social media marketing chapter 9

________ is information already collected and available for use

secondary research

If a company purchases background information to aid the decision process in a particular market then, as defined in this question, this information is:

secondary research

Coca-Cola buys information on its competitors from a syndicated source for a SWOT analysis it is conducting. As defined in this question, this information is:

secondary research

A new company analyzes information contained in industry databases to get a feel for how best to enter the market. As defined in this question, this information is:

secondary research

Target goes on Walmart's website to decipher the history of the company. As defined in this question, this information is:

secondary research

________ is information collected for the research purposes at hand.

primary research

social media research

can be both secondary and primary in nature

Which of the following is most likely a secondary method of data collection?

database search

Which of the following types of data collection methods involves quantitative analyses?

survey research

________ are the actual comments people post in English or other languages.


________ involves recording behavior or the residual evidence of behavior.

observational research

Watching people as they shop and recording their behavior is a form of:

observational research

Counting the number and type of candy wrappers people throw out after a party to see what they're eating is a form of:

observational research

Social media listening is the social media research approach of ________.

observational research

Organizations can approach social media listening

anecdotally and systematically

The speed and intensity of a message across the online population is called ________.

viral spread

When the novelty dance song "I'm a Gummer Bear" was released in 2007, the video for it caught wildfire on YouTube and MySpace with more than 1 billion plays. As a result, the ________ for the Gummi Bear brand name was extremely fast and intense.

viral spread

________ of brand mentions is the rate of growth or decline in the number of brand mentions.


Under the policy of ________, participants are made aware of the research and its benefits and implications, and they are given the opportunity to withdraw or move forward.

informed consent

In a social media research study on Facebook use, adolescents at the beginning of the study were told by the researcher about the study's potential benefits to governmental policies and then asked if they wished to take part in it. The researcher in this

informed consent

Visiting people's homes and offices to observe them as they go about their everyday lives is an example of ________.

ethnographic research

A team of researchers that wanted to learn about how teenage girls actually talk about beauty care products sponsored a series of sleepovers where they sent (female) employees to hang out overnight and record what they learned when conversation turned to

ethnographic research

In netnography research, the researchers focus on studying:

the community

A researcher conducts a study of Sony Playstation gamers by reflecting on their characteristics in chat rooms. Which of the following types of research is most likely being employed in this example?

netnography research

McDonald's enthusiasts are studied by a researcher keeping a journal on their language in message boards. Which of the following types of research is most likely being employed in this example?

netnography research

All of the following are recommendations for good use of netnography EXCEPT:

Select online communities that have relatively less "traffic" of postings.

All of the following are recommendations for good use of netnography EXCEPT:

Never disclose your purpose for participation.

All of the following are recommendations for good use of netnography EXCEPT:

Don't attempt to learn the language of the group culture in order to stay naive.

All of the following are recommendations for good use of netnography EXCEPT:

never disclose the researcher's intent

Social media ________ works with the aid of software that systematically searches key words it finds in social spaces such as blogs, social networks, and forums.


Which of the following is TRUE?

Listening is done on an ad hoc basis, whereas monitoring occurs more systematically.

The process of monitoring answers all of the following questions EXCEPT:

Who else read the search term found?

________ specifies a plan to collect and utilize data so that desired information can be obtained with sufficient precision and/or so that hypotheses can be tested properly.

The research design

________ includes decisions on the study approach, the sampling plan to be used and procedures for data collection, and data analysis decisions.

The research design

________ refers to how people think or feel (especially feel) about an object such as a brand or a political candidate.


If the Republican Party scrapes data from various social media websites in order to determine the attitudes of users toward their presidential candidates, they are employing ________.

sentiment analysis

Sentiment analysis is, at its core, ________ research.


Sentiment analysis is also called ________.

opinion mining

In sentiment analysis research, researchers use ________ to code the data for emotions

a word-phrase dictionary

Step 1 in sentiment analysis is to:

fetch, crawl, and cleanse

Step 2 in sentiment analysis is to:

extract entities of interest

Step 3 in sentiment analysis is to

extract sentiment

Sentiment ________ are words or other cues used to denote positive or negative sentiment


Which of the following words would most likely be a sentiment indicator?


________ move through the designated websites and collect and store the content they find.

Web crawlers

________ is a process during sentiment analysis that selects only the content that appears to be relevant based on matches with the word-phrase dictionary


When data need to be cleansed during sentiment analysis, a(n) ________ is then applied to the data to filter any irrelevant content that made it into the data set.

text classifier

Step 4 in sentiment analysis is to:

aggregate raw sentiment data into a summary

Sentiment analysis is a form of ________.

text mining

________ is an approach used to identify the presence of concepts and themes within qualitative data sets.

Content analysis

A researcher might test a hypothesis that TV commercials reinforce traditional sex-role attitudes by sampling a large number of ads that aired during a certain period of time, and comparing the occupations that male versus female actors portrayed. Which o

Content analysis

Which of the following is the primary unit of analysis for content analysis?

the word

________ in a content analysis are labels that classify and assign meanings to pieces of information.


The people or families to which we wish to generalize the study results are called a ________.


A social media research study sets out to determine the attitudes and characteristics of Sony Playstation gamers, so the researchers select the gaming sites of GamesForum and Gaming Bay to define Sony Playstation gamers. In this example, Sony Playstation


A social media research study sets out to determine the attitudes and characteristics of Sony Playstation gamers, so the researchers select the members of the gaming sites of GamesForum and Gaming Bay to define Sony Playstation gamers. In this example, th


An available list that approximates the population and from which we draw a sample to represent the population is called a ________.

sample frame

A social media research study sets out to determine the attitudes and characteristics of Sony Playstation gamers, so the researchers select the members of the gaming sites of GamesForum and Gaming Bay to define Sony Playstation gamers. In this example, th

viral spread

________ represents a gap between the sampling frame we use and the population we define.

Coverage error

A social media research study sets out to determine the attitudes and characteristics of Sony Playstation gamers, so the researchers select the members of the gaming sites of GamesForum and Gaming Bay to define Sony Playstation gamers. In this example, th

coverage error

When it is financially or logistically impossible to study all members in a population, then researchers use a ________.


If a study of hard-core gamers sampled only female gamers who are in their fifties, then the study would have ________.

sampling error

A social media research study sets out to determine the attitudes and characteristics of Sony Playstation gamers, so the researchers select the members of the gaming sites of GamesForum and Gaming Bay to define Sony Playstation gamers. However, not all ga

sampling error

________ refers to the duplication in conversation volume that tends to occur in social media spaces.

online echo

In Twitter, "retweeting" creates ________.

online echo

The potential that those units that were not included in the final sample in a study are significantly different from those that were included is called ________.

nonresponse bias

People who are willing to take a 30-minute phone survey may be different than those who aren't. This would be an example of ________.

nonresponse bias

A social media research study sets out to determine the attitudes and characteristics of Sony Playstation gamers, so the researchers select the members of the gaming sites of GamesForum and Gaming Bay to define Sony Playstation gamers. However, not all ga

nonresponse bias

Sampling ________ are adjustment factors applied to adjust for differences in probability of selection between cases in a sample.


Those who post tweets on Twitter are far more vocal than those who share feedback to videos they see on YouTube, but both sites may be included in our sampling frame. To adjust for this difference skewing the data and results, one can employ ________.

sampling weights