APUSH Ch.6 Vocab

Annapolis Convention

September 1786, representatives gathered for a convention in Annapolis Maryland to discuss amending the Articles to give congress power to regulate trade. Failed when only five state delegations arrived on time. Several delegates called for another meetin


Republican theory-only in a small republic could representatives act according to the governor or upper house of assembly (senate). *Pennsylvania

Great Compromise

Established a bicameral congress, with representation in the lower house based upon population (HOR) and upper house (senate), in which each state provided two senators for six-year terms.

Treaty of Paris 1783

United States gained most territory from Atlantic Ocean to Mississippi River and south of St. Lawrence river to North of SPanish Florida. Led to vague borders and disputes/

Republican Motherhood

voters must have a stake in society; one exception was New Jersey, where the 1776 constitution gave "free inhabitants" who held sufficient property, could vote.

Judith S. Mary

1784- Massachusetts writer. Published a series of essays, "The Gleaner", in which she argued that young women should prepare to support themselves in case they found no suitable husband or their spouse died.

Land Ordinance of 1785

Set the rules for distributing land; the minimum price would be $640, property had to be surveyed before its sold and laid out in a township.

Critical Period

1781-1784 in which the representatives and delegates struggled to form a government.

Three fifths compromise

Counted each slave as 3/5 of a person for the purpose of determining a state's level of taxation/ representation. Part of the great compromise.


Church of England was established and in 1786-passed Thomas Jefferson's statue for religious liberty/controlled trans-Appalachian lands south of the Ohio River; ratified the constitution in late june demanding a Bill of Rights.

New Jersey Plan

William Patterson proposed one house, or unicameral, congress in which the states had equal representation; but large states objected this plan.

Shays Rebellion

Led by Daniel Shay's (a Bunker hill veteran0 in which debtors protested when state governments failed to help economically, shutting down courts to prevent further hearings for debt.

Northwest ordinance

gave settlers autonomy in establishing a territorial government, divided Northwest into 7 districts and colonists adopted a constitution to govern themselves.


Viewed commercial development more favorably and thought the purpose of government was to arbitrate among opposite interests.


Favored small republics and because they feared the actions of men who would likely dominate the central government, mainly small farmers and debtors.

Federalist papers

1788- Published book of 85 essays providing a detailed argument in favor of the constitution, written by Hamilton, Madison, and Jay.