Ch 15: Reconstruction 1865-1877

Black Codes

Laws that were passed across the South in response to the Civil Rights Act of 1866 in an effort to suppress newly freed slaves. The codes restricted blacks' freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and legal rights, and outlawing unemployment, loitering

Andrew Johnson

A Southerner from Tennessee, replayed Lincoln as President after his assassination. He opposed radical Republicans who passed Reconstruction Acts over his veto. He was impeached by Congress for violation of the Tenure of Office Act, and was only narrowly acquitted by Senate.


A northerner who went to the South immediately after the Civil War; especially one who tried to gain political advantage or other advantages from the disorganized situation in southern states

Civil Rights Act of 1866

A bill that guaranteed blacks the right to sue, serve on juries, testify as witnesses against whites, and enter into legal contracts. The act did not give blacks the right to vote, because most Radical Republicans in 1866 remained unconvinced that black suffrage was a necessity. When more Radicals were elected to Congress that autumn, however, they did consider making black suffrage a requirement for a state's readmission into the Union. The act eventually led to the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

Civil Rights Act of 1875

A bill that forbade racial discrimination in all public places. The act was the Radical Republicans' last legislative effort to protect the civil liberties of former slaves. Democrats in the House opposed the bill from the outset and consequently made sure it remained largely ineffectual.

Civil Rights Cases of 1883

A series of Supreme Court cases that countered Radical Republican legislation passed during Reconstruction and severely restricted blacks' civil liberties. The Court ruled that the Civil Rights Act of 1875 was unconstitutional, citing the fact that the Fourteenth Amendment prohibited racial discrimination by the U.S. government but not by individuals. The decision was used to justify racist policies in both the South and the North.

Compromise of 1877

A political agreement that made Rutherford B. Hayes president (rather than Samuel J. Tilden) in exchange for a complete withdrawal of federal troops from the South, effectively ending Reconstruction.

Depression of 1873

An economic depression�caused by bad loans and overspeculation in railroads and manufacturing�that turned the North's attention away from Reconstruction. Poor whites and blacks were hit hardest, and unemployment soared as high as 15 percent. The depression helped southern Democrats in their quest to regain political prominence in the South and diminished the reelection prospects for Republican candidates, who advocated hard-money policies and little immediate economic relief.

Thirteenth Amendment

A constitutional amendment, ratified in 1865, that abolished slavery in the United States. Southern states were required to acknowledge and ratify the amendment before they were readmitted to the Union.

Fourteenth Amendment

A constitutional amendment, drafted by Radical Republicans in 1866 and ratified in 1868, that ensured that the liberties guaranteed to blacks in the Civil Rights Act of 1866 could not be taken away. Like the Civil Rights Act, the Fourteenth Amendment granted citizenship to all Americans regardless of race who were born in the U.S. The amendment consequently reversed the Supreme Court's Dred Scott v. Sanford decision of 1857.

Fifteenth Amendment

A constitutional amendment, ratified in 1870, that gave all American men the right to vote, regardless of race or wealth. The amendment enfranchised blacks and poor landless whites who had never been able to vote. Radical Republicans required southern states to ratify the amendment in order to be readmitted into the Union. The amendment's ratification angered many suffragettes who were fighting for a woman's right to vote.

Edwin M. Stanton

Secretary of war under Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. A former Democrat, Stanton joined the Republicans and went on to support Radical Reconstruction in the South. Johnson and Stanton butted heads on Reconstruction policy, however�so much so that Radical Republicans in Congress passed the Tenure of Office Act in 1867, requiring Johnson to seek Congress's permission before removing any congressionally appointed cabinet members. When Johnson ignored the act and fired Stanton, Republicans in the House countered by impeaching Johnson.

First Reconstruction Act

A bill, passed by Radical Republicans in Congress in 1867, that treated Southern states as divided territories.The First Reconstruction Act divided the South into five districts, each governed by martial law. It was the first of a series of harsher bills that the Radicals passed that year.

Freedmen's Bureau

A government agency established by Congress in 1865 to distribute food, supplies, and confiscated land to former slaves. Although the bureau's worth proved questionable because of corruption within the organization and external pressure from southern whites (including President Andrew Johnson), it successfully established schools for blacks throughout the South.

Ku Klux Klan (KKK)

A secret society formed in Tennessee in 1866 to terrorize blacks. Racist whites formed the KKK as a violent reaction to Congress's passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 . Within a few years, the Klan had numerous branches in every southern state. Klansmen donned white sheets and threatened, beat, and even killed "upstart" blacks. Congress finally passed the Ku Klux Klan Act in 1871 to curb Klan activity and restore order in the South.

Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871

A congressional bill passed in response to widespread Ku Klux Klan violence throughout the South. The Klan had been intimidating, beating, and murdering blacks in every southern state since 1866, and many blacks, though newly enfranchised, avoided the polls out of fear for their lives. Although violence spiraled out of control by the late 1860s and early 1870s because state legislatures turned a blind eye, the Ku Klux Klan Act restored order in the South in time for the elections of 1872.

