Civics Unit about law


the killing of one person by another

1st degree murder

The term that describes the killing of another person that has been planned and carried out with malice. Killing that goes along with rape, burglary, and assault

2nd degree murder

intentional killing that is not premeditated or planned, or a killing caused by dangerous conduct with a lack obvious concern for human life. EX- shoot at a person miss and kill another

voluntary manslaughter

A homicide in which the intent to kill was present in the mind of the offender, but malice was lacking. Most commonly used to describe homicides in which the offender was provoked or otherwise acted in the heat of passion.

involuntary manslaughter

Killing in which there is no intent to kill at all

justifiable homicide

Killings that occur in the context of self defense, or in the line of duty


A threatened or attempted physical attack by someone who appears to be able to cause bodily harm if not stopped

aggravated assault

threatening to injure someone


causing bodily harm to others


take someones property by threat of force


take someones property without threat of force




illegal burning of property


(n.) deliberate and pointless destruction of public or private property


driving under the influence


driving while intoxicated


The fraudulent making or altering of any writing in a way that changes the legal rights and liabilities of another.


forcing sex on an unwilling partner


Asking someone to commit a crime

human trafficking

The illegal trade of human beings, a modern-day form of slavery, for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation, forced labor, or involuntary military combat.

sexual assault

any sexual activity in which force or the threat of force is used