Social Media Marketing - Chapter 7

branded entertainment

vehicles of social entertainment with branded content, subset of content marketing, content seeks to capture attention and retain attention for prolonged period of time to do so by entertaining, original content, may be owned media

content marketing

basis for social publishing strategies utilizing relevant, high value information desired by target audience
aspects of social publishing is informing, of social entertainment is entertaining

social branded entertainment

branded entertainment that encourages audience interaction and shares

socially published content primary goal

express a point of view via information, may be used to build reputations, encourage positive WOM, and share

how brands ad value to social entertainment

by producing social entertainment venues or leveraging popular social entertainment venues to reach an audience

motivations for participation in play

power, identity, fantasy, and frivolity
makes play theory relevant

play as power

concept provides participants with competitive task

play as identity

concept provides symbolic benefits to participant in that the form of entertainment is self expressive, reveals affinities and interests, and provides for a sense of affiliation
mostly social music and film

play as fantasy

concept encourages participants to engage in creative, imaginative experiences

play as frivolity

concept provides for fun, plain and simple relaxing

social games

largest active area of social entertainment, multiplayer, competitive, goal oriented activity with defined rules of engagement and online connectivity among a community of players
high degree of stickiness, not likely to be multitasking, targeted audience


listing of the leaders in game competition

achievement badges

symbols awarded to show game levels achieved and shared with the community

friend/buddy list with chat

list of contacts with whom one plays and the ability to communicate within the game

gamer segments

casual or harcore

casual games

low barriers to entry, small amount of time, easy to learn, readily available online
played by casual gamers
value easy of use and immediate gradification

core games

larger time commitment, highly immersive, advanced skills necessary, online or may require specific hardware and software
played by hardcore gamers
value realism and challenge

game platform

hardware systems on which the game is played
game consoles, computers, portable devices


the way the game world is experiences, the structure, single or mutliplayer, proximity, real time or turn based


visual nature of the game, such as fiction, fantasy, horror , and retro


method of play, simulation, action, role playing, strategy

situation games

depict real world situations as acurately as possible

action games

avatar acts as a virtual prosthetic connecting the player and the environment, performative game
first person shooter and third person games

role playing games

players play as a character role with the goal of completing some mission, closely tied to milieu of fantasy

massive multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPG)

RPG that encompasses the social aspects of gaming, ex. WOW

strategy games

games that involve expert play to organize and value variables in the game system, contextualize information from secondary sources outside
puzzle games


game that delivers a branded message, a form of branded entertainment, designed by the brand to reflect the brand's positioning statement, almost exclusively online, tend to be casual, exclusivity available, receptive players, metrics available

in game advertising

promotion within a game that another company develops and sells
1. display ads

display ads

integrated into a game's environment
static or dynamic
preroll, interlevel, postroll

static ads

ad that is hardcoded into the game to ensure all players view the advertising

dynamic ads

variable ads, change based on specified criteria

insertion technology

networks use this technology to place ads across multiple games in contracts

value exchange ads

ads that offer game related goods

product placement

placement of a branded item in an entertainment property

screen placements

visually incorporate the brand into the scenery, most common product placement

script placement

include verbal mentions of the brand's name and attributes in the plot

transactional advertising

ads reward players if they respond to a request, part product placement, part direct response advertising, and part sales promotion, for vitrual goods, currency, or codes

types of EA games advertising

1. traffic drivers
2. quests
3. store tabs
4. media integrations

brand immersive advertising

plot placement, brand actually incorporated into the story itself
product placements, in game experiences, game integration

key to success of advergame

quality of the game and congruence between the brand and game context

reskinned versions of existing games

game that is reprogrammed to contain brand logos or other sponsored images

game clutter

way too many games that compete for players' attention, compounded by time investment and available inventory

characteristics of games attractive to marketers

1. open to ad content, realism
2. benefit when assoc with successful game
3. identify with brands characters use, increase brand involvement
4. unobtrusive way to share message
5. targeting
6. measure promotional value

transference effect

when plaers love a game, some of these positive feelings rub off on the brands they encounter within it
congruence between brand and game is key


members of the target market accept the beliefs of an endorser as their own
characters in game can act as brand endorsers

meaning transfer model

consumers associate meaning with the endorser and then transfer the meaning to the brand in quation, character's attributes can be transferred to a brand characters use


spectators sit back and think of reasons why the advertising message on the screen does not apply to them
less likely because games are participatory

narrative transportation theory

even imagined interactivity can build positive brand attitude, mental stimulation through narrative storytelling encourages players to become lost in the story, they do not counterargue, more likely to form attitudes based on positive game feelings

alternate reality games (ARG)

cross media genre of interactive fiction using multiple delivery and communications media, social games, geographically dispersed, compete and collaborate, transmedia
most successful are brand sponsored
over time become a form of consumer fortified media

transmedia social game

games involve two or more different media

dark play ARG

games do not identify who is behind the effort, players play until mystery is solves or sponsorship is inadvertently discovered and leaked to the community

dark marketing

promotion that disguises the sponsoring brand

immersive fiction

players help direct how the story underlying the game develops

collective detective

need for team approach to solve the mystery

puppet masters

game writers


this is not a game! credo


invisible line separating the players from the puppet masters


follow the game but do not actively participate 5:1 to active players


participate in forums but do not actively play 20:1 to active players


tactic of hiding messages within another medium


reference index of the game including relevant sites, puzzles, in game characters, and other information

ARG pros

reach, publicity, long exposures, high engagement, brand sponsors welcome

ARG cons

effort, constant monitoring, risk in evolvement, resentment of new people, limited reach

social tv

technology that supports communication and social interaction in either the context of watching television or related to TV content

TV genome

result of identification of content in tv and ties to content in social media conversations, allows for media analysis and social media commentary