mkt 361 social media marketing final exam

Which of the following completes the sentence, 'Christine maintains her ______ by updating her status, indicating her availability, and adding a friend on Facebook'?

social presence

What version of the internet do we use as an interactive social system in which users are able to interact with senders?

Web 2.0

Which of the following refers to 'an artificial intelligence computer software program that stimulates intelligent conversation via written or spoken text using a chat interface'?


Which of the following is not considered to be a device that supports the Social Media Value Chain?

A calculator.

Which of the following does not characterize tradigital marketing?

Attention gained via orientation.

Which of the following best completes the statement, 'Social media enable ______ in the form of communicating, creating, joining, collaborating, working, sharing, socializing, playing, buying and selling, and learning within interactive and interdependent

Active participation.

______ describe channels of social media that focus upon relationships and the common activities people participate in with others who share the same interest or identification.?

Social communities.

Which of the following applies to Forums?

All of these.

Which of the following ad types would not appear on a website?

Print ad.

Which type of segmentation refers to segmenting markets by age, gender, income, ethnic background, educational attainment, family life cycle, and occupation?


Which of the following represents your username in social communities?


Which of the following is not considered a microblog?

Polaroid crowds.

Which of the following best completes the statement, '______ divides consumers into groups based on their actions.'?

Behavioral segmentation.

Which of the following is not an example of social capital?

Disconnected employee.

Which of the following characteristics does not describe an influencer?


Which of the following best completes the statement, 'The ______ explains that the relative value a community offers its members is tied to its membership.'?

Network effect.

Which of the following best completes the following sentence, 'When members of an online network arrange to meet in a physical location this is known as a(n) __________'.?


When tasks are completed collaboratively by a large group of people such that the resulting value far exceeds that which could have been contributed by any single participant, this is called ______.


Which of the following explains the value in strategic planning?

All of the above.

What are the three phases of social media marketing maturity?

Trial, transition, and strategic.

Which part of the SWOT analysis refers to the external environment of the organization?

Opportunities and threats.

Which part of the SWOT analysis refers to the internal environment of the organization?

Strengths and weaknesses.

Which of the following questions should be answered by 'A competitive social media analysis'?

All of these.

Which of the following questions does not create answers that would form the basis for a propagation brief?

What are our competitors doing in terms of social marketing?

A social media mix choice is exemplified in which of the following?

All of these.

______ are the community vehicles that house and enable social engagement.

Social networking sites.

Which of the following does not represent a way in which social networking sites vary?

Network structure.

Users that actively product content in the form of video, podcasts/music, stories, articles, and blog posts are known as ______.


Which of the following is not an example of social sharing?

Your high school yearbook.

In a social network, people show their loyalty through simple acts such as 'liking' brands on their Facebook page or 'joining' a sponsored group. This type of loyal following in an online community is also known as which of the following?


Which of the following completes the sentence, '______ is defined as a '"marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience, with the objective of driving profitable

Content marketing.

Which of the following may include opinions, advice and art, and is considered the unit of value in a social community?


Which of the following is not included in the social entertainment zone?

Social storefronts.

Which of the following completes the sentence, 'Broadly, ______ encompasses the digital and social forms of media that are otherwise addressed by the entertainment industry'?

social entertainment

Brands can create owned vehicles of social entertainment by creating which type of content?


What are the content marketing aspects of social publishing focused on?


What are the content marketing aspects of social entertainment focused on?


Which subset of content marketing seeks to capture and retain attention for a prolonged period of time by entertaining the audience?

Branded entertainment.

Which subset of content marketing encourages the audience to interact with the content and is thought to generate word-of-mouth communication about the respective brand?

Social media marketing.

Which of the following encompasses events, performances, and activities, which are experienced and shared using social media, and designed to provide the audience with pleasure and enjoyment?

Social entertainment zone.

Which of the following terms refers to a multiplayer, competitive, goal-oriented activity with defined rules of engagement and online connectivity enabling conversation among a community?

Social game.

What type of game has the player adopt the identity of a character with the goal of completing some mission often tied to the milieu of fantasy?

Role-playing games.

Marketers can choose from among four general methods for around and in-game advertising. Which type of ads are hard-coded into the game and ensure that all players view the advertising?

Static ads.

Marketers can choose from among four general methods for around and in-game advertising. Which type of ads are variable and change based on specified criteria?

Dynamic ads.

Which of the following is not an example of social commerce?

Consumer solicited media and microblogs.

Social commerce is a subset of which of the following?


Which of the following best defines the term 'herding effect'?

To jump on the bandwagon and follow the behavior of others.

Secondary data collection is most likely done through which of the following?

A database search.

Which typical type of data refers to the actual comments people post in English or other languages?


What is a central hub for visually monitoring social data related to the brand's marketing objectives?

Social media command center.