Liberal Republicans

A political party that was formed prior to the elections of 1872 by Republicans who disagreed with moderate and Radical Republican ideologies. The Liberal Republicans campaigned on a platform of government reform, reduced government spending, and anti-corruption measures. They also wanted to end military Reconstruction in the South and bring about a swift restoration of the Union.

Presidential Reconstruction

President Andrew Johnson's plan for Reconstruction, which lasted from 1865-1867. Johnson, a Democrat from Tennessee, allowed southern states to reenter the Union, but only after 10 percent of the voting population took loyalty oaths to the United States. Johnson's Presidential Reconstruction was similar to Lincoln's Ten-Percent Plan, though Johnson pardoned thousands of high-ranking Confederate officials. Johnson was also a critic of the Freedmen's Bureau and attempted to do away with the program. Presidential Reconstruction ended when Radical Republicans took control of Congress in 1867 in the wake of Johnson's "Swing Around the Circle" speeches.

Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction

Abraham Lincoln's 1863 Reconstruction proposal to boost support for the war in the North and persuade the South to surrender. The proclamation outlined Lincoln's Ten-Percent Plan, which declared that secessionist states could be readmitted into the Union after 10 percent of voters swore their allegiance to the U.S. government.

Tenure of Office Act

A bill passed by Congress during Andrew Johnson's presidency requiring Johnson to consult Congress before dismissing any congressionally appointed government official.

Radical Reconstruction

The period from 1867-1877 when Radical Republicans controlled the House of Representatives and the Senate, advocating for civil liberties and enfranchisement for former slaves. The party, known for its harsh policies toward the secessionist South, passed progressive legislation like the Civil Rights Act of 1866 , the First and Second Reconstruction Acts, the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, the Civil Rights Act of 1875 , and the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments.

Radical Republicans

A Reconstruction-era political party known for its progressive legislation and harsh policies toward the South. The Radical Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866 , the First Reconstruction Act, the Second Reconstruction Act, the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, the Civil Rights Act of 1875 , and the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments. Radical Republicans in the House also impeached President Andrew Johnson in 1868 but were unable to secure enough votes for a conviction in the Senate.


An agricultural production system in the South through which wealthy landowners leased individual plots of land on plantations to white and black sharecroppers in exchange for a percentage of the yearly yield of crops. Blacks preferred this system to wage labor because it gave them a sense of independence and responsibility. Ironically, though, sharecroppers had less autonomy than wage laborers, because high debts bound them to the land, and most former slaves worked on plots owned by their former masters. By 1880, most southern blacks had become sharecroppers.

Ten-Percent Plan

Abraham Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction, under which secessionist states could be readmitted to the Union only after 10 percent of their voting population took a loyalty oath to the Union. Lincoln agreed to pardon most Confederates but made no provision for safeguarding the rights of former slaves. Many Radical Republicans believed his plan was too lenient.

Wade-Davis Bill

A 1864 Bill proposed by Congress demanding far more stringent terms for reconstruction; required 50% of the voters of a Confederate state to take the loyalty oath and permitted only non-confederates to vote for a new state constitution; Lincoln refused to sign the bill, pocket vetoing it after Congress adjourned.

Rutherford B. Hayes

Republican governor from Ohio and presidential nominee who ran against Democrat Samuel J. Tilden in the election of 1876. Republicans chose Hayes because he was virtually unknown in the political world, had no controversial opinions, and came from the politically important state of Ohio. In the wake of the scandals associated with Ulysses S. Grant's presidency, Hayes's clean political record made him a sound candidate. Although Hayes received fewer popular and electoral votes than Tilden in the election, he nonetheless became president after the Compromise of 1877 .

Ulysses S. Grant

Union general and Civil War hero who went on to defeat Horatio Seymour in the presidential election of 1868. Nicknamed "Unconditional Surrender" due to his hard-nosed war tactics, Grant joined the Republican Party and entered politics during the Reconstruction years. He served briefly as secretary of war after Andrew Johnson fired Edwin M. Stanton but resigned after Congress forced Johnson to reinstate Stanton. Although Grant himself was an honest man, his cabinet was corrupt, and numerous scandals, such as the Fisk-Gould gold scheme, Cr�dit Mobilier, and the Whiskey Ring, marred his presidency. He retired after his second term.

Cr�dit Mobilier

A dummy construction company formed in the 1860s by corrupt Union Pacific Railroad officials who hired themselves as contractors at inflated rates to gain huge profits. The railroad executives also bribed dozens of congressmen and members of Ulysses S. Grant's cabinet, including Vice President Schuyler Colfax. Eventually exposed in 1872, the affair forced many politicians to resign and became the worst scandal that occurred during Grant's presidency.

Whiskey Ring

A group of government officials who embezzled millions of dollars of excise tax revenue from the U.S. Treasury. The Whiskey Ring scandal damaged President Ulysses S. Grant's reputation and affected central figures in the White House�the president's own personal secretary was indicted in the conspiracy but was acquitted after Grant testified to his innocence.

United States v. Cruikshank

An 1876 Supreme Court case that severely restricted Congress's ability to enforce the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871. The Court ruled that only states, not the U.S. government, had the right to prosecute Klansmen under the law. Without the threat of federal prosecution, the Ku Klux Klan and other racist whites had free reign to terrorize blacks throughout the South.