Social Media Marketing - Chapter 6

social publishing zone

second zone of social media, channels that allow people and organizations to publish content


websites that host regularly updated content, express opiinions, share expereieces, make money with on site ads, and attract clients for consulting work, thought leadership, increase traffic to targeted websites, build links, build brand awareness


similar to blogs, but content is limited to short bursts of text and links, shares headlines, reminder communications, provides links, directs traffic, builds credibility and reputation
ex. Twitter

media sharing sites

video, photo, audio, documentation, and presentation sharing sites, earned media, which site dictates type and style of content
ex. YouTube, Flickr, Podcast Alley, Slideshare


unit of value in social community, may include opinions, catchphrases, information, fashion photos, advice, art, or others

content marketing

marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience, with the objective of driving a profitable customer action

philosophy of content marketing

brands should publish content in their owned media channels, but publishing in social channels can build awareness, influence brand attitudes, and help drive traffic to owned media

secondhand content

re-purposed offline content for digital display

social aspects of content

interactivity, participation, and shareability

urban legends

untruths and exaggerations

editorial message

objective, unbiased, expresses opinion or provides information and does not intend to carry out the agenda of an organization

commercial message

intent is to persuade the reader or viewer to change an attitude or behavior, source is paid to place message in medium

user generated content

lifeblood of social media, everyday people create and post content for personal reasons rather than to receive financial reward, organic content
powerful because often attracts our attention to things we wouldn't otherwise watch

cultural co-creation

co-created meanings among producers and consumers fold back into the culture
inputs in social media may impact what others think or even change a firm's marketing activities

organic content

content that a person feels intrinsically motivated to prepare and share

incentivized content

response content encouraged by the offer of an incentive, such as the chance to win a contest

call to action

direct request in marketing message for specific behavior

consumer-solicited content (CSC)

invited but non-compensated citizen advertising
participatory advertising
brands invite submissions, set mandatory guidelines and specifications, and possibly provide participants with selected brand assets
sponsors can incentivize campaigns

citizen advertising

marketing messages that actual consumers create

sponsored converstations

paid consumer content
ex. spokesbloggers


bloggers who post sponsored conversations as their sole reason to contribute to a conversation

counterfeit conversations

organization plants content that masquerades as original material an actual consumer posted, may be user generated too

FTC social media content guidelines

sponsorship must be transparent as to not deceive consumers

editorial calendar

schedule of relevant topics, types of content, publication venues, and publication
helps by forecasting time, research topics, content creation, and promotion

master calendar

set of editorial calendars which includes all segments/authors
overview of all content

content value ladder

categorization of content in terms of originality and substance
1. filler
2. basic
3. authority building
4. pillar
5. flagship

filler content

information that people copy from other sources, secondhand content

basic content

original content but not weighty enough to establish the author as an authority in the topic area or serve as a reference piece for the audience

authority-building content

original content that positions the sponsoring entity as an authority on the subject

pillar content

original content that create a solid foundation, educational content that readers use over time, save, and share with others
impact grows exponentially over time

flagship content

authority building, original content, seminal pieces of work that helps to define a phenomenon or shape the way people think about something for a long time

types of pillar content in blogs

1. how to article - most popular
2. definition article
3. glossary article
4. theory article
5. list article

content curation

developing a valuable form of content that draws from the collection of existing content

great content

content of value to target audience, engaging and relevant, can be a lead generation tool

goals of social publishing

1. increase exposure to the brand's messages
2. to use the content to drive traffic to the brand's owned

media plan

designates how the campaign's creative content will be disseminated to the target audience using specific media vehicles such as radio or billboards
specific goals, audience reach, exposure, outcomes

difference between traditional and social publishing

traditional media plans utilize paid media while social publishing relies upon owned media and earned media online to reach goals

types of optimization

1. search engine optimization
2. social media optimization

search engine optimization (SEO)

process of modifying content, site characteristics, and content connections to achieve improved search engine rankings
onsite: content value, tags, keywords, titles, URL
offsite: publishing related content with links to original, linkwheel structure

social media optimization (SMO)

process that makes it more likely for content on a specific social media platform to be more visible and linkable in online communities
onsite: share tools and RSS feed options
offsite: promoting on socil news and social bookmarking sites, microblogging,

how SMO achieves goal of social publishing

linking activity increases credibility of marketer's message

difference between SEO and SMO

SEO focuses on earning higher organic search engine ranks, manipulates processes and machines
SMO focuses on earning organic links to content, targets people
SMO is used by SEO because those links also improve rankings

publishing in multiple places

creates additional opportunities to see for the target audience and brand controlled links to the targeted site

