental problems during early childhood, if the mother smoked during pregnancy.

sudden infant death syndrome

Babies of mothers who smoked during pregnancy or exposed to ETS are more likely to die of _______ (SIDS).


Infants exposed to ETS after birth are how many times more likely to die of SIDS

severe asthma attacks, ear infections, or respiratory tract infections

Exposure to ETS in infants can cause ___________

Young children

___________________ are also particularly sensitive to environmental tobacco smoke


True or False. Being the child of a smoker does not necessarily make you more likely to have poor health.


True or False. Children living with smokers are more likely to have weaker lungs than children of nonsmokers


Children of smokers are how many times more likely to become a smoker as children of nonsmokers?

Encourage the family member to quit by telling them the health effects


Ask visitors to refrain from smoking inside.


If someone in your household smokes, open windows to allow fresh air to circulate, and request that certain rooms remain smoke free.


Consider using air cleaners to help remove contaminants from the air.


If you are visiting a home in which someone smokes, go outside or to another room.


You could request to meet somewhere else, like the library.

How can you take action to reduce the effects of ETS?


True or False. Certain states have successfully sued tobacco companies to recover the cost of treating tobacco-related diseases.

antismoking campaigns or to offset the medical costs related to tobacco use

The money won in lawful cases against tobacco is used for what?

Healthy People 2020

The Department of Health and Human Services has launched a program called ___________ to promote health and prevent disease nationwide.

To reduce the number of people who use tobacco and of deaths associated with tobacco use.

What is one of the important goals for our nation's health?

� Acetone - found in nail polish remover


� Acetic Acid - an ingredient in hair dye


A standard drink is equal to 12.7 grams of pure alcohol.


Compare the negative effects that alcohol has on one's academic performance at the high school and college level?

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: The consumption of alcohol can damage one's intellectual capacity and ability to learn. Studies have shown that high school students who drink alcohol are more likely to earn lower grades and drop out. Similarly, college students who consume alcohol generally earn lower grades than those who abstain. Also, alcohol is implicated in approximately 28% of college dropouts.

Carol can be defined as a social drinker because she can easily limit drinking and she chiefly drinks alcohol when she is out with friends or family members.


Which of the following is NOT true about alcohol and sexual activity?

Drinking alcohol may lead to enhanced sensitivity while engaging in sexual activity.

Approximately, how many commercials promoting alcoholic beverages do teens see each year?


Drinking five ounces of wine is better for the body than drinking twelve ounces of beer because there's less pure alcohol in a glass of wine.


Paula believes that drinking will help her relax and calm her nerves. Which of the following factors is most likely influencing her decision to drink alcohol?


Adolescents whose parents approve of underage drinking and see it as a rite of passage are less likely to drink.


Which of the following statements is NOT accurate of blood alcohol content (BAC)?

BAC is used to determine number of beverages consumed.

Proof is the standard measure used to determine how much alcohol is contained in an alcoholic beverage.


Which of the following statements is NOT true about alcohol?

Alcohol is a depressant, which means it speeds up the nervous system.

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

It is against the law to be in an establishment that serves alcohol unless you're 21.

Alcohol use

When an individual consumes alcohol.

Alcohol abuse

Occurs when an individual continues to consume alcohol even after it causes physical, legal, mental, growth, or health problems.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

A group of alcohol-related birth defects that include mental and physical problems.


A person who is dependant on alcohol.

Alcohol poisoning

A severe, potentially fatal, physical reaction to an alcohol overdose.

Which of the following BEST describes the effects that fetal alcohol syndrome has on a child's mental abilities?

Fetal alcohol syndrome can cause parts of the brain to be underdeveloped and can cause mental retardation.

In your own words, define alcoholism and describe two ways in which alcohol contributes to societal problems.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Alcoholism is a disease that afflicts numerous people worldwide. An alcoholic has an uncontrollable need to drink alcohol. Alcohol is related to many societal problems. For example, many alcoholics are unemployed because they can't keep a job. Alcohol is also tied to numerous motor vehicle accidents and numerous domestic violence and child neglect cases. Substance abuse treatments can be costly and a percentage of the costs falls on society and individuals in the form of higher costs for items like health care and car insurance. Also, a percentage of the costs for arrests and incarceration is paid for by taxpayers.

April has only consumed one glass of wine, so her body isn't affected by the alcohol because short-term effects only begin with the second drink.


Imagine that you're working in a health department and have been tasked with creating a handout that outlines the effects of alcohol on a fetus. Explain what fetal alcohol syndrome is and explain in detail one harmful effect that you believe parents shoul

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Fetal alcohol syndrome is a group of alcohol-related birth defects that can occur when alcohol is consumed during a pregnancy. Exposure to alcohol can cause the fetus to be born with deformities to the face, eyes, ears, bones, brain, heart, and kidneys. Alcohol can also cause mental retardation and damage parts of the brain and the central nervous system. Children with fetal alcohol syndrome may suffer from behavioral difficulties, such as hyperactivity, impulse control, and control over language outbursts. Children may also have difficulty with memory, language, and communication skills.

When a woman drinks alcohol during pregnancy, the baby is also drinking alcohol because blood freely passes from the woman's blood stream into the fetus's blood stream.


Although Joshua is an alcoholic, he is able to control his drinking when he parties with his friends.


Explain the short-term and long-term effects that alcohol has on the cardiovascular system and describe two preventative measures people could take if they want to avoid these effects.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: The short-term effects that alcohol has on the cardiovascular system depends on how much alcohol is consumed. Low consumption of alcohol increases one's heart rate and blood pressure. However, high consumption decreases one's heart rate and blood pressure and can cause heart rhythms to become irregular. Long-term effects of alcohol include high blood pressure, enlarged heart, and damage to heart muscles. Two preventive measures people could take to avoid these effects are to abstain from drinking alcohol or minimizing the amount of alcohol one drinks.

Which of the following BEST describes the short-term effects that alcohol has on the nervous system?

Alcohol dulls concentration, impairs coordination, and causes one's thought process to be disorganized.

Which of the following is NOT a symptom of alcohol poisoning?

high body temperature

Explain the effects that alcoholism has on school performance and give two suggestions that you would give a student to help them overcome their alcohol problem.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Students with alcohol problems are at risk for numerous academic problems, which include low grades, poor attendance, and behavioral issues. The likelihood of dropping out of school increases, and students may suffer from depression and have thoughts of suicide. To help a student overcome a problem with alcohol, I would suggest the following: talking to a school counselor or trusted adult, calling the local or national drug and alcohol hotline, checking into an alcohol treatment center, or attending an alcohol treatment group, such as Alcoholics Anonymous.

Involuntary functions, such as breathing, may shut down if a person has alcohol poisoning.


Long-term alcohol use is more severe in older people than younger people because older people's body systems are generally weaker.


Which of the following is a short-term effect of alcohol use?


Alcoholism isn't a "real" addiction.


During pregnancy, mothers should abstain from drinking alcohol because a fetus's liver is unable to process alcohol due to underdevelopment.


