Period 2 Apush Practive questions

In the first half of the 1600s, American Indians in Virginia and Maryland most typically responded to English colonization described in the excerpt by

defending their territory against the English

Which of the following was a long-term result of the situation in Jamestown described by the excerpt

The rise of the plantation system and the use of African slaves

Compared to New England, early English settlement in Virginia and Maryland was characterized by

lower life expectancy, a larger population of indentured servants, and a greater gender imbalance

The excerpts from Anne Hutchinson best represent which of the following developments in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the 1630s?

Growing challenges by dissenters to civil authorities

The ideas expressed in the excerpts have the most in common with which of the following?

The antislavery movement of the 1840s, when women asserted their right to speak on behalf of their cause

The major patterns on the map best supports which of the following statements?

British colonists in North America typically had a lower demand for slave labor than did the colonies of other European countries.

Which of the following most directly contributed to the major pattern depicted on the map?

Demand for crops produced in Americas.

A significant long-term result of the major patterns depicted on the map was

the development of a strict racial system in British colonial societies.

Which of the following best supports the general argument in the excerpt about how Europeans changed North America?

The establishment of fenced fields on family farms

During the colonial era, which of the following was widespread affect of the interactions between European colonists and American Indians described in the excerpt?

Increased intensity of warfare between the two groups

The pattern of colonial settlement up to 1700 resulted most directly from which of the following factors?

The orientation of the British colonies toward producing commodities for export to Europe.

The change in settlement patterns from 1700 to 1775 had which of the following effects?

An increase in conflicts between British settlers and American Indians

The change in settlement patters from 1700 to 1775 best explains the growth of social tensions between backcountry settlers and colonial elites.

growth of social tensions between backcountry settlers and colonial elites.

Which of the following groups would be more likely to support the perspective of Edward Randolph in the excerpt?

English royal officials

Which of the following was the most direct effect of the King Phillip's War?

the large number of Native American and Colonist deaths

In concluding that the Europeans had to be expelled, Metacom, the leader of the King Phillip's War, had the most in common with which one of the following?

Pope, the leader of the Pueblo Revolt

The excerpt most directly reflects

competition for land among different groups living in the British colonies

What expectation of government helf by 17th century Englishmen does Bacon believe the government at Jamestown has failed to live up to?

Government protections and public works would serve to benefit all subjects

The major cause of Bacon's Rebellion was the competing perceptions of power in 17th-century Virginia. Which of the following best describes the differing perceptions?

The difference in political power between the eastern plantation owners and the newer settlers in the west, with the advantage of going to the plantation owners in the east

The push that brought indentured servants to the British colonies in North America was

the availability of financial and social opportunities

During the earliest colonial times, Africans serves as indentured servants on par with members of the English working class until

the passage of Slave Code by various colonies

Which European approach to colonization is most consistent with the arguments in the excerpt above?

Sending men and women to acquire land and populate settlements while having relatively hostile relationships with the native inhabitants

The author of the excerpt above was most interested in

justifying the takeover of American Indian lands

The North American colonial settlements referenced in the passage above tended to

establish like-minded, close-knit, homogeneous communities

What was the impact of the "miraculous plague" mentioned in the excerpt above?

It stimulated cultural and demographic change

Which colonial movement from the 17th and 18th centuries is best illustrated by the image above?

Protestant evangelism of the First Great Awakening

The movement illustrated in the image above

came in response to the Age of Enlightenment

One direct long-term effect of the event of the Stono Rebellion was that it

led the South Carolina planters to permanently curtail the rights of slaves to assemble with one another

Which of the following was an important precipitating factor for the Stono Rebellion?

Spain's promise of freedom for British colonists' slaves who escaped to Florida

In what way was the main ideas in the excerpt a departure from the other colonies in British North America

Pennsylvania was the first colony to tolerate all religious beliefs

Which of the following events from the colonial era is most like the ideas expressed in the excerpt from the Charter of Privileges?

The ideas of John Locke and their influence on the Enlightenment

The Virginia colonists; interactions with American Indians, as described in the excerpt, most directly contributed to which of the following?

English relations with American Indians became mostly hostile and characterized by conflict

Smith's description of the Pamunkey people's interactions with the Virginia colonists best serves as evidence of which of the following characteristics of American Indians along the Eastern Seaboard in the 1600's?

Complex societies with permanent settlements

Smith most likely wrote his account for which of the following reasons?


Smith's account of the hardships experienced in the Virginia colony most directly encouraged which of the following changes in subsequent settlements?




Which of the following most directly led to the passage of the Navigation Act of 1660

The emergence of an Atlantic economy