Driver's Ed Chapter 7

teenager drivers are

more likely to abuse alcohol than any other age group

which if the following is an important factor regarding alcohol and driving

after only one drink a person's total driving ability can be reduced

alcohol first affects drivers by

impairing judgement and reason

teenager drivers are

more likely to abuse alcohol than any other age group

peer influence is

an internal force created out of a desire to be accepted

alcoholism is

an addition to alcohol

the amount of alcohol in 1-1/2 ounces of whiskey or 5 ounces of wine is aproximately equal to that in

one 12 oz can of beer

at what rate does the average person's system oxidize alcohol

3/4 of a drink per hour

is this statement true about alcohol?
the body needs time to offset the effects of it


if you are unable to prevent a drinker from driving

refuse to ride w the person

over the counter drugs can be harmful to drivers bc

their side effects include drowsiness, slowed reaction time, and poor judgement

a depressant drug

slows down the center nervous system

drugs will not affect a person by

improving decision making ability

which is a stimulant drug - baritures, antihistamines, amphetamines, alcohol


how can weed affect a drivers condition

the driver's coordination and judgement are dangerously impaired

if a person takes medicine and then drinks an alcoholic beverage the chances are that the

effects of both the drug and the drink will be multiplied

the implied consent law

helps authorities control alcohol related driving problems

a driver is stopped on suspicion of a DWI or DUI and refuses to a BAC test the driver's

license can be suspended

the level of intoxication is a BAC of


a law that makes it illegal for ppl under 21 to drive w any alcohol in their blood is

the zero tolerance law

the breath-test machine most commonly used for determining BAC is

an intoxilyzer machine

nystagmus refers to

the involuntary jerking of the eyes as a person gazes to the side

peer pressure can be

positive or negative

the surest way for someone to eliminate the risk of driving under the influence of alcohol is

not to drink and drive

what advice should you give to a friend who is planning to go to a party and drink

don't drive, make sure there is a designated driver