Bounce rate

The number of people who view one page and then leave a website without viewing any other pages. Data statistics and facts collected for analysis.

Data sentiment analysis

The systematic analysis of subjective materials, such as survey responses or social media posts, in order to determine the attitude and intended emotional communication of the customer.

Focus group

A form of qualitative research where people are asked questions in an interactive group setting. From a marketing perspective, it is an important tool for acquiring feedback on new products and various topics.


A supposition that is tested in relation to known facts; a proposition based on reason but not necessarily assumed to be true.

Listening lab

A testing environment where the researcher observes how a customer uses a website or product.

Observation/ online ethnography

When researchers immerse themselves in a particular environment in order to gather insights.

Primary research

The collection of data to present a new set of findings from original research.

Qualitative data

Data that can be observed but not measured. Deals with descriptions.

Quantitative data

Data that can be measured or defined. Deals with numbers.

Research community

A community set up with the intention of being a source for research.

Research methodology

Methods employed in research to reach results.

Sample size

The number of respondents in a sample of the population.

Secondary research

The collection of existing research data.


The emotion attached to a particular mention which is positive, negative or neutral.

Statistically significant

A sample that is big enough to represent valid conclusions.