Exposure to alcohol affects the blood supply to the fetus and can cause physical deformities to the face, eyes, and heart.


Tara would be considered an alcoholic because she continues to drink alcohol even though her doctor has warned her of the severe health damages it's causing.


Which of the following is NOT an effect of alcohol on the digestive system?

Excessive amounts of alcohol can cause breathing to slow, become irregular, or stop.

Which of the following statement is TRUE about the effect that alcohol has on society?

Many societal problems are directly related to alcohol, such as domestic violence and child neglect.

Which of the following is NOT a behavioral difficulty children with fetal alcohol syndrome face?

problems with shyness


Something that relieves an individual of a disease.


The process of fighting a disorder; a restoration of health.


The act of backsliding; the recurrence of an illness after apparent recovery.


A systematic plan of action.

Which of the following is an environmental treatment option for alcoholism?

zero-tolerance policies

Explain how lying can be part of a valid strategy for staying alcohol-free.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Lying is generally not considered appropriate, but it can be used to come up with excuses and reasons not to use alcohol. If someone offers you a drink and you do not have a excuse ready to use that happens to be true, it may be better to make up an excuse that is not true rather than give in to peer pressure and drink alcohol.

Which of the following is a strategy for remaining alcohol-free?

prepare excuses

Explain what distinguishes the nonprofit alcohol education program Al-Anon from other programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and the American Red Cross addiction programs.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Al-Anon is a nonprofit alcohol education program designed to help support the children and families of alcoholics. This goal is different from programs like Alcoholics Anonymous and the American Red Cross, where the goal is to provide support directly to individuals battling alcohol addiction. Al-Anon is an indirect education and support program meant to help foster a healthier environment, while the others are support programs meant to help people directly.

Underage drinking is __________.


Explain what makes alcoholism a chronic, rather than acute disease.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Acute diseases are those with rapid onsets that can be treated and often cured. Chronic diseases, meanwhile, are long-term diseases and conditions that cannot be treated and forgotten; chronic diseases may or may not have a cure and can require a lifelong commitment to treatment. Since alcoholism has no cure and is a disease that can result in relapses throughout life, it is considered a chronic disease.

Local business are most likely to sponsor alcohol awareness programs __________.

within their local community

Why is it important to have a strategy for staying alcohol-free?

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: A strategy for remaining alcohol-free involves a plan for how to handle situations that will tempt you to give in and use alcohol. By planning a strategy ahead of time, it is more likely that when a situation arises, you will be prepared to face it and refuse alcohol.

What distinguishes community-sponsored alcohol awareness programs from government-sponsored programs?

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Community-sponsored programs are organized by nongovernmental agencies in a community such as religious institutions, businesses, or clubs. They are not supported by or affiliated with government organizations and thus generally cannot claim to represent official government policies.

Individuals with less severe problems with alcohol are most likely to benefit from __________.


How does planning activities with friends who don't drink help you avoid situations involving alcohol?

You are all less likely to want to go somewhere alcohol is served.

The US Department of Health and Human Services is a government education program.


Saying, "I'll wake up with a headache if I drink tonight," is an example of using an excuse to remain alcohol-free.


An alcohol awareness program sponsored by a local police department is an example of a __________.

government program

Someone who is uncomfortable saying "no" to alcohol in front of peers is weak.


Which source is most likely to contribute reliable and reputable information about finding alcohol education programs?

the police department

Why is alcoholism considered a chronic disease?

Alcoholism requires lifelong treatment.

Why is the simplest strategy for remaining alcohol-free simply to avoid situations where alcohol is present?

You cannot be tempted to drink alcohol if none is available.

The cure for alcoholism is too expensive for most people to afford it.


All of the following are examples of nonprofits that work towards educating people about alcohol and aiding in the process of rehabilitation EXCEPT:

Boys and Girls Club of America

Environmental factors, such as friends, family, and the media, have little influence on whether or not someone chooses to drink or not to drink.


Which of the following is NOT a service provided by the US Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration?

a cure for alcoholism

Alcoholics generally feel dependent on alcohol and crave it, which is why it's hard for them to stop drinking.


How many chemicals in tobacco products have been proven to cause cancer?


A. 30


B. 60


C. 1,000


D. 4,000


A 10% increase in cigarette prices has been found to result in a _____ decrease of smokers.


A. 2%


B. 4%


C. 10%


D. 20%


Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding smoking and pregnancy?


A. Smoking mothers have higher rates of miscarriage.


B. Smoking mothers have higher rates of stillborn deliveries.


C. Smoking mothers are more likely to deliver their babies early.


D. Smoking mothers are more likely to have babies with high birth weights.


Which of the following is the safest level of exposure to secondhand smoke?


A. often


B. monthly


C. never


D. rarely


Secondhand smoke is more dangerous in enclosed spaces.


How can refraining from smoking benefit an individual's health?


A. Refraining from smoking reduces an individual's risk of contracting most types of diseases.


B. Refraining from smoking eliminates the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.


C. Refraining from smoking eliminates the risk of developing respiratory conditions, such as asthma.


D. Refraining from smoking reduces an individual's risk of contracting certain types of diseases.

not b

not c


How have high taxes on tobacco products impacted the number of people who use them?


A. The number of tobacco users has increased.


B. The number of tobacco users has decreased.


C. The number of tobacco users has not changed.


D. The number of adolescent tobacco users decreased, while the number of adult users increased.


Which of the following effects of smoking is an individual least likely to experience from secondhand smoke?


A. a change in senses


B. a change in physical appearance


C. yellowing teeth


D. a change in physical ability


Secondhand smoke is less dangerous than the smoke tobacco users breathe.


Smoking reduces a person's life span by an average of __________.


A. 1 to 2 years


B. 4 to 5 years


C. 10 to 11 years


D. 13 to 14 years

(not b)

(not c)




What is the minimum age that individuals can purchase tobacco legally in most US states?


A. 16


B. 18


C. 21


D. 25

not c

What percentage of adult deaths is attributed in part to smoking?


A. 10%


B. 20%


C. 30%


D. 40%


Which of the following statements about secondhand smoke is NOT true?


A. The particles found in secondhand smoke are smaller than the particles found in firsthand smoke.


B. Secondhand smoke can have higher concentration of dangerous chemicals than firsthand smoke.


C. Secondhand smoke is inhaled less deeply than firsthand smoke.


D. Breathing secondhand smoke is at least as dangerous as breathing firsthand smoke.


A fetus is unaffected by its mother's use of tobacco.


Advertising or promoting the use of tobacco to adolescents is prohibited.


Smoking can have both long- and short-term effects on an individual's health.


Being a living example of a tobacco-free lifestyle can __________.


A. prevent others from trying smoking


B. convince friends to stop smoking


C. make others around you more healthy


D. all of the above

d? (NOT C!)

Which of the following is NOT a national resource for quitting smoking?