Google algorithm

mathematical formula to decide which sites will appear at top of search list, changed on regular basis

lifeblood of social media

user generated content, traffic

value of sites that attract heavy traffic

1. large number of visitors, higher rate of conversion
2. more eyeballs, more ad revenue


person browsing actually purchases

search engine marketing

form of online marketing that promotes websites by increasing the visibility of the site's URL in search engine results, both organic and sponsored, uses SEO

organic result listing order

results by relevance based on search engine's ranking algorithm, sponsored then organic but organic is cheaper, more credible, and generateds more traffic

pay per click

fees a marketer pays when someone clicks on an online display ad

eye tracking studies

identifies the characteristics of s search page that determines which links the user is likely to follow

eye tracking results

across top, to left, then down to last item without scrolling on results page

web crawlers

spiders, bots, automated web programs that gather information from sites that ultimately form the search engine's entries

golden triangle

the space on the screen where listings are virtually guaranteed to be viewed, typically the top 3

indexed data

tags and keywords derived from site content, bots gather data which are labeled

offsite indicators

links from other sites

on site indicators

keywords embedded in the page's title, URL, and content


tells the bot what information to gather and specify the relevant topic

meta tag

code embedded in a webpage, viewable in the source code for the page, includes keywords, description with sentences that summarize page content and shown in search engine listing

title tag

HTML tag that defines the page's title, displayed in title bar, search engine results, and RSS, no more than 12 words, 2+ keywords

heading tag

HTML tag used to section and describe content, keywords, H!, H2, H3, etc.


headline, loaded with keywords, more literal than journalistic phrases


website address, include title of article or keywords

static URL

web address that does not change, no variable script

dynamic URL

generated from scripts and change over time, difficult to return to later

keyword research questions

topic, competitor terms, keyword generator, derivatives, google trends

long tail keywords

multi phrase search queries, more targeted, actual search queries

anchor text

link text


building blocks of social publishing

building links

1. publish related content and links across other sites, branded and social media
2. encourage other, unaffiliated sites to link to the brand's content
rank better if independent sites link to original and if sites are of high quality and relevance


increase the number of links back to a site, built on hub and spoke system that uses web properties as spokes to send one link to the home site and another link to the next property


trackback, when other sites link back to the content

link juice

link quantity

white hats

play by the rules of they system, provide good quality content with best use of keywords and tags, earned links at reputable sites, create site maps

gray hats

take some liberties with the system, keyword density beyond typical usage but below keyword stuffing, duplicate content at multiple sites and create link exchanges, three way linking, paid links

keyword stuffing

insertion of a superficially large number of keywords throughout a site's content and tags

link exchanges

sites agree to link with each other

three way linking

own sites link to each other in sequence and then back to the original site

black hats

manipulate the system by utilizing several tactics considered unethical

gateway pages

pages with real visitors are directed past


display of misleading content to search engines

link farms

groups of websites that link to each other and pages with unrelated links solely for the purpose of creating more links to the targeted pages

power site

site with enormous readership, such as


careful crafting of a title that markets the content


phrase that increases the liklihood that the intended audience will click, positions the content for the target audience
1. resource
2. contrary
4. giveaway
5. research

resource hook

used in social news sites, refers to content written with the intent to be helpful to target audience

contrary hook

refutes some accepted belief

humor hook

shows that the content will entertain

giveaway hook

promises something for free

research hook

offers a claim about something important

share tools

plug ins that appear as clickable icons on a website and enable the viewer to bookmark or share the page with many social networking , social news, and social bookmarking sites

plug ins

third party applications that are added to a main site to add some form of functionality

RSS feed

tool to automatically feed new published content to subscribers

press release

announcement public relations professionals issue to the news media to let the public know of company developments

social media press release

announcement public relations professionals issue to the news media to let the public know of company developments, with optimized title, good keywords and tags, links to landing page, RSS options, share buttons, embeddable multimedia content

social news

share and promote news online, focused on content distribution, filters information

social bookmarking

save online bookmarks, shared, collective intelligence, focused on organization of content, filters informaiton

voting campaigns

voters are incentivized to vote for a news story

desirability of a community target

community focus, active users, traffic, activity of top users, comments, votes, frequency, terms of service, what would others say


people who take on a fictional identity when promoting content online