Crime in America Ch 3


Crime rates vary according to location, season and climate, and demographic factors such as gender, race and social class. This is referred to as _____.


When is crime generally higher?

In Japan, harmony is a very important value

Which of the following is thought to explain why Japan has a lower crime rate than the US?


All things being equal, the nation's crime rate should increase when which of the following age groups rises?

United States

Which country has the highest homicide rate among Western democracies?

It involves a very large random sample of the US population.

Which of the following is one of the major advantages the NCVS has over the UCR?


Men account for approximately ___ percent of violent crime arrests.

Social Construction

Race is a _____, something we make up rather than something real.

It is reported to the police by the victim.

Typically, how does a crime become known to the police?

Chronic Offenders

Those who engage in continual criminal behavior throughout adulthood are referred to as ____.


If girls are raised to be less assertive, less dominant, and more gentle and nurturing, crime rates will be lower. This suggests a ____ explanation of lower crime rates.

They rely too heavily on only reported arrests.

Which of the following is not a common critique of self-reports?

Individuals from 80,000 households were interviewed.

Which of the following is true regarding those interviewed by the NCVS?


Which of the following seeks to measure hidden crimes or the "dark figure of crime"?

African American (WRONG)

According to the UCR, most criminals are _____.

Driving under the influence

Which of the following is a Part II offense?

Most people arrested and imprisoned for street crime are poorly educated and low income.

Which of the following is true regarding social class and crime?

Uniform Crime Reports

The primary source of US crime statistics is the _____.


Which of the following will eventually replace the UCR?


Around what age does crime peak and then begin to decline?


According to Sigmund Freud, who would commit crime due to penis envy?

Crime rates have been declining since the 1990's

Which of the following trends is supported by both UCR and NCVS data?

It seriously underestimates the number of crimes committed each year.

Which of the following is a recognized critique of the UCR?

Grils are becoming more violent

Which of the following is considered a "myth" regarding crime rates?

Police arrest practices

As with gender, racial arrests statistics may reflect _____ more than racial differences in actual offending.


Classical criminology eventually led to a ________ approach, which used scientific methods to study criminal behavior.


An individual who believes that root principles of right and wrong are inherent in their nature and cannot be denied would adhere to which broad criminological theory?

would ensure weak suspects would incriminate themselves while strong ones would be found innocent

Cesare Beccaria condemned torture because it ________.

Social Contract

The concept that society gives up certain natural rights to the state in exchange for the protection of a sovereign authority is known as ________.

Common Law (WRONG)

Which document, signed by King John of England, guaranteed individual rights and established jury trials?


The situational choice theory maintains that "crime is not simply a matter of ________; it is also a matter of ________.

Swift and certain

According to Jeremy Bentham, for punishment to be effective it must be ________.

rehabilitative models are not effective in deterring crime

The assumptions underlying positivism were undermined by studies which showed that ________.

Mores and folkway

While laws proscribe acceptable behavior in large, complex societies, behavior in small and primitive societies is defined through ________.


Under the routine activities theory, it was found that ________ contribute significantly to both the volume and the type of crimes found in society.

How might Durkheim describe crime?

It is a normal part of healthy society.

criminology illuminates the privileges of those at the top of the social hierarchy.

The text suggests:

criminal justice spending on prevention and treatment.

When given an option, Americans tend to prefer:

Social imagination

According to Mills, people are better able to understand and change the social forces that underlie their troubles when they acquire a/an _____.

low levels of social integration

Which of the following is a structural factor that contributes to fear of crime?

Social structure

_____ refers to how a society is organized in terms of social relationships and social interactions.

social construction

Race is a _____, something we make up rather than something real.

social structure lies at the root of private troubles.

C Wight Mills emphasized

It is how society ranks different groups of people.

Which of the following best describes vertical social structure?

negative social conditions

In 1899, W. E. B. Dubois disputed a biological link to crime and attributed the relatively high rates of African-Americans to ____.

Sociological research often exposes false claims about reality and taken-for-granted assumptions.

Which of the following best reflects what Peter Berger referred to as the "debunking motif"?

They attributed high crime rates to certain social and physical conditions.

Which of the following ideas was advanced at the University of Chicago?