A. National Cancer Institute


B. Center for Disease Control


C. American Cancer Society


D. Nicotine Anonymous


Participating in a support group helps one to remain tobacco-free.


Which strategy is a good step for resisting smoking?


A. Practice your responses to an offer to smoke before being asked.


B. Say yes when asked to smoke, but don't inhale the smoke.


C. Surround yourself with friends who smoke.


D. Ignore all information about smoking since you don't want to smoke


When you quit smoking, it also benefits those around you.


The easiest way for people to stop smoking is to quit "cold-turkey.


As a testament to how bad smoking is, _____ of current smokers would like to quit.


A. 90%


B. 85%


C. 70%


D. 60%


Becoming educated about the dangers of smoking can help you to refuse cigarettes.


Most teenage smokers who try to quit are successful.


Smokers have a greater chance of developing deadly diseases.


Approximately, how many commercials promoting alcoholic beverages do teens see each year?


A. 500


B. 1,000


C. 1,500


D. 2,000




Proof is the standard measure used to determine how much alcohol is contained in an alcoholic beverage.


Which of the following statements is TRUE about the relationship between alcoholism and genetics?


A. Alcoholism is strongly tied to genetics, and children of alcoholics are more likely to become alcoholics themselves.


B. Alcoholism is considered a hereditary disease that causes children to have several brain-related diseases.


C. Alcoholism is often called a hereditary disease, yet children of alcoholics have a higher resistance to alcoholism.


D. Although alcoholism is tied to genetics, children of alcoholics rarely develop problems with alcohol earlier than their peers.


Which of the following statements is NOT true?


A. It is against the law to sell alcohol to anyone under the age of 21.


B. It is against the law to use a false identification card to purchase alcohol.


C. It is against the law to buy or consume alcohol when you're under the age of 21.


D. It is against the law to be in an establishment that serves alcohol unless you're 21.


Which of the following statements is NOT true about alcohol?


A. Alcohol content, which can be found on the label, is expressed as a percent.


B. Alcohol is a depressant, which means it speeds up the nervous system.


C. Before alcohol is metabolized in the body, it is an active brain drug and a cellular toxin.


D. Alcohol is created when grains, fruits, or vegetables are fermented.


Which of the following statements is NOT accurate of blood alcohol content (BAC)?


A. BAC is used to determine number of beverages consumed.


B. BAC varies from one individual to the next.


C. BAC is used to determine level of intoxication.


D. BAC is the concentration of alcohol in a person's blood.


Which of the following is NOT true about alcohol and sexual activity?


A. Drinking alcohol may cause people to have sex with multiple or unknown partners.


B. Drinking alcohol may lead to risky sexual behaviors, such as unprotected sex.


C. Drinking alcohol may lead to enhanced sensitivity while engaging in sexual activity.


D. Drinking alcohol increases the likelihood of engaging in sexual activity.


Alcohol is one of the most widely used drugs in society and approximately half of the American population consumes alcohol.


Adolescents whose parents approve of underage drinking and see it as a rite of passage are less likely to drink.


Which of the following BEST describes the consequences of driving under the influence?


A. Driving under the influence can lead to heavy penalties, fines, and extended jail time but only for repeat offenders.


B. Apart from fines and jail time, driving under the influence puts the life of the driver and everyone else on the road at risk.


C. If a person causes any deaths while driving under the influence, he or she may face some heavy fines and have his or her license revoked.


D. Adolescents who drive while under the influence will face less severe fines and penalties since they're underage.


95% of violent crimes committed on college campuses are alcohol-related.


Which of the following forms of alcohol can be consumed?


A. propanol


B. methanol


C. butanol


D. ethanol


Carol can be defined as a social drinker because she can easily limit drinking and she chiefly drinks alcohol when she is out with friends or family members.


Paula believes that drinking will help her relax and calm her nerves. Which of the following factors is most likely influencing her decision to drink alcohol?


Involuntary functions, such as breathing, may shut down if a person has alcohol poisoning.


Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences a person's reaction to alcohol?


A. amount and rate of intake


B. intellectual capacity


C. gender and body size


D. weight and age


Alcoholism isn't a "real" addiction.


Which of the following is NOT a behavioral difficulty children with fetal alcohol syndrome face?


A. problems with shyness


B. problems with impulse control


C. problems with language outbursts


D. problems with hyperactivity


Tara would be considered an alcoholic because she continues to drink alcohol even though her doctor has warned her of the severe health damages it's causing.


Which of the following statement is TRUE about the effect that alcohol has on society?


A. Alcohol is a contributing factor to many of society's problems, such as budget deficits and healthcare costs


B. Many societal problems are directly related to alcohol, such as domestic violence and child neglect.


C. Apart from motor vehicle accidents, alcohol has a minimal contribution to societal problems


D. Alcohol is the contributing factor that leads to all of society's problems, including unemployment.


Which of the following bodily systems is NOT at immediate risk of effects from alcohol?


A. nervous system


B. digestive system


C. respiratory system


D. reproductive system


Exposure to alcohol affects the blood supply to the fetus and can cause physical deformities to the face, eyes, and heart.


Which of the following is a short-term effect of alcohol use?


A. confusion


B. cirrhosis


C. blindness


D. tremors


Which of the following is NOT an effect of alcohol on the digestive system?


A. Production of stomach acid increases, which can result in nausea or vomiting.


B. Excessive amounts of alcohol can cause breathing to slow, become irregular, or stop.


C. When alcohol is metabolized in the liver, the chemicals can cause inflammation and scarring.


D. Alcohol can lead the kidneys to increase urine output, which can lead to dehydration.


Which source is most likely to contribute reliable and reputable information about finding alcohol education programs?


A. school friends


B. general Internet searches


C. the police department


D. late-night television


How does planning activities with friends who don't drink help you avoid situations involving alcohol?


A. You are all less likely to want to go somewhere alcohol is served.


B. Alcohol is not as easily available to groups of people as it is to individuals.


C. Alcohol is generally not served at the mall or the movies.


Why are government regulations on alcohol sales and consumption an example of environmental treatment strategies?


A. They require individuals to make wise personal choices about alcohol.


B. They target specific groups of people and address societal concerns about alcoholism.


C. They deter large groups of people from purchasing or consuming alcoholic beverages.


D. They raise tax revenues that can be used to fund alcohol awareness and treatment programs.


Which of the following is NOT an alcohol-related fact?


A. Drinking can be fatal.


B. Everyone is drinking.


C. Underage drinking can lead to serious problems as an adult.


D. Underage drinking is illegal.


Alcohol treatment options can vary depending upon the severity of an individual's alcohol problem.


Which type of alcohol awareness and education program would you expect to be active in the smallest geographical area?


A. community


B. government


C. nonprofit


D. federal


Someone who is uncomfortable saying "no" to alcohol in front of peers is weak.


Saying, "I'll wake up with a headache if I drink tonight," is an example of using an excuse to remain alcohol-free.


