MARK 3370 Exam 2 Practice Questions

All of these options

Which of the following are influencer personas types?

Social Media Influencer

someone who exerts his or her influence through social media


Influencer marketing is the fastest growing method to attract new customers. T/F


On average, brands earn _____ for every $1 spend on influencer marketing.


The majority of Teenage YouTube subscribers trust influencers opinions over traditional celebrities.

All of these options

Which of the following are characteristics of a good influencer?

Less Credibility

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of influencer marketing with social media?

Establish Goals

What is the first step in creating a social media influencer marketing strategy?

All of these options

Which of the following are ways brands can use influencers?

Invited them on a trip around the world & had them document the trip

In which way did travel agent Contiki use social media infleuncers to increase awareness among 18-35 year olds?

Marketing or Business Goal

A social media marketing campaign is coordinated social media marketing effort to communicate with a target audience to achieve _________________


Social media marketing campaigns have a Specific start and end date. T/F

Attention Interest Desire, & Action (AIDA)

The concept of AIDA As a model for marketing stands for _____________

Establish Goals

What is the first step in launching a social media marketing campaign?

Social Media Content Calendar

Which of the following would not be considered under the campaign in budget resources?

Campaign Parameters include

- Contest
- Submission Instructions
- Contest Guidelines
- How Winners Are Selected

all of these options on an app on a company website on the microcyte on social media

Social Media Campaigns Can Live On:

Share Results

Which of the following is not conducted during a social media marketing campaign?

Share Sparkling Ice related content using the brand hashtag

Sparkling ice wanted to give a social media word-of-mouth megaphone by rallying fans to compete against each other for the title of the biggest flavor fan. What did the company have fans do?

creating & posting 100 pieces of shareable content create in 100 days

What social media campaign did Oreo create to celebrate their 100th anniversary?

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)

____________ involves integrating the promotional tools in marketing mix around a single theme idea or campaign

Listening Monitoring Streams

Used to help social media managers truck social media conversations around a campaign

written in second person

Which of the following does NOT distinguish a blog?


Which type of blog is the most popular?

All of these options

Why are blogs so popular?


The editorial strategy will determine who will be writing and editing the blog content, as well as the subject matter experts that need to be involved to contribute content. T/F

Decreases Brand Awareness

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of blogging?

Instant Payback

Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage to blogging?

400-1000 words

A good best practice for the length of blog posts is _______

Video Blog

What is a vlog?

Video Talk Show

Which of the following is not a podcast format?


Unlike a podcast, webinars are intended to be interactive with the audience in real time. T/F


A username on Twitter can contain how many characters?


What type of Twitter user are among the top 10 most followed?


Posts with 100 characters or more perform better on Twitter. T/F

All of these options

Using Twitter as a marketing tool allows businesses to _________

Twitter Chat

a discussion that occurs with the use of a predefined hashtag that links tweets together in a thread or conversation


Twitter is used mostly in which group?

Fan Favorites

Which of the following is NOT Part of the Twitter Algorithm?


When sharing photos of people, how many people per photo does Twitter allow you to tag?

Twitter List

a curated group of Twitter accounts


How many images can you upload to Twitter per tweet?

Connect w/ customers, Provide customer service, Discover what's happening, & Increase brand awareness

Using Twitter as a marketing tool allows businesses to:

Twitter chat

a discussion that occurs with the use of a predefined hashtag that links tweets together in a thread or conversation

Twitter Algorithm

- remaining tweets
- happening now
- show the best tweets first
- in case you missed it


Facebook is more popular among which age group?


Which gender uses FB more?


Which country has the highest amount of Facebook users globally?


Studies show that Facebook posts with ____ characters receive 86% more engagements than posts with higher characters.


when a post a uses a headline that encourages followers to click without giving information about what they will see

Facebook Zero

the declining organic reach on facebook for facebook pages


Instagram is owned by who?

Snoop Dogg

Which celebrity helped put insta on the map?


Which gender uses insta more?


Insta is the most popular among which age group?


The bio section of an insta profile is the only place in insta where a clickable link can be added. T/F

3-4 pm

Which is generally the worst time of day to post on insta?


Which is the most used insta filter in the world?


Which is the recommended % of content on insta that should be non-promotional?

Fan Favorites

which of the following is NOT part of the twitter algorithm


The average youtube session lasts more than ___ min.

Watch Time

Which of the following is the most important for the youtube algorithm?


Which of the following are small rectangle notifications that appear in the top right hand corner of a youtube video when viewed?

18.5 min

The top 100 brands on youtube are collectively uploading a video every _______


The longer a video drags on, the lower/fewer its _________

Youtube Playlist

a collection of youtube videos organized by categories


What percentage of Pinterest users is women?

home feed, pin, & boards

Pinterest components consists of __________

Pinterest Rich Pins

_______________ consists of:
- product pins
- recipe pins
- app pins
- buyable pins
- shop the look pins

email address, password, business name, website, & business category

To set up a business account on pinterest, a brand will need to provide an:


Average mins on snap:


A snap filter is dynamic and snap lens is static. T/F


During London fashion week, Burberry used_____ to tell the tale of two models planning to break into its flagship store on regent street in London.


To engage with snapchatters, grub hub hosted a week-long _____, increasing followers by 20%.

Wall Street Journal & Forbes

According to a business insider study, linkedin is perceived to be as trustworthy as ___________


On average, how many pieces of content do B2B prospects engage with before making a purchase decision?

4 to 1 Rule

for every single piece of self-promotional content posted, share 4 pieces of content from others


Linkedins articles publishing feature is NOT open to ______


Linkedin influencers are selected by invitation only. T/F


Instagram Stories are posts featuring videos or images that disappear after ________ hours, similar to Snapchat Stories.