APUSH Chapter 13- All Short Answer

What enabled Lincoln to emerge as president from the divisive party politics of the 1850s?

In seeking reelection, Douglas faced an unexpectedly strong challenge from Abraham Lincoln.
Lincoln's speeches combined the moral fervor of the abolitionists with the respect for order and the Constitution of more conservative northerners.
Lincoln campaig

What were the major factors contributing to the US territorial expansion in the 1840s?

The expansion West in the 1840s was sparked from the depression of 1837 since emigrants had heard of the fertile and beautiful regions in Oregon
-Oregon trail starts in Missouri (people go west).
-As California became more commercial and the catholic chur

What combination of issues and events fuelled the creation of the Republican Party in the 1850s?

*Market Revolution= Railroads= Connected Northeast and Northwest= Republican Party can unify
*Know-Nothings--> rise of nativism as a result of growing immigration resulted in the creation of the know-nothing party, a group dedicated to keeping political p

What were the final steps on the road to secession?

-Attack on Harpers Ferry
-Southern states' refusal to put Lincoln on the ballot
-Election of Abraham Lincoln-->southern states felt their interests were not represented and their rights weren't recognised
-Incumbent President Buchanan did nothing to stop

Why did the expansion of slavery become the most divisive political issue in the 1840s and 1850s?

Territorial expansion increased
-After Mexican-American, annexation of Texas, wish to add California to Union, the States were forced to consider whether or not the states should be free
-Most people thought slavery had to expand or would die- so the issu