All of the following are examples of nonprofits that work towards educating people about alcohol and aiding in the process of rehabilitation EXCEPT:


A. Alcoholics Anonymous


B. Salvation Army youth service


C. Boys and Girls Club of America


D. American Red Cross addiction program


Why is alcoholism considered a chronic disease?


A. Alcoholism requires lifelong treatment.


B. It is marked by the sudden onset of severe symptoms.


C. Alcoholism must be cured repeatedly throughout life.


D. It can be overcome with proper treatment.


The cure for alcoholism is too expensive for most people to afford it.


Why is the simplest strategy for remaining alcohol-free simply to avoid situations where alcohol is present?


A. This method is the least expensive and thus the most effective.


B. You cannot be tempted to drink alcohol if none is available.


C. You should never be involved with situations where alcohol is available anyway.


D. You can choose when and how often you wish to drink alcohol.


An individual alcohol treatment program is most likely to be sought out by __________.


A. the family of the person with the alcohol problem


B. the individual with the alcohol problem


C. local government officials


D. police and corrections officers


Which of the following statements about environmental factors is NOT true?


A. Peer pressure is the number one reason why adolescents make bad decisions regarding alcohol.


B. Adolescents are more likely to drink alcohol if they choose friends who don't drink.


C. The media often portrays drinking alcohol as cool or glamorous, leading some adolescents to drink.


D. Parental disapproval of alcohol causes many adolescents to avoid drinking.


How does planning activities at your own home help you avoid situations involving alcohol?


A. Your home life does not involve situations with alcohol use.


B. Alcohol use is almost always tied to group events outside the home.


C. You can control whether or not there is alcohol in your home.


D. Planning activities at home does not help you avoid situations involving alcohol.


Establishing a minimum alcohol drinking age would be an example of __________.


A. an individual treatment program


B. a group treatment program


C. an environmental treatment option


D. a 12-step recovery program


Which of the following statements is TRUE?


A. Alcoholics are able to stop drinking anytime they want.


B. Alcoholics will stop drinking if people tell them they have a problem.


C. Alcoholics can stop drinking if they can admit that there is a problem.


D. Alcoholics can stop drinking without help from other people.


Pregnant women can protect their fetus from developing fetal alcohol syndrome by not drinking alcohol during pregnancy.


Long-term alcohol use is more severe in older people than younger people because older people's body systems are generally weaker.


During pregnancy, mothers should abstain from drinking alcohol because a fetus's liver is unable to process alcohol due to underdevelopment.


An alcohol awareness program sponsored by a local police department is an example of a __________.


A. community program


B. nonprofit organization program


C. government program


D. none of the above


Which of the following is NOT a learning difficulty children with fetal alcohol syndrome face?


A. Fetal alcohol syndrome can cause children to have increased IQs.


B. Many children with fetal alcohol syndrome have a learning disorder.


C. Children may have damaged language skills and lower reading levels.


D. Fetal use of alcohol can cause children to have difficulty with memories.


Which of these FDA regulations required that manufacturers disclose possible dangers and side effects of their medicines?


A. Kefauver-Harris Amendment


B. Food and Drug Safety Act


C. Virus Toxins Law


D. Durham-Humphrey Amendment


Antivirals are medicines that can both suppress and kill viruses in the body.


The Anti-Tampering Act of 1982 requires that __________.


A. manufacturers prove the OTC medicines have not been contaminated


B. stores protect OTC medicines from foreign agents


C. transportation of OTC medicines is done in regulated vehicles


D. packaging of OTC medicines are tamper-proof


The Food and Drug Act was the first US law that regulated medicine.


Switching drugs to OTC status generally increases costs for insured patients.


Which US government agency is responsible for regulating medications?










FDA regulations require that all medication labels include __________.


A. price and specific ingredients


B. price and known dangers


C. specific ingredients and possible side effects


D. manufacturing location and possible side effects


Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines are those that can be purchased without a doctor's authorization.


Medicines that relieve pain are called __________.


A. anticellulars


B. analgesics


C. antifungals


D. antivirals


Most medicines have secondary symptoms called side effects.


Which of the following statements about prescription drugs is FALSE?


A. They are medicines.


B. They can become illegal.


C. They require a prescription.


D. They can be resold freely.


Why might overweight people choose to abuse a stimulant?


A. to lose weight


B. to lower their blood pressure


C. to reduce panic attacks


D. to help them sleep


Why do some teens give in to peer pressure and abuse drugs?


A. high self-esteem


B. strong refusal skills


C. friends who use drugs


D. self-assurance


Which of the following statements is false?


A. A role model is somone who is admired.


B. Having role models who discourage drug use can lessen the chance of drug use.


C. Some media may glamorize or encourage drug use.


D. By law, the media must portray drug use accurately and honestly.


Why do anabolic steroids differ from other illegal drugs?


A. They have fewer side effects.


B. They do not cause intoxication.


C. They are only dangerous for men.


D. They are derived from natural products.


Why are drugs like depressants described as the opposite of amphetamines?


A. Depressants can induce feelings of euphoria while stimulants can cause severe pain.


B. Depressants can result in death while stimulants cannot.


C. Stimulants slow breathing and heart rate while depressants increase those functions.


D. Stimulants increase breathing and heart rate while depressants slow these functions.


Psilocybin is a type of __________.


A. stimulant


B. narcotic


C. hallucinogen


D. inhalant


Not all drugs are considered medicines because __________.


A. they are chemically different substances


B. the government defines drugs and medicines separately


C. medicines are used to cure, treat, and prevent diseases


D. drugs cannot be purchased in pharmacies


Only teens can abuse illegal drugs.


The use of all drugs becomes legal after a certain age.


Drug abuse is defined as __________.


A. the consumption of legal drugs for medical purposes


B. the consumption of illegal drugs for medical purposes


C. the nonmedical or improper use of a drug, which can interfere with a healthy life


D. using drugs on an occasional basis until mood is altered


Which of the following statements is NOT true about drug dependence?


A. People that are dependent on drugs believes that they need the drug to function effectively.


B. People that are dependent on drugs experience psychological and physiological changes as a result of drug use.


C. People that are dependent on drugs can stop using the drug without experiencing any side effects.


D. People that are dependent on drugs are at risk for overdosing.


Illegal drug use often leads to more illegal behavior.


The cost of drug use for the public involves all the following EXCEPT:


A. increase in healthcare costs


B. increase in law enforcement costs


C. decrease in prevention and treatment costs


D. all of the above


Drug use is the consumption of legal and illegal drugs.


Which of the following commonly occurs in a household with a drug-addicted child?


A. abuse from the child


B. honest communication from the child


C. responsible behavior from the child


D. all of the above


Drug abuse can often lead to suicide because __________.


A. drugs can amplify preexisting negative emotions


B. drugs negatively influence a person's ability to make good judgments


C. withdrawal symptoms can be too overwhelming for the addict


D. all of the above


Which of the following statements is TRUE about dopamine?


A. The brain's purpose in releasing dopamine is to naturally discourage healthy behaviors.


B. The release of dopamine as a result of drug use tricks the brain into believing the drug is good for the body.


C. The release of dopamine as a result of drug use promotes normal brain functioning.


D. Drug addicts often have a decreased toleration for dopamine after prolonged drug use.


Teens are more susceptible to the effects of drugs than adults.


Prolonged use of psychoactive drugs can cause brain damage.


The first step of drug addiction treatment is to __________.


A. determine the type of treatment


B. gather patient information


C. begin the detoxing process


D. determine the length of hospital stay


Most people who become addicted to drugs are able to stop on their own and do not need outside help.


Schools enforcing zero-tolerance policies punish students in possession of any unauthorized drugs.


For an individual with a serious drug addiction AND a stable home environment, __________ would be the BEST treatment option.


A. inpatient treatment


B. opioid (OTPs) treatment


C. residential treatment


D. partial hospitalization/day treatment


Residential treatment facilities often offer GED preparation and career training.


Giving an excuse to someone offering drugs is the only way to refuse them.


Patients in outpatient treatment centers and day treatment programs __________.


A. attend meetings at hospitals


B. live at home


C. stay in the clinic in the evenings and on weekends


D. live in the treatment facility


All of the following are drug-resistant strategies EXCEPT:


A. saying no


B. screaming for help


C. walking away


D. suggesting alternatives


Which of the following strategies is helpful in avoiding drug use?


A. avoiding situations where drugs will be present


B. avoiding all parties


C. avoiding people who look suspicious


D. avoiding sporting events


According to statistics, half of all American teens will experiment with illegal drugs before they graduate high school.


In general, what is drug use?


A. taking over-the-counter medicine more than needed


B. the consumption of illegal drugs only


C. the consumption of legal drugs only


D. the consumption of legal and illegal drugs


Which of the following best describes inpatient drug treatment facilities?


A. they are mainly for individuals with mental or medical disorders


B. they treat patients for 4-8 hours a day, but the patient lives at home.


C. they are long-term facilities that also provide job and career training


D. they are separate from hospitals and other medical facilities



A plant that is grown in mild climates.


A very addictive substance found in tobacco leaves; stimulates the brain.

Explain how an individual's choice to use tobacco can have negative consequences for society.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: An individual's choice to use tobacco can negatively impact that individual's own life as well as impacting society. One of the ways in which an individual's choice to use tobacco can negatively impact society is through the introduction of higher taxes that comes from the increased number of individuals requiring medical care due to tobacco-related illnesses. This can also lead to increased healthcare costs as insurance companies raise rates to account for the increased cost of covering individuals suffering from tobacco-related illnesses. The greater likelihood of sickness associated with tobacco use also leads to a decrease in productivity for companies. In addition to the financial ramifications to society of tobacco use, there is the human cost. This cost is not measurable because a human life is invaluable.

Tobacco is __________.

obtained from plants

__________ is a side effect of tobacco use.

Lightheadedness, Irritability, Dizziness

Summarize the negative impacts that tobacco use can have on families.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Tobacco use can have a variety of negative impacts on families. Tobacco products are expensive; therefore, the use of tobacco products can lead to difficulties over finances. In addition to conflict about finances, tobacco use can lead to conflict between family members when some use tobacco and others do not. Parents, children, and spouses might disagree with the use of tobacco by a family member, leading to increased conflict and stress. Tobacco use can lead to increased occurrences of illness, which can also add strain to familial relationships.

Nicotine is an extremely addictive substance.


How are the factors that contribute to tobacco use related?

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: The main factors that contribute to tobacco use are self-esteem, peer pressure, role models, and curiosity. Other factors can also contribute to an individual's tobacco use such as rebellion, ease of use, and boredom. A common characteristic among these factors is the idea that the use of tobacco grants an individual some type of status or desirable outcome. Another common attribute of many of these factors is the influence that the opinion of others has on certain individuals to begin tobacco use.

List four cancer-causing substances found in tobacco products.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Answers should include tar, carbon monoxide, arsenic, vinyl chloride, and/or formaldehyde.

Tobacco products have little effect on society.


How does tobacco use negatively impact personal finances?

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Tobacco use can negatively impact personal finances through the cost of purchased tobacco products, loss of income due to missed work days, and increased healthcare costs due to the increased risk of illness associated with tobacco use.

Explain how tobacco smoke can be harmful to the body.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Tobacco smoke contains thousands of chemicals, many of which are known cancer-causing substances, or carcinogens. Tobacco smoke also contains addictive substances, which cause the body to rely on the very substance that harms it.

The effects of tobacco use on society include high taxes and loss of life.


When a role model uses a tobacco product, it gives the impression tobacco products lead to __________.

success, power, happiness

Which of the following factors might make tobacco use more appealing to teens?

Tobacco is easy to obtain.

A desire to feel included or belong to a group can contribute to an individual using tobacco.


Which of the following substances found in tobacco smoke stimulates the brain?


Which of the following statements about tobacco products is TRUE?

Tobacco products contain over 4,000 different chemicals.

Smoking in a social situation to fit in, even though you don't want to, is an example of __________.

reluctant acceptance

How do tobacco products affect the finances of the smoker?

high cost of the product, lost income due to illness, increased healthcare costs

Society is not affected by an individual's choice to use tobacco products.


Which of the following BEST describes the possible impact of tobacco use on families?

Tobacco use can lead to financial difficulties, Tobacco use can cause increased incidence of illness., Tobacco use can lead to increased family conflict.

secondhand smoke

Smoke from a cigarette that is being inhaled by people who are not smoking.

Which of the following statements about the dangers of tobacco use is TRUE?

Tobacco use has consequences to both smokers and nonsmokers.

Why have certain ingredients used in tobacco products been banned?

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Some ingredients, such as flavorings, are not allowed in tobacco products because they make the tobacco product more appealing. The hope is that by banning the use of these ingredients in tobacco products, individuals will be discouraged from smoking or at least discouraged from beginning to smoke.

All of the following are long-term risks associated with exposure to secondhand smoke EXCEPT:

change in senses

Which of the following represents a way in which children and infants can be exposed to tobacco products?

particles adhering to clothes,

secondhand smoke, particles lingering on furniture


What purpose do warning labels on tobacco products serve?

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Warning labels on tobacco products inform people who might use them of the risks associated with that use.

__________ is a short-term risk associated with tobacco use.

Yellow teeth



Aging of the skin


Explain why smoking has been prohibited in many public places.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Smoking in public places increases exposure to secondhand smoke for nonsmokers. Exposure to secondhand smoke is as dangerous as direct exposure to smoke that smokers experience. Individuals who are in public places where smoking is permitted do not have a choice as to their exposure to damaging secondhand smoke, so many states have chosen to prohibit smoking in public places.

What year were cigarette advertisements for television and radio banned?


Why should pregnant women refrain from smoking?

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Pregnant women should refrain from smoking because of the potential negative effects that smoking can have on a developing fetus. The developing fetus can be exposed to the dangerous chemicals found in cigarette smoke as it receives nourishment from its mother. Pregnant women who smoke are at increased risk of having a miscarriage, early birth, having children with low birth weights, and delivering a stillborn child.

