You must notify the DMV within 5 days if you:

Sell or transfer your vehicle

Under no circumstances

Illegal at all times

A solid yellow line next to a broken yellow line means that vehicles

Under no circumstances

When parking your vehicle parallel to the curb on a level street.

You are about to make a left turn. You must signal continuously during the last ____ feet before the turn.


You just sold your vehicle. You must notify the DMV within ___ days.


Which of the following statements about blind spots is true?

25 mph

Two sets of solid, double, yellow lines that are two or more feet apart:

You are driving on a freeway posted for 65 MPH. The traffic is traveling at 70 MPH. You may legally drive:

65 mph

Under no circumstances

You must notify the DMV within 5 days if you:

You are getting ready to make a right turn. You should:

Which of these vehicles must always stop before crossing railroad tracks?


Allow extra space in front of your vehicle when following a: