MARK 4450 - practice

social media marketing

the use of social media platforms to positively influence consumers toward a website, company, brand, product, or service

a conversion

the typical end goal of social media marketing such as the purchase of a product, subscription to a newsletter, or some other desirable consumer action

artificial intelligence, reposition of channels for a digital future, shopper marketing, search is evolving, increase in consumer-generated content

what are the trends in social media marketing?

1) email
2) spam
3) spam blockers
4) legislation to prevent spam

how has marketing changed because of the technological advances in connectivity?

ownership and disruptive experiene

what were the problems with spam from the consumers POV?

traditional approach

news paper, magazine, radio, print, billboards
marketers control the content being seen, a very one way form of communication

digital approach

email, mobile, websites, digital display advertising, social media
emphasizes audience contribution and more discussion based approach

anger, high vs low barriers, people love to be the first to know

what are the motivations to engage?

fueling the fire

the more we learn the more we want to keep digging (piling on effect, building momentum)

energized by the drama

people are excited by the progress of collaboration and want to be a part of the continued efforts

1) if you give people more of a reason to do something, they will do more of it
2) if you make it easier for people to do something, they will do more of it

what are the economic laws?

playing nice with others, continuous learning, marketing moves fast and is increasingly complex, only constant is change

how does a marketing department function?

chief marketing technologist

the person charged with making sense of all these technologies and strategically figures out which one to use in the organization

pace layering

concept that there are certain foundational things that shouldn't be changed due to risk (systems of record, systems of differentiation, systems of innovation)

objectives, goals, strategy, tactics, audience

components of a digital marketing strategic plan?


what do you want to accomplish


how will you measure success?


how will you accomplish it?


what channels will you use?


who are you trying to reach?

listen, set goals, define strategies, identify target audience, select tools, implement, monitor, tune

parts of the social medial planning cycle (8)


the likelihood that a brand is being talked about on the social web


the ratio of generally positive to generally negative comments on the social web


the likelihood that people who talk about the brand online will do so repeatedly


the number of unique individuals talking about the brand divided by the number of mentions

identify personal rolls, list needs and situational triggers, create messaging objectives

the persona development cycle