Explain how choosing not to smoke can be beneficial to an individual's health.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: An individual who chooses not to smoke can reduce the likelihood of developing certain smoking-related illnesses. Smoking increases the likelihood of developing conditions such as lung cancer, asthma, and cardiovascular disease. By not smoking, an individual reduces the risk of developing these conditions.

Secondhand smoke is less dangerous than the smoke tobacco users breathe.


Environmental tobacco smoke causes the death of approximately 7,000 nonsmokers per year.


How have high taxes on tobacco products impacted the number of people who use them?

The number of tobacco users has decreased.

What percentage of adult deaths is attributed in part to smoking?


Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding smoking and pregnancy?

Smoking mothers are more likely to have babies with high birth weights.

A fetus is unaffected by its mother's use of tobacco.


Smoking reduces a person's life span by an average of __________.

13 to 14 years

How can refraining from smoking benefit an individual's health?

Refraining from smoking reduces an individual's risk of contracting certain types of diseases.

Which of the following statements about secondhand smoke is NOT true?

Secondhand smoke is inhaled less deeply than firsthand smoke.

What is the minimum age that individuals can purchase tobacco legally in most US states?


Secondhand smoke is more dangerous in enclosed spaces.


Which of the following is the safest level of exposure to secondhand smoke?


Which of the following effects of smoking is an individual least likely to experience from secondhand smoke?

yellowing teeth

A 10% increase in cigarette prices has been found to result in a _____ decrease of smokers.


Nicotine Anonymous

A twelve-step program for people who wish to stop using tobacco.

How many young people try smoking for the first time each day?


Explain three regional resources that an individual can utilize when becoming tobacco-free.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Regional resources that may be utilized in becoming tobacco-free include state phone antismoking/tobacco quitting services, Nicotine Anonymous, local community support groups, the county health department, and various antitobacco health or employee plans.

Give two examples of individual strategies and two examples of group strategies a person could use to help quit smoking.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Individual strategies include creating a list of reasons why you want to quit smoking, confiding in and enlisting support from others, attending counseling, finding a quitting buddy, cutting down on tobacco use slowly, or quitting "cold turkey." Group strategies include participating in group discussions, engaging in multistep programs, focusing on education, celebrating successes, and going to meetings.

Explain how individuals living with a smoker might benefit once he or she quits smoking.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Individuals living with a smoker are at risk of experiencing negative effects of secondhand smoke. Once a smoker stops smoking those around him or her experience some of the same benefits the smoker does, such as better cardiovascular health, reduced risk of cancer, and improved life expectancy. Answer may also include benefits specifically related to infants and children, such as less chance of SIDS, respiratory illness, asthma attacks, and ear infections.

When you stop smoking, __________.

those close to you will be less likely to develop cancer

Stopping tobacco use does little for short-term health problems but reduces long-term risk of disease.


Give two examples of practice responses useful for resisting tobacco when offered.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Practice responses for resisting an offer of tobacco can be any phrase that politely indicate refusal: "No I think I will pass. I'd rather not end up with heart disease or cancer"; "No, I have better things to spend my money on"; or "Seventy percent of people who smoke want to quit. Why even start?

How could your decision to smoke while pregnant affect your unborn child?

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Smoking while pregnant can cause miscarriages, stillborn deaths, premature birth, and low birth weight.

Resources to help people stop smoking are very difficult to find.


Briefly desribe four important strategies for resisting tobacco.

Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Being informed is one strategy for resisting tobacco and involves gaining the knowledge as to why it's important to stay tobacco-free. Another strategy involves being aware of the misconceptions presented about tobacco through the media and elsewhere. Being prepared involves practicing refusal responses for when offers of tobacco are presented. Being a leader involves being a good example for others who desire to quit tobacco use.

Which of the following is a good individual resource to help quit smoking?

a professional

Smokers have a greater chance of developing deadly diseases.


Becoming educated about the dangers of smoking can help you to refuse cigarettes.


Which strategy is a good step for resisting smoking?

Practice your responses to an offer to smoke before being asked.

Which of the following is the BEST way to refuse an offer of tobacco products?

give an excuse

When trying to quit smoking using individual strategies, you should __________.

celebrate every success

Being a living example of a tobacco-free lifestyle can __________.

prevent others from trying smoking, convince friends to stop smoking,

make others around you more healthy


The easiest way for people to stop smoking is to quit "cold-turkey.


Most teenage smokers who try to quit are successful.


When you quit smoking, it also benefits those around you.


In general, the benefits of smoking greatly outweigh the health risks.


Which of the following groups is affected by tobacco use?

tobacco users, society, families of tobacco users

All of the following are long- term risks associated with exposure to secondhand smoke EXCEPT:

change in senses

Which of the following BEST describes the possible impact of tobacco use on families???

all of the above

A carcinogen is a cancer-causing substance.


How do tobacco products affect the finances of the smoker?

all of the above

Which of the following statements about the societal costs of tobacco use is TRUE?

Tobacco users contribute to an overall loss of productivity.

A role model, like a popular public figure, that smokes could increase an individual's desire to use tobacco.


The effects of tobacco use on society include high taxes and loss of life.


Smoking in a social situation to fit in, even though you don't want to, is an example of __________.

reluctant acceptance

Which of the following statements about tobacco products is TRUE?

Tobacco products contain over 4,000 different chemicals.

A desire to feel included or belong to a group can contribute to an individual using tobacco.


Which of the following factors might make tobacco use more appealing to teens?

Tobacco is easy to obtain.

Smoking reduces a person's life span by an average of __________.??

13 to 14 years

Advertising or promoting the use of tobacco to adolescents is prohibited.


What percentage of adult deaths is attributed in part to smoking?








How have high taxes on tobacco products impacted the number of people who use them?

The number of tobacco users has decreased.

Smoking can have both long- and short-term effects on an individual's health.


A 10% increase in cigarette prices has been found to result in a _____ decrease of smokers.


What is the minimum age that individuals can purchase tobacco legally in most US states?


Environmental tobacco smoke causes the death of approximately 7,000 nonsmokers per year.


Secondhand smoke is more dangerous in enclosed spaces.


Which of the following effects of smoking is an individual least likely to experience from secondhand smoke?

??a change in senses

??a change in physical appearance


yellowing teeth


a change in physical ability


As a testament to how bad smoking is, _____ of current smokers would like to quit.??


Becoming educated about the dangers of smoking can help you to refuse cigarettes.


Most teenage smokers who try to quit are successful.


When trying to quit smoking using individual strategies, you should __________.

celebrate every success

Which of the following is the BEST way to refuse an offer of tobacco products?

give an excuse

Which of the following is NOT a national resource for quitting smoking?

Nicotine Anonymous

The majority of those who smoke would like to quit.


Being a living example of a tobacco-free lifestyle can __________.

all of the above

Which of the following is a good individual resource to help quit smoking?

a professional

Which strategy is a good step for resisting smoking?

Practice your responses to an offer to smoke before being asked.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about alcohol???

Alcohol is a depressant, which means it speeds up the nervous system.

Approximately, how many commercials promoting alcoholic beverages do teens see each year?


95% of violent crimes committed on college campuses are alcohol-related.


Alcohol is one of the most widely used drugs in society and approximately half of the American population consumes alcohol.


Paula believes that drinking will help her relax and calm her nerves. Which of the following factors is most likely influencing her decision to drink alcohol?


Which of the following forms of alcohol can be consumed?


Proof is the standard measure used to determine how much alcohol is contained in an alcoholic beverage.


Carol can be defined as a social drinker because she can easily limit drinking and she chiefly drinks alcohol when she is out with friends or family members.


Which of the following statements is TRUE about the relationship between alcoholism and genetics?

Alcoholism is strongly tied to genetics, and children of alcoholics are more likely to become alcoholics themselves.

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

It is against the law to be in an establishment that serves alcohol unless you're 21

Which of the following statements is NOT accurate of blood alcohol content (BAC)?

BAC is used to determine number of beverages consumed.

Drinking five ounces of wine is better for the body than drinking twelve ounces of beer because there's less pure alcohol in a glass of wine.


Which of the following BEST describes the consequences of driving under the influence?

Apart from fines and jail time, driving under the influence puts the life of the driver and everyone else on the road at risk.

Which of the following is NOT true about alcohol and sexual activity?

Drinking alcohol may lead to enhanced sensitivity while engaging in sexual activity.

Which of the following is NOT a learning difficulty children with fetal alcohol syndrome face???

Fetal alcohol syndrome can cause children to have increased IQs.

Which of the following statements BEST describes the effects that alcoholism has on one's life?

Alcoholism can bring turmoil to the entire family and can affect one's school or work performance.

Long-term alcohol use is more severe in older people than younger people because older people's body systems are generally weaker.


Which of the following is NOT a behavioral difficulty children with fetal alcohol syndrome face?

problems with shyness

Which of the following is NOT an effect of alcohol on the digestive system?

Excessive amounts of alcohol can cause breathing to slow, become irregular, or stop.

Which of the following is a short-term effect of alcohol use?


During pregnancy, mothers should abstain from drinking alcohol because a fetus's liver is unable to process alcohol due to underdevelopment.


Which of the following statement is TRUE about the effect that alcohol has on society?

Many societal problems are directly related to alcohol, such as domestic violence and child neglect.

Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences a person's reaction to alcohol?

intellectual capacity

Pregnant women can protect their fetus from developing fetal alcohol syndrome by not drinking alcohol during pregnancy.


Exposure to alcohol affects the blood supply to the fetus and can cause physical deformities to the face, eyes, and heart.


Alcoholism isn't a "real" addiction.


Tara would be considered an alcoholic because she continues to drink alcohol even though her doctor has warned her of the severe health damages it's causing.


Involuntary functions, such as breathing, may shut down if a person has alcohol poisoning.


How does planning activities with friends who don't drink help you avoid situations involving alcohol???

You are all less likely to want to go somewhere alcohol is served.

All of the following are examples of nonprofits that work towards educating people about alcohol and aiding in the process of rehabilitation EXCEPT:

Boys and Girls Club of America

Why is alcoholism considered a chronic disease?

Alcoholism requires lifelong treatment.

Alcohol treatment options can vary depending upon the severity of an individual's alcohol problem.


An alcohol awareness program sponsored by a local police department is an example of a __________.

government program

An individual alcohol treatment program is most likely to be sought out by __________.

the individual with the alcohol problem

Which of the following is NOT an alcohol-related fact?

Everyone is drinking.

Which type of alcohol awareness and education program would you expect to be active in the smallest geographical area?


One strategy to remain alcohol-free is to be armed with facts about alcohol use.


Why is the simplest strategy for remaining alcohol-free simply to avoid situations where alcohol is present?

You cannot be tempted to drink alcohol if none is available.

FDA regulations require that all medication labels include __________.??

specific ingredients and possible side effects

All drugs can be considered medicines.


Which US government agency is responsible for regulating medications?


Which of these statements BEST describes the synergistic interaction effect?

an interaction between two or more medicines that increases their effectiveness

The Food and Drug Act was the first US law that regulated medicine.


The FDA regulates facilities that manufacture OTC medications.


Which of these FDA regulations required that manufacturers disclose possible dangers and side effects of their medicines?

Kefauver-Harris Amendment

Which of the following is NOT a major type of medicine?


Switching drugs to OTC status generally increases costs for insured patients.


Medicines that relieve pain are called __________.


Why are drugs like depressants described as the opposite of amphetamines???

Stimulants increase breathing and heart rate while depressants slow these functions.

Which of the following statements BEST describes tobacco?

It is only legal for people age 18 and older.

Only teens can abuse illegal drugs.


Why might overweight people choose to abuse a stimulant?

to lose weight

Which of the following is NOT a major source of pressure that influences teens to seek escape through drug abuse?

a supportive network of friends

Why do anabolic steroids differ from other illegal drugs?

They do not cause intoxication.

Not all drugs are considered medicines because __________.

medicines are used to cure, treat, and prevent diseases

Which of the following statements is false?

By law, the media must portray drug use accurately and honestly.

Most designer drugs are meant to imitate the effects of painkillers


The nonmedical use of a drug would be an example of drug abuse.


Drug abuse can often lead to suicide because __________.??

all of the above

Teens are more susceptible to the effects of drugs than adults.


The only person that is negatively affected by drug use is the addict.


Prolonged use of psychoactive drugs can cause brain damage.


Drug use can cause the spread of diseases.


Which of the following statements is NOT true about drug dependence?

People that are dependent on drugs can stop using the drug without experiencing any side effects.

Illegal drug use often leads to more illegal behavior.


Choose the correct cycle of addiction.

drug use, tolerance, dependence, addiction, withdrawal

Which of the following are behaviors that often result from drug use?

engaging in criminal activiy

The cost of drug use for the public involves all the following EXCEPT:

decrease in prevention and treatment costs

Life skills and relapse prevention training are both included in treatment programs.??


Residential treatment facilities often offer GED preparation and career training.


Most people who become addicted to drugs are able to stop on their own and do not need outside help.


Patients needing social detox __________.

need medication to assist with detoxing

The first step of drug addiction treatment is to __________.

gather patient information

One of the most effective strategies for resisting drugs is simply to __________.

avoid situations where drugs are present

All of the following are drug-resistant strategies EXCEPT:

screaming for help

Schools enforcing zero-tolerance policies punish students in possession of any unauthorized drugs.


Stating the consequences of drug use is a resistance strategy that can involve __________.

all of the above

Giving an excuse to someone offering drugs is the only way to refuse them.


When a role model uses a tobacco product, it gives the impression tobacco products lead to __________.
















all of the above


Which of the following substances found in tobacco smoke stimulates the brain?


















The tar found in tobacco is very different from the tar used on roads.


Which of the following statements about tobacco products is TRUE?




Tobacco products contain over 4,000 different chemicals.




All chemicals found in tobacco products are carcinogens.




Cigarettes are the least used tobacco product.




Tobacco products are difficult to obtain.


A desire to feel included or belong to a group can contribute to an individual using tobacco.


Which of the following factors might make tobacco use more appealing to teens?




Tobacco is habit-forming.




Tobacco is heavily taxed.




Tobacco is easy to obtain.




Tobacco is deadly.


How many chemicals in tobacco products have been proven to cause cancer?


















Cigarettes are the only tobacco products that have serious negative consequences.


A carcinogen is a cancer-causing substance.


Which of the following BEST describes the possible impact of tobacco use on families?




Tobacco use can lead to financial difficulties.




Tobacco use can cause increased incidence of illness.




Tobacco use can lead to increased family conflict.




all of the above


Which of the following BEST describes the possible impact of tobacco use on families?

all of the above

Which of the following substances found in tobacco smoke stimulates the brain?


A carcinogen is a cancer-causing substance.


Which of the following is TRUE about the negative impact of tobacco use on both families and society?

Families and society are both negatively impacted by increased financial stress due to tobacco use.

Smoking in a social situation to fit in, even though you don't want to, is an example of __________.

reluctant acceptance

When a role model uses a tobacco product, it gives the impression tobacco products lead to __________.

all of the above

The tar found in tobacco is very different from the tar used on roads.


Society is not affected by an individual's choice to use tobacco products.


How do tobacco products affect the finances of the smoker?

all of the above

Nicotine is an extremely addictive substance.


Tobacco is __________.

obtained from plants

__________ is a side effect of tobacco use.

All of the above

Tobacco products have little effect on society.


What year were cigarette advertisements for television and radio banned?


All of the following are long-term risks associated with exposure to secondhand smoke EXCEPT:

change in senses

Which of the following represents a way in which children and infants can be exposed to

all of the above

__________ is a short-term risk associated with tobacco use.

All of the above

Which of the following statements about the dangers of tobacco use is TRUE?

Tobacco use has consequences to both smokers and nonsmokers.

Environmental tobacco smoke causes the death of approximately 7,000 nonsmokers per year.


Smoking can have both long- and short-term effects on an individual's health.


Which of the following effects of smoking is an individual least likely to experience from secondhand smoke?

yellowing teeth

Advertising or promoting the use of tobacco to adolescents is prohibited.


A fetus is unaffected by its mother's use of tobacco.


Secondhand smoke is more dangerous in enclosed spaces.


Cirrhosis of the liver is a potentially life-threatening condition caused by chronic alcohol abuse.


Which of the following BEST describes the relationship between alcohol and fermentation?

Fermentation is a process that uses substances such as bacteria or yeast to change the sugars of fruits or grains into alcohol.

Thomas is an adolescent who often seeks out potentially harmful situations without thinking about the consequences. Which of the following factors is most likely influencing his decision to drink alcohol?


A standard drink is equal to 12.7 grams of pure alcohol.


Which of the following is NOT a legal consequence of driving under the influence?

school expulsion

Which of the following statements BEST describes how the body processes alcohol?

After alcohol is metabolized in the liver, it is burned as fuel for the cells.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about alcoholics?

Alcoholics are able to limit the amount they drink.

95% of violent crimes committed on college campuses are alcohol-related.


Drinking five ounces of wine is better for the body than drinking twelve ounces of beer because there's less pure alcohol in a glass of wine.


Carol can be defined as a social drinker because she can easily limit drinking and she chiefly drinks alcohol when she is out with friends or family members.


Adolescents whose parents approve of underage drinking and see it as a rite of passage are less likely to drink.


Which of the following forms of alcohol can be consumed?


Which of the following BEST describes the consequences of driving under the influence?

Apart from fines and jail time, driving under the influence puts the life of the driver and everyone else on the road at risk.

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

It is against the law to be in an establishment that serves alcohol unless you're 21.

April has only consumed one glass of wine, so her body isn't affected by the alcohol because short-term effects only begin with the second drink.


Which of the following BEST describes the short-term effects that alcohol has on the nervous system?

Alcohol dulls concentration, impairs coordination, and causes one's thought process to be disorganized.

When a woman drinks alcohol during pregnancy, the baby is also drinking alcohol because blood freely passes from the woman's blood stream into the fetus's blood stream.


Which of the following BEST describes the effects that fetal alcohol syndrome has on a child's mental abilities?

Fetal alcohol syndrome can cause parts of the brain to be underdeveloped and can cause mental retardation.

Although Joshua is an alcoholic, he is able to control his drinking when he parties with his friends.


Which of the following is NOT a symptom of alcohol poisoning?

high body temperature

Which of the following is a short-term effect of alcohol use?


Exposure to alcohol affects the blood supply to the fetus and can cause physical deformities to the face, eyes, and heart.


Tara would be considered an alcoholic because she continues to drink alcohol even though her doctor has warned her of the severe health damages it's causing.


During pregnancy, mothers should abstain from drinking alcohol because a fetus's liver is unable to process alcohol due to underdevelopment.


Pregnant women can protect their fetus from developing fetal alcohol syndrome by not drinking alcohol during pregnancy.


Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences a person's reaction to alcohol?

intellectual capacity

Which of the following is NOT a behavioral difficulty children with fetal alcohol syndrome face?

problems with shyness

Alcoholism isn't a "real" addiction.


Environmental factors, such as friends, family, and the media, have little influence on whether or not someone chooses to drink or not to drink.


Which of the following groups is affected by tobacco use?


Alcoholics generally feel dependent on alcohol and crave it, which is why it's hard for them to stop drinking.


Which of the following BEST describes the short-term effects that alcohol has on the nervous system?

Alcohol affects one's movement, speech, and vision and causes one's breathing to speed up and become irregular.

Which of the following BEST describes the relationship between alcohol and fermentation?

Fermentation refers to how quickly grains, fruits, and yeast break down into liquid substances, which can then be used to make alcohol.

What is the minimum age that individuals can purchase tobacco legally in most US states?


A 10% increase in cigarette prices has been found to result in a _____ decrease of smokers.


Secondhand smoke is less dangerous than the smoke tobacco users breathe.


Smoking reduces a person's life span by an average of __________.

13 to 14 years

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding smoking and pregnancy?

Smoking mothers are more likely to have babies with high birth weights.

Which of the following statements about secondhand smoke is NOT true?

Secondhand smoke is inhaled less deeply than firsthand smoke.

What percentage of adult deaths is attributed in part to smoking?


Which of the following is NOT true about alcohol and sexual activity?

Drinking alcohol may lead to enhanced sensitivity while engaging in sexual activity.

Proof is the standard measure used to determine how much alcohol is contained in an alcoholic beverage.


Alcohol is one of the most widely used drugs in society and approximately half of the American population consumes